
War of Revival (8)

It happened when he was teaching Cayman. Cayman had asked what 'Awakening' was, and Chunghuh answered.

-Being awakened, is like being given sight.

-What do you mean?

-The ability to see means power itself.

Cayman didn't understand, but Jaehwan did.

Being Awakened was being allowed to see the truth of the world. Awakeners looked at the 'rating', the truth of the world, and the particles that composed the world. They knew how to read the data that Adapters could not see. It even allowed them to look at themselves in a very different way.

That was the 3rd step of being Awakened.

It basically meant freedom from bodily limitations, and to see things differently. That was why it allowed them to bring energy from the world itself to grant them infinite amounts of Spirit Power.

-You have to worry about being blinded.

Chunghuh reminded Jaehwan multiple times.

-Awakeners can see all, but sometimes it does you no good.

-What do you mean?