
Chapter 14: The Mountain pass

The next few days we stayed at the kingdom of vampires, waiting for my shoulder to heal. I found out that Viktor was indeed the prince and he was madly in love with Isla. Isla helped me cut my hair so that it grazed my waist. I still decided to keep it long. I never could have imagined a place so beautiful and full of life. Unlike in Armandale, I didn't worry about starving to death or being killed just by simply breathing. As my shoulder started to heal, Benjamin and I started to discuss are plans to travel north back to the kingdom of wolves before winter came. Finn and Clarabelle decided to stay, so it was just Benjamin and I who were making the journey to the kingdom of wolves.

"We just have to make it over the mountains, ' ' Benjamin says, pointing at the map. Lucky for us the Vampire kingdom was close to the wolf kingdom and they were said to be allies.

"Once we pass the mountains we should be fine" I say. "We have to hurry though, before winter comes."

It was August first, when we stood at the palace gate. It was a hot day, but the nights were slowly growing colder.

"Are you sure your shoulder doesn't hurt?" Isla asks me, as I pet my horse's black mane.

"It's a little sore, but we have to leave before the snow sets" I say, tightening my saddlebags.

"Well you could stay the winter, I haven't sent out a letter to the wolf kingdom yet" Isla says, as we hug.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to write to you when we get there" I reply, mounting my horse. I wore a dark green long sleeved dress, with a black cloak, and black lace up boots. My crown gleamed upon my head, as my hair blew in the late summer breeze. Benjamin mounted his horse beside me. A black sword gleamed on his belt, he just looked so handsome. My face went red just looking at him. Over the last half year together my feelings for him started to grow.

"Goodbye Ali, stay safe. I will be awaiting your letter and never be shy to come visit" Isla says, waving goodbye as Benjamin and I set off. Everyone was there waving goodbye, Finn, Clarabelle, Isla and Viktor. We didn't say much, until we hit the mountain path.

"Wow" I say, guiding my horse. The path was becoming rocky and narrow as we made our way.

"We got to be careful, or will be crow food" Benjamin says looking down the steep ravine. To one side of us was a wall of stone and to the other was a deep ravine. We rode single file on the narrow path. We didn't say much, as voices traveled far in the mountains. It was better to stay unnoticed. I rode in front, and Benjamin rode behind me. Looking up, the sun was starting to set.

"We should make camp before it gets too dark" I say.

" You're right, there's a cave up ahead. We can camp there for the night" Benjamin says, pointing up ahead.

"Okay" I say, agreeing with Benjamin. We have traveled farther than we thought that day. Sitting around a little fire, we cooked our dinner over the flames. The cave we sat in was small, as thunder rang in the distance. Warning of the coming rain. After dinner, I laid down. As the rain started pouring outside, I shivered in the cold.

"Are you okay Ali?" Benjamin asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little cold" I say, sitting up and shivering. Benjamin gets up and sits beside me putting his warm hands around me.

"Better" He says. I nodded my head, as I fell asleep in his warm embrace. Holding me, Benjamin dozed off, only to be awakened by a blood curdling growl in the distance. He instantly sets me down and gets up to look. Outside he could see in the far distance a large figure climbing the rocky wall. It looked like a grizzly bear, but it was twice the size. Slowly making its way towards the little cave. Quickly thinking Benjamin stomps out the fire, and shakes me awake.

"Ali, we got to go, quick" Benjamin says.

"Wha-t" I say, tiredly.

"Stay quiet there is something outside" Benjamin says, packing are things. "And we got to leave quickly." So I quickly got up and started stuffing my belongings into my bag.


I heard the massive bear growl close bye as it grew closer, hungry for flesh. At that moment I just wanted to close my eyes and curl up in a ball, from fear. Whatever that thing was outside, I was terrified of it. Standing there in complete terror, Benjamin grabs my hand as we run out onto the rocky path. We ran for dear life as the massive bear ran after us. I slipped several times on the slippery rocks. This wasn't good at all. I hear a growling sound in front of us. Benjamin and I both look up and stop in our tracks as another massive bear stands in front of us.

"Oh no" I say, looking at the hungry bear. It had a large scar across its face making it look even more menacing. The bear in front of us lunged forward, Benjamin grabbed me and pulled me close to try and protect me. The bear lunged for the kill when an arrow pierced it's heart, making it fall off the rocky path and into the deep ravine landing dead below. The other bear runs off into the rainy night. I hear voices yelling to each other through the rain. Opening my eyes I see a party of wolves surrounding us. They held bows in their hands.

"Are you all right?" I woman calls out to us. She had long white hair and vibrant blue eyes. Benjamin was still holding me, as I pulled my hood up. She instantly saw my crown, and bowed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Alicen Aldawolfa '' She says, everyone bows before us. I didn't know what to say. "We better get you two inside before you freeze to death" She says. I didn't expect us to have travelled so far that day. It was only a few hours walk to the kingdom of wolves. Thank god that hunting party found us, or we would have been dead on that mountain pass.