
The World’s Strongest Drug Dealer

In a world where the international drug trade is worth billions of dollars, Draco decides that he wants a piece of that pie. Money, power, beautiful woman, private planes, Draco wants it all! Who ever said that crime doesn't pay? Draco discovers that in this world there are actually miracle drugs that can do almost anything your heart desires. These drugs can give a crippled man unparalleled strength, or give a mentally ill one superhuman intelligence. However, wouldn't it be a waste to use it on them? Draco sees his path to power, and he doesn't hesitate to take it. *-------------------------------------------------------* This is a new story I've been working on for a while now. Give it a try, you'll probably enjoy it. In this story I guarantee that there will be great storytelling, pacing, and grammar.

StickyTar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
124 Chs

The Purse

Draco was still standing in the line, and he looked at the people in front of him in amusement.

He noticed that some of the people in the line had even brought chairs or tents, so he figured they'd been waiting for a while.

Suddenly, the two glass doors in front of the line began to open, and Draco saw that the two powered guards were now holding them open.

The line began to move forward, and after a few more minutes Draco, Sada, and the Ḥāmin had eventually made it into the store.

There was only a small group of people in the room at this point, and they all seemed to know what they wanted to buy as they spread out into various directions.

The interior of the store was spacious and had a sleek, modern look. There were white marble shelves along the walls and glass cases sitting in rows in the center of the room.

In these shelves and cases were a number of different luxury items. Draco saw clothes, belts, and purses, and he even spotted watches and other jewelry.

Sada and the Ḥāmin then exchanged a glance before they both simultaneously split off and began to head in different directions.

"Draco, come with me." Sada said as she started walking towards some shelves in the corner of the store.

Draco wordlessly followed behind her, glancing at the items they passed by. Seeing the rows and rows of luxurious purses he realized that they were in the purse section of the store.

There were only a few people in this area, and Sada led him past all the shelves to a small pedestal that sat alone in the corner.

Atop the pedestal was a white purse with beautiful embroidery along its edges. Looking at it Draco could see that it was definitely some high-class item.

A plaque at the bottom of the purse read, 'Luwey Vitton purse, Angel edition', and Draco figured that since it didn't even have a price listed it was surely ridiculously expensive.

Sada began to walk straight towards the expensive looking purse, but to her dismay, someone had reached the purse first.

She watched with solemn eyes as a man picked up the purse, and she eventually decided to approach the man with solid footsteps.

"Hello, sir." she said, "May I ask if you intend to buy that?" she asked innocently.

The man turned to look at Sada, and Draco saw that he looked like your typical British snob. The man wore round reading glasses and was dressed in gray slacks and a blazer that showed off his portly belly.

The man snorted, "Of course I intend to buy this, you simpleton. Why else would I have picked something like this up?" he said in a snobby British accent.

Sada's eye twitched and although the man couldn't see it, under her robes she wore a murderous expression.

"Surely we can work something out. My mistress greatly needs this purse, and you will be compensated greatly if you let me purchase it." she said, trying to keep the venom out of her voice.

The man just rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Do you take me for a fool? I'm buying this for my wife, and this is a limited-edition item. There are only a few of these in the entire world, so you can forget about me giving it to you."

"Just name a price, good sir." Sada with gritted teeth.

However, the man just began to walk off, "Forget about it." he said, continuing to walk towards the register.

Sada began to walk off after the man, but Draco reached out to grab her before she could do something rash. After grabbing her arm though, Draco was surprised by the strength hidden under Sada's brown robes.

'Don't tell me Sada is also powered..' Draco thought in surprise.

When he thought about it though, it made sense. After all, Sada has been serving Amira for most of her life, so it was only natural for her to be powered in some way.

Sada turned to look at him, "What?" she asked, and Draco almost let go of her when he saw the venomous look in her eyes.

"Calm down, Sada." he said gently, "Use your head, it makes no sense to go after him right now."

Hearing this, Sada seemed to snap out of it, and Draco let her go.

"So what do you suggest we do then, just let him get away with what should rightfully belong to the princess?" she asked, annoyed.

Draco shook his head, "Of course not, I'm just suggesting we try another approach. Think about it, once he leaves, won't he be alone? If we play our cards right we can still get that purse, but for free."

