

"Whoa! That was unexpected...can you handle it?" He had his doubts about the woman wanting to pleasure his manhