
War of Revival (2)

Chunghuh's understanding of Awakening wasn't that deep. All Awakeners of [Rupture] had acquired [Disassemble] as the keyword and gained [Assemble] as the 2nd keyword and reached Awakening in the end. Disassembly did not ask questions and assembly did not think. It didn't require much thinking at all. But the path that Jaehwan walked was full of thought. It constantly continued to question even after acquiring the unique world.

They stopped running after an hour. It was a rest area with an oasis. There were some merchants resting, glancing at Jaehwan and Chunghuh.

"Let's take a break here."

Jaehwan sat down by the oasis, took something out from his pocket, and threw it to Chunghuh.

"What is this?"


Jaehwan answered and ripped the jerky apart. It was the dried meat of a horned monster.

"Doesn't eating make you feel 'alive'?"