Sada seemed to pick up on what he was saying, and she nodded her head in enlightenment, "You're right!" she said, excitement flashing through her eyes.

"We'll ambush him once he leaves while the Ḥāmin stays here to finish our purchases." she said, eyeing the snobby man as he purchased the white purse.

Soon the man was walking back out of the store, and Draco and Sada nonchalantly followed him.

They made sure to keep several feet of distance, and they continued to follow him all the way down the street and into a nearby parking complex.

Inside the parking complex the man got into an elevator and headed towards the third floor. Seeing this, Draco and Sada both sprinted up the stairs to beat him to the floor.

Seeing how Sada was almost keeping up with his super-powered sprint, Draco became certain that she was powered in some way, but he said nothing as he reached the top of the floor and saw the elevator doors begin to open.

The man got out of the elevator and was surprised to see the two robed individuals calmly standing in front of him.

The man stepped back in shock, and eyed the two of them cautiously, "The hell is this? What do you two want?" he asked, slowly stepping back towards the elevator.

However, the man stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Draco pull out a small SMG from his robes and point it at him.

Flicking off the safety of his MP7, Draco aimed it at the man's head.

"It'd be best if you stopped right there." Draco said.

The man shuddered in fear and quickly raised his hands, dropping the Luwey Vitton bag onto the floor of the parking lot.

"Easy! Watch the bag!" Sada shouted out in anger after seeing the man treat the purse so roughly.

The man was terrified and jumped in shock when he heard Sada. "Stop, stop! Don't shoot!" he yelled out.

"I can do that." Draco laughed as he began to walk towards the man, "As long as you hand over the purse."

"O-of course! T-take it! There's no way it's worth dying over." the man sputtered out, backing away from the bag.

Draco smiled lightly as he reached down to pick up the bag, however, just when he was about to grab the bag, he felt a familiar sensation.

It brought him back to the time he had spent in the Immortality Chamber, for the sensation reminded him of his blind spot being attacked.

If Draco was still the man he was a week ago his head would have surely been cut clean from his neck.

Fortunately, his recent transformation allowed him to sense an attack coming towards his neck, which allowed him enough time to quickly roll to the side.

Sada watched in shock as Draco dodged a sword strike by no more than a hair's length, and she stared at the figure who was now standing in front of the snobby man with trepidation.

The man was radiating with power, and his aura radiated with an intensity that was comparable to the Ḥāmin.

He had attractive features and looked like he could be some rich young master if they were still living in the 1960s.

He was wearing a black tuxedo, in his right hand was a silver cane and in his left was a sheath.

To Draco's interest, half of the cane seemed to be a sword, and the man held it up as he pointed it towards Draco.

"Oh? You're still alive?" the man asked in a high-class British accent.

Sada took a cautious step back, "Who the hell are you?" she asked as she entered a fighting stance.

"Me? No, my dear. The question is who are yo-" the man began to say, but he was interrupted by the sound of gunfire.

When the man moved to look at Sada, Draco had jumped up towards the ceiling in a flash of white light.

With his robes fluttering around him, Draco began spraying his MP7 towards the man, who was caught completely unaware by his sudden assault.

However, Draco was surprised to see that the man was still able to react to his attack.

With several lightning-fast movements of his cane the man deflected over a dozen bullets, sending them flying across the room.

Unfortunately for Draco though, before the man could be overwhelmed by the gunfire, he suddenly stomped his foot and disappeared from his spot.

When Draco heard his MP7 click empty, he looked in front of him to see that the man was gone, and he saw that only the snobby man was now in front of him.

Belatedly, as he landed on the ground, Draco realized what he had done.

Looking at the snobby man who was now riddled with twenty different holes, Draco clicked his tongue in annoyance.

The snobby man looked like a piece of bloody Swiss cheese, and Draco knew that the man was long gone when he saw the blood flowing from the many holes in his body.

Looking around, he saw that his attacker had reappeared a short distance away and was now looking at Draco in annoyance.

"That was quite rude." he said.

"I guess we're even then." Draco replied.

The man smirked, "Well, that confirms my suspicions at least." he said.

"You were at a nightclub last night, weren't you?" the man suddenly asked.