
The World’s Strongest Drug Dealer

In a world where the international drug trade is worth billions of dollars, Draco decides that he wants a piece of that pie. Money, power, beautiful woman, private planes, Draco wants it all! Who ever said that crime doesn't pay? Draco discovers that in this world there are actually miracle drugs that can do almost anything your heart desires. These drugs can give a crippled man unparalleled strength, or give a mentally ill one superhuman intelligence. However, wouldn't it be a waste to use it on them? Draco sees his path to power, and he doesn't hesitate to take it. *-------------------------------------------------------* This is a new story I've been working on for a while now. Give it a try, you'll probably enjoy it. In this story I guarantee that there will be great storytelling, pacing, and grammar.

StickyTar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
124 Chs


As Draco was walking towards the door with the two cute girls in tow, he was suddenly blocked by two bouncers.

"Hey lad! Stop!" one of the bouncers said, seeing that Draco was being chased by four other bouncers.

"Draco! This is bad!" Rebecca shouted out.

Unfortunately for the bouncer though, Draco had no intention of stopping and letting the other bouncers catch up with him.

Without slowing down, Draco simply sent a lazy kick towards the first bouncer and sent him flying straight out of the door.

Seeing how the first bouncer had got sent flying so easily by someone with both hands occupied, the second bouncer quickly stepped aside. Unlike his friends, this man knew not to fight unwinnable battles.

Draco didn't wait for the guard to change his mind and stumbled out of the doorway.

He was finding it hard to control his movements due to his drunken state, and was honestly surprised he hadn't accidentally killed the bouncer with his earlier kick.

Nevertheless, seeing how the bouncer was merely unconscious on the sidewalk, Draco decided to make his great escape.

The people standing in line at the club watched all of this with shock.

First, they saw the huge bouncer get sent flying through the doorway, only stopping when he had traveled several feet.

Next, they saw a strangely-dressed man walk through behind him, with two girls holding his hands.

The surprises didn't end there though, as they all saw Draco pick up both girls in a fireman's carry, and then jump!

Numerous people's jaws went slack as they watched Draco go flying into the air, easily dozens of feet high, and land on a rooftop next to the club.

Shortly after Draco had disappeared onto the rooftop, five bouncers came rushing through the doorway. They looked around frantically for Draco, but when they couldn't find him they decided to ask the people in the line.

However, strange expressions could be seen on the faces of the bouncers when they heard their answers.

All five of the bouncers looked towards the roof Draco had apparently escaped on with disbelief written on their features.

While the bouncers were busy standing around, Draco was now speeding off across the rooftops with Rebecca and Emma hung over his shoulders.

This was the first time Draco had ever actually done something so wild. In fact, when Draco landed on the roof he had almost dropped the two girls because he wasn't yet used to moving his body in this way.

To add onto Draco's unfamiliarity with his powers, he was also drunk!

The progenitor blood in his body was rapidly integrating with the alcohol inside it, which meant that it was being absorbed at a much faster rate.

As a result, although Draco would remain drunk for far less time, the effects of the alcohol in his blood would be much more pronounced.

As Draco was clumsily speeding across the rooftops, he heard Rebecca's terrified voice.

"Draco, what the hell is going on! Who are you?!" she asked, unable to move more than her head.

Emma was just stunned silent and was unable to even say anything as they moved across the roofs. She even wondered for a moment if she and her friend were about to die.

Draco laughed, "I'm just some random drug dealing monk, don't think too hard about it." he said.

"The f*ck does that mean?!" Rebecca replied, clearly not convinced.

Draco shook his head as he continued to run, "Don't worry about it. I'll tell you more when we get to where we're going."

Rebecca clearly looked like she wanted to say something, but instead she just nodded her head, "Okay, you better." she said before falling silent.

She was still scared by the recent events and didn't understand who Draco really was, but she figured that if he wanted to hurt her he would have already.

Like this, the three continued to silently move through the night


Ten minutes later, Draco and the three girls had arrived on a rooftop across from his hotel.

Draco dropped down from the rooftop into an alley below, cracking the pavement with the strength of his fall.

He had to stumble to catch the girls as he had almost dropped them in the process, but then slowly let them down.

Looking at the two girls, Draco noticed that they were now staring at him with complicated emotions on their faces.

Emma was the first one to speak this time, "Holy hell! Are you a f*cking superhero or something?"

However, before Draco could say anything Rebecca said, "Are you kidding? There's no way this guy's a superhero. Did you forget that he's literally a drug dealer?"

Hearing her, Draco smiled wryly, "It's true, I'm certainly no superhero."

"Then who the hell are you?" Rebecca asked, not sure if she could even trust anything this strange man said.

"Truthfully, I am employed by some very powerful people. For both your safety and my own, it's probably better if you don't know." Draco said after a while.

Rebecca nodded her head hesitantly, "I suppose you're right. I don't want to get involved in whatever this is." she then looked around, "Where are we though?"

Draco chuckled, "We're actually outside of my hotel, this is the only place I could think to take you two."

"I see." Rebecca said before falling silent.

Draco continued, a small smile now forming on his lips, "You know, it's not like we have to end the night here."

Rebecca was conflicted hearing this. She understood the implication in Draco's words, and it's not like she didn't want to, it's just that she didn't know if she should.

To her it didn't matter if Draco was cute, after all, he was also a drug dealer who was clearly dangerous. She simply didn't know if it was worth taking the risk of following him back into his hotel room.

However, while Rebecca was having this internal debate, Emma's light voice could be heard off to the side.

"Rebecca, who cares if he's dangerous! He's so cute, plus, he can fly! Isn't that just super cool?" Emma said, seemingly knowing what Rebecca was thinking.

Hearing this, Draco didn't bother correcting her as he just looked at the two with a slight smile on his lips.

Eventually, Rebecca sighed. She shook her head, a smile having found its way onto her own lips. "It is pretty cool." she said after a long moment.

She continued, "And it's not like we're ever going to get a chance like this again."

When Draco heard this, his smile widened.


Sliding his room key into his door, Draco opened the door into his room.

Seeing the interior of the room, both girls let out gasps, their surprise apparent.

"You have a room this big?" Emma asked, excited.

"The only thing bigger than the bed is the room itself." Draco laughed.

When Rebecca and Emma looked towards the bed, they saw that he was telling the truth.

They both looked at the large bed in shock, for it could easily fit 7 people in it side by side.

Rebecca then turned to look at Draco, a seductive glint in her eyes, "I wonder if that's the only big thing in the room."

Hearing this, Draco smiled and leaned in close to Rebecca's face. Her face was now mere centimeters away from his own, and their breaths were beating against each other.

"I wonder." Draco said before slowly moving his lips towards Rebecca's.

Rebecca didn't resist Draco's advances, and instead wrapped her arms around his waist as their lips embraced. She felt Draco's strong arms grab her own waist, and she swooned feeling his tender lips press against her own.

Emma watched all of this with a pout on her pretty face.

She walked up behind Draco and wrapped her arms around his chest. Leaning close to his ear, she whispered, "Not fair. Don't forget about me."

Hearing this, Draco broke the kiss with Rebecca and smirked, "I would never."

He then reached out to pick both girls up in another fireman's carry. The girls let out a shout of surprise and then giggled.

"Draco, you've got to stop doing that." Rebecca said as she saw that she was being carried towards the bed.

"No promises." Draco chuckled, dropping both girls onto the massive bed.