
The World : 2099

2099 ..... Everyone wants to know how the future will look ... Let me give a hint Flying motor bike , skyscrapers , Human A.I But have you everything what will happen when the world which we want to make will become a destruction for everyone. From Global warming to pollution . This is about Rini, a girl who live in 2099 year on earth which is not only futuristic but also destructive and how will she and her team will save the earth from Robotic human and its government .

Rini_10 · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter: 4 We meet Again Baby

I woke up by the sudden alarm ring. As I walked outside on the corridor I saw my teammates were running from here to there.

"Hey what's happening, " I asked one of my members.

"Rini You have to go to the Control room it's an emergency " He Spoke will breathing heavily.

As I started running towards the control room. I know something is about to happen. As I entered I saw Alina on the computer while trying something. As suddenly she spoke.

"They are coming we need to leave as soon as possible " She spoke while her hand is working on the keyboard.


" Everyone, we have to leave right now " I shouted as everyone started leaving and suddenly.


The bots started entering our base. Now we

need a plane.

"EVERYONE EMERGENCY EXIT " I yelled so so everyone started running toward the exit and the bots started shooting. We also started firing And I immediately run toward my room to grab my guns.

I took my gun and as I pull the trigger it doesn't fire. Who can this happen maybe they hacked our all system?

I Throw my gun toward them and we all started running. As we came outside we all started our motorcycle but again it does work and suddenly we saw 2 Aeromobil flies toward us and landed in front of us. An automobile is a flying car.

Then one of the drivers gestured us to came on it. Now the problem is there are only, Two sites on each automobile that exclude the driver set And we all are Seven so I told them to get in as they get in I saw a laserbike which was coming toward me and it took a U-turn.

He removed his helmet and I acknowledged him. He was the leader of the Wolf team.

Suddenly He shouted.

"You want to die, come on fast hope on, " He said and I immediately get on his bike.

He started to increase his speed faster and faster. Now the bike was at full speed But the bots were just behind us and they were shooting laser beams.

"Hey come in front of me," He told me.

"What But Why, " I asked him and he said that his jacket is laser proof even if he got shot it will not affect him.

"If you want to die then stay there," He told me, and of course, I don't wanna die. So I started standing on the motorcycle with his support and put my left leg in front and rotate myself to sit and suddenly a beam is thrown in front of me and He pulled my hand.

Now I was sitting in the front position as my eyes were closed. As I open my eyes I saw his face. I saw that there were no bots behind us now. I lift my face to see his face.

"Hey, Can you stop now, Because I want to sit behind Not in front of you?" I told him to stop but he suddenly speeds up. I Hug him because of sudden Speed up. My Side face is on his chest.

"Hey, Why you speed up " I questioned him as I can see he was smiling under his mask.

"Because I want to, Now shut up or I will throw you " He whispered.

As I hold him more closely because I don't wanna fall, I put my face on his chest and hear his heartbeat it was calm. I started relaxing by his heartbeat.

I life my face up to saw his. He had flawless skin it looks so soft I want to touch it.

"You Can touch my face if you want but stop staring it's weird " He whispered. I stop admiring his face and put my face down.

"No, I was not staring " I lied.

"No worry you can see as much as you want because this is all your, Baby," He mumbled

But I didn't hear it. As I feel my eyes were getting heavy and I feel sleepy.

"You Can sleep" He whispered, as I Close my eyes.

********** Unknown Pov ***********

"Sir They ran away" One of the workers announced.

"I want every information about them. Find out who is their leader " I yelled and everyone flinched.

I started walking out of the control room.


Wolf Team Leader - Pov

When I got the news about under attack I told my team to get them. Now I am relaxed that she is safe under me. As I watched her she is sleeping. Beautiful as always.


I Told You We will meet again and now destiny took us together.


I open my eyes as I saw there was a small metal house on my left.

"We are here" He spoke as I managed to get down. I rubbed my eyes and follow him as he started walking towards that house.

He Types something on his phone as the door started opening in front of us. We get inside and the room was filled with metal and some woods which were looking expensive he sat down and lift the door which looks like an under the base. As an elevator came up and he gestured me to get in and we both are on an elevator and it was going down and after 2 min it stopped and the door got open. He walked out and I follow him and suddenly my eyes got wider it was a big hall with a beautiful interior.

"Everyone is already asleep so follow me to our room ." He told me to follow. As We walked in front of a capsule room and the door got open we get inside and it was so beautiful I can even see water but now I don't know but I am very tired.

"Thank you, You can go to your room," I told him.

"This is my room and you will sleep here " he spoke while he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What I will not sleep with you " I shouted and he said " I will not sleep with you because you will sleep beside me and if you don't want to sleep here then leave this place," he told me.

I sat on the bed as he went toward the bathroom and after 5 min he came out and removed his mask.

I was shocked

"You" I yelled

"Yes, baby we meet again " He smiles while walking toward me.

I moved backward and hit the wall.

" Back of Ray or I will kill you " I shouted and he came more closer till there was no gap between us.

"My Name sounds so beautiful when you spoke it, Baby " he exclaims and I look into his eyes It was not blue it was green. I missed his eyes.

"I know you missed me, Rini " he whispered near my ears.

"No, I don't I hate you with all my heart I hate you go away " I yelled in anger I cannot let him destroy my life again. I started hitting his chest to move but he didn't move an inch and now I feel like crying and tear started filling in my eyes.

I started crying. I don't want to look weak in front of him but I can't control it now and he suddenly Hug me tightly like there was no tomorrow.

"Let it out " He told me and I started crying hard.

He was rubbing my back to calm me down and I close my eyes as I fall asleep

Hey guys I hope you like it if not then plz tell me what should I improve Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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