
To the Streets of Brooklyn

The feeling of just "flying" through the air never gets old. Passing the city's skyline with incredible speed just beats the purpose of walking or taking some kind of land vehicle any day.

"Hey Aidia, what speed am I clocking in at?"

[You are currently traveling at the speed of

150 mph and expected to arrive at Brooklyn within four minutes and eight seconds.]

"Okay thanks."

Seems about right but I know I can travel up to

200 mph in one-minute bursts. I still have a long ways to go to match up with mom and dad or even our top-tier guards.

My parents could easily double my current speed without even trying sadly. They also reminded me with continuous training of your body and powers, it can strengthen yourself.

Explains why there's still royal guards whom are stronger than me. Even though they were born weaker from the start and were limited to the basic powers of our race, they have worked hard to achieve the position they are at today.

I can feel myself stuck at this bottleneck on letting my powers grow. Father told me that I haven't truly experienced a situation to bring forth all my strength, which in return I am stuck in this position.

Ugh it's frustrating that I am still stuck at a base level. By the looks of it I don't look much different from the people here Earth besides a pair of sharp fangs.

Back home everyone showcases their fangs, as it's our notable trait and plus the glow of eyes when we use our powers.

Yet, the royal bloodline of Roja makes our bodies transform to a resemblance of a human like spider as we grow stronger. Mom and dad have experienced some of these changes but don't show them off.

I asked them once why they don't showcase to the world of their body changes, they ended telling me it's more of a battle form anyways. I found it reasonable and ended up asking them if they could show me their different form so far. They made excuse that it would tear up their designer wear and that it's my own cause to figure it out and blah blah blah.

One of these days I'll experience a change, for today I'll continue to live in the dark of not knowing like everyone else.

On the side note, I wonder why the goddess Roja made Arachpid's people to resemble humans so much? I guess it would make more sense than being giant spiders and acting less civilized and technologically advance.

Will just end up becoming weird beings like the green globs a planet over, who like to eat waste. At least they serve a good purpose of taking care of planets' dump.

[Morgan watch your surroundings. You're about to make head collision with a billboard in point three meters.]

"Oh not good!" Leave it to the king of side thoughts to get into a sticky situation.

My body quickly shifted into a forward tucked roll to make my way underneath the billboard. I reflexively jumped from the roll to continue my forward momentum.

"Phew that was a close call." It's never easy getting lost in my thoughts.

[Morgan you appear to be pulling up to the Brooklyn Bridge. I advise you to stay high atop on the bridge or below underneath the bridge, to avoid unwanted attention.]

"Thanks for the advice Aidia, I'll take it into consideration."

Going above will be to flashy. I'd have to shoot my webs over a longer distance compared going below the bridge. Best plan of route is to continue my run underneath and swing over to get across each support pillar of the bridge.

As I closed in on the bridge, I stopped myself and perched up on a building to admire the view from where I was at.

Earth may be nothing much back home, but the way the bridge is lit up and the lights reflecting on the water is truly beautiful thing to view.

Nights are truly where I can be at peace. Well crossing that bridge will get me into Brooklyn at last. I need a shower and some rest when I get into my new place, so I can reciprocate myself.

"Time to go." I make my way to the bridge and it wasn't really too necessary to try avoid the public's eye, as it's 11 at night and it's mostly cars going across the bridge.

I neared myself to the edge of bridge and crawled down and made sure no one was looking. Then continued my way across the bridge to Brooklyn.

"Hey Aidia where to my living space?"

[Continue south of Downtown Brooklyn to reach your new apartment.]

"Alright." I ran across the tops of buildings to reach my apartment complex.

"Upper Clouds Estates," as I read off the building name. From appearance wise it looks like a upper class residence.

"Aidia, what floor number will I be staying on?"

[Floor ten of ten floors. Floor ten is a whole suite for you to stay on and is equipped with your own private elevator.]

"How many residents occupy each floor?"

[Floor one is the basement parking garage, floor two is the common lobby, and floors three through nine contain two suites with families accompanying each suite.]

"Phew." I thought my parents would do something stupid and buy out the whole building. That'll be hard to explain if someone finds that each floor is unoccupied besides my floor. With this I can pass off as some wealthy foreign young master.

"Aidia, find the cost of each suite." I wonder how much my parents spend on my new apartment.

[Each suite is valued at 1.5 million US dollars each, besides yours, costing 3 million US dollars.]

As I figured these rooms are for luxury living and for the higher class citizens. How could my parents buy this room without having the standardize money for purchase?

"Aidia, has the Universal Money Converter also added Earthlings' ways of payment?"

[Your parents recently reached out to your homeland inventors to incorporate the Earthlings' method of payment to help support your funding.]

That explains how I'm cost of living is going to be covered. Our planet being part of the converter creation process has it's perks. Now I don't have to worry about the necessities to survive on this planet.

Anyways it's time for me to head on in through the front doors. Let's hope there's someone who's able to give me a key at this time of hour. There should at least be a security guard. Right?

Our hero has finally arrived at last. Next chapter Morgan will explore a bit of Brooklyn and find out what his parents want him to do during his stay on Earth. I know the story has a slow build up so far but I’m trying to cover all reasonings on Morgan’s stay and such, but hopefully soon Morgan can interact with other characters besides his ED device. Until next time, bye!

ikANTWRiTecreators' thoughts