
The Woodsman

It was said that the Woodsman was once a human, but a dark curse had twisted him into a monstrous creature that fed on the flesh of children. No one knew how many innocent lives had been taken by the Woodsman, but one thing was certain: those who ventured too deep into the woods, never returned.

TylerValentine · Horror
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1 Chs

Legend of the Woodsman

Deep in the heart of the Darkwood Forest, there lurked a being so terrifying and grotesque, that even the bravest of men trembled at the mere mention of its name. The Woodsman. The Darkwood Forest was a vast and ancient woodland, with twisted and gnarled trees that seemed to reach up to the sky, blocking out the sun and casting the forest floor in an eternal state of darkness. The trees were so thick and overgrown, that it was said that no man had ever seen the end of the forest. The forest was also known for its eerie silence, as if the very trees were holding their breath in fear of the Woodsman. The forest floor was covered in a thick layer of moss, giving the forest a marshy and damp feel, that made it hard to walk on. The air was thick with the smell of decay and rot, and the wind carried the screams of the Woodsman's victims on its cold breath. The forest was alive with the whispers of the spirits of the children who had been taken by the Woodsman, haunting the forest floor and making it hard to sleep. The forest was also known for its misty fog that covered the forest at night, making it hard to see in front of you and giving the forest a mysterious and ghostly feel. It's a place where only the bravest dared to venture, and even then, not many came back.

The legend of the Woodsman was one of the most terrifying and gruesome stories passed down through the generations. It was said that he was once a human, a hunter named Jack who had lived in the small village that bordered the Darkwood Forest. Jack had been a cruel and ruthless man, who took pleasure in the suffering of others, especially children. He would lure them into the forest under the pretense of showing them a new hunting spot, and then brutally murder them.

One day, a group of parents from the village banded together and confronted Jack about their missing children. In a fit of rage, Jack killed them all, and fled into the Darkwood Forest, thinking he would be safe there. But little did he know, the forest was home to a powerful witch who had been watching him and his actions. She put a curse on him, twisting him into a monstrous creature that fed on the flesh of children. His body twisted and contorted into a twisted, grotesque creature, with razor-sharp teeth, and a twisted, inhuman face.Since then, the Woodsman has roamed the Darkwood Forest, preying on unsuspecting children and anyone who dared to venture too deep into the woods. It's said that his victims' screams can still be heard echoing through the forest at night. The villagers started to avoid the forest, but the Woodsman continued to take more and more lives, and the legend of the Woodsman began to spread far and wide, warning people to stay away from the Darkwood Forest and it's cursed inhabitant.

No one knows for sure how many innocent lives have been taken by the Woodsman, but it's said that the number is in the hundreds. Some say that the Woodsman's curse is eternal, and that he will continue to roam the Darkwood Forest, taking the lives of innocent children for all eternity.

Timmy was a young boy of 8 years old, with bright blue eyes and a wide smile that could light up a room. He was a curious and adventurous child, always eager to explore and discover new things. However, Timmy's life had not been easy. His mother, Sarah, had died of cancer when he was just a baby, leaving his father, John, to raise him by himself.

John had been devastated by the loss of his wife, and it had taken him a long time to come to terms with her death. He poured all of his love and energy into raising Timmy, determined to give him the childhood that he deserved. Despite the sadness that surrounded him, Timmy was a happy and well-adjusted child, who loved nothing more than playing with his friends and exploring the woods near their home.

Timmy was a bright and curious child, always asking questions and eager to learn. He had a deep love for nature and animals, and would often bring home stray animals he would find in the woods, his father would always have to find a way to take care of them. He had a big heart, and would often help his friends and classmates with their problems.

His father was always proud of him, and they had a close relationship, John would always tell him stories of his mother, and how much she loved him, and how proud of him she would be if she was still here. Timmy would often look at the pictures of his mother and imagine how it would be if she was still here.

The day of Timmy's disappearance began like any other. John had woken up early, as usual, to make breakfast for Timmy before he went to school. The two of them sat at the kitchen table, eating toast and jam, and chatting about Timmy's plans for the day.

"Are you going to play with your friends after school today, buddy?" John asked, ruffling Timmy's hair affectionately.

"Yeah, we're gonna go explore the woods again," Timmy replied, his eyes shining with excitement.

John's heart sank at the mention of the woods. He had always been afraid of Timmy going into the Darkwood Forest, knowing the danger that lurked there. But he didn't want to stifle Timmy's sense of adventure, and he knew that the boy loved nothing more than exploring the woods with his friends.

"Be careful, okay? And stay on the paths, don't go too deep into the woods," John said, trying to sound casual.

"I will, Dad. I promise," Timmy replied, giving him a reassuring smile.

John walked Timmy to school and gave him a big hug and kiss before he went inside, and headed back home.

Later that day, Timmy and his friends set out into the woods, eager to explore and discover new things. They had been playing and exploring for hours, when they heard a strange noise coming from deeper in the woods. Being curious, they decided to investigate. They walked deeper into the woods, following the sound, and soon they found themselves at the entrance of a cave.

The cave was dark and damp, and the air was thick with the smell of rotting flesh. The friends were hesitant to enter, but Timmy, being the most adventurous, decided to go in first. Once he entered, he never came back out, his friends ran back to the village to tell John and the villagers what had happened.

John, along with a group of villagers, set out into the Darkwood Forest to search for Timmy, their hearts heavy with fear and worry. They searched for hours, calling out Timmy's name, but there was no answer. As the sun began to set, they reluctantly headed back to the village, empty-handed and with heavy hearts.

John couldn't bear the thought of losing his son, and he knew that he would not rest until he had found Timmy. He set out into the Darkwood Forest alone, determined to find his son and bring him home safe.