
The Woman Of My Dreams

Memories of past may fade but they are good until they don't interfere with our present. One day Angela starts to experience a chain of nightmares of a unknown woman. Is this woman linked to her past? Does she know her? Or there is something more occult to it?

Ascarisa · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 13- Curtains on Past

I was unable to understand anything but his words surely spoke for that girl explaining me that

he was greatly related to her and this made me sure that I can gather a lot of information from

him. But I think that winds were not in my favor, Eugene hated me for some reason and I could

not find out why. I never offended him in one way or another and it was my first time meeting

him a day before. Rather he could tackle spirits so he was a useful element for me for some

time being. But how he could do so many things was still a mystery. He is indeed a mysterious


He walked out of the mansion is great deal of anger and frustration which I could not explain but

it was surely for me. Well I could just stand there going nothing. Mr. Collin followed him but

couldn't get him back so he returned with a down face which was hiding sorrow within. I wanted

to ask him more about it but he just wanted me to go back to guest room and stay there for a

while, until I am called downstairs by him.

It was boring in that lonely room. Though I live alone but I have never felt so lonely, so vacant

before. I wish if I could deal with this matter. I walked out of the room and walked in the corridor

upstairs. I didn't notice it before but each room had a cross on the door. Maybe this is the

reason that I did not have any nightmares last night. I wonder why there are so many cross.

There was still a door with no cross over it I wished to look into it but I am just wandering around

someone's residence without permission.

I didn't want to offend anyone anymore so I just walked back to guest room. When I was in my

room, I felt some burning smell coming from the ceiling I went downstairs and asked a maid

about it.

When Mr. Collin saw me present downstairs got really angry and said, "What are you doing

here, Miss Oliver? I told you not to come downstairs until called so why are you here? Why

didn't you follow what I said?" I was dump folded. I couldn't explain him anything and before I

could say anything to support me, the maid supported me by saying, "Sir, Miss Oliver said that

she smelled a burning odor from the ceiling of her room so she came downstairs to ask about


I thought that Mr. Collin would not believe me but he responded, "Burning odor? How is that

possible?" He went straight to guest room and checked it out, odor had still not gone. He wore a

poker face to the situation and went upstairs, on the 2nd level of the building. It was strange

upstairs as there was no room with holy cross over its door.

I think that he opened a room which was just above the guest room, precisely a store room and

walked around it. The odor got stronger as we entered the room. It was few and far between that

nothing was burning in the room.

The maid passed across me, I could see her eyes turn dark black and face turn satanic when

she entered the room. She was hiding a broad kitchen knife behind her and she stood behind

Mr. Collin. I panicked as she gave me a wicked smirk. I rushed to Mr. Collin when she raised her

hand to stab him from behind. I pushed Mr. Collin to a corner but she didn't stop. I felt a stinging

pain in my heart which was so noxious that it totally consumed me in the bottomless sea of

immense agony, making my body petrified with each drop of blood gushing out of my body.

The maid still didn't sojourned rather followed Mr. Collin as he rushed down stairs. I tried to stop

her so while lying on ground I could not do mush but grab her feet to restrict her movement

beyond a limit. She stabbed my hand but I didn't open my hands and continued to bind her with

my hands. She was struggling so hard to get herself free of me but her all actions were futile

rather she fell down and maybe broke her nose that she bleed from her nostrils and soon fell


I somehow managed myself down to the ground floor to check on Mr. Collin who was standing

near the staircase wearing a panicked face. I called him out, "Mr. Collin? Are you alright? I can't

breathe. I am drained out of blood. Please call the ambulance, Mr. Collin." My voice shivered as

I tried to reach him. He saw me when I was about to slip from the stairs. "Miss Oliver, oh my

god, look at you. Jesus, if it weren't you Miss. Oliver, I might be dead right now." I couldn't hear

his voice. It was slightly vague. Last thing I heard him shouting before I fell off the stairs was

"Lady, behind you there is that evil spirit." Before I could look back, I felt a great force from my

back which pushed me and the next moment, before I could understand anything, I felt a sharp

twinge on my head that I could feel that red blood spread all on the floor and after that there was

nothing that I could feel anymore.