
The world after the age of chaos

In 2035, a white pillar appeared at the North Pole, which enveloped the whole world. This light endowed all beings living in it with supernatural powers. People received various powers as in science fiction films, and animals evolved into mythical monsters. The world is mired in various conflicts between people for power in the new, and animals that have evolved into monsters have become aggressive towards people. All these events can be called in one word - the Apocalypse

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In the year 2035, a huge beam of light shot out of the North Pole into the sky and covered the whole world. This caused people to gain supernatural abilities and animals to evolve. The world fell into confusion, chaos began, and after the apocalypse, the remaining people faced a difficult choice - to adapt to the new reality or simply survive.

The powers that people gained with the advent of the beam of light were varied and unique to each. Some possessed telekinesis, the ability to control matter with the power of thought, others had the ability to travel through time, still others could see and predict the future. Each possessor of their superpower became a member of one of the factions that fought for dominance in the destroyed world.

But it wasn't just humans who gained new abilities. Animals also began to change - they began to develop intelligence, became stronger and smarter. Previously peacefully coexisting with people creatures now began to bring not only benefit, but also danger. Even some previously harmless creatures became cruel predators. It seemed that nature was also preparing for a new superiority.

The entire world was in a state of chaos. The changed supernatural reality led to conflicts, schisms, and wars. Humans sought to justify their power by using their new abilities and to subjugate other humans and animals. However, not everyone was willing to use their abilities to achieve selfish goals. A resistance group, made up of people who believed that these new abilities were for the good of the world, began to fight to maintain balance and peace.

The apocalypse showed people how fragile and unpredictable the world they used to live in was. They realised that beyond their superpowers and selfishness, they needed wisdom and strength to cope with new challenges. The universal evolution that took place in the world pushed people towards self-improvement and mutual help.

Now each person has become a kind of special unit in a world where possibilities seem limitless. Despite the inherent chaos and fear, people are gradually finding approaches to coexistence with the newly evolved animals and with each other. They try to use their abilities for noble purposes, which can lead to the rebirth and development of a new harmonious civilisation capable of building a bright future on the ruins of the past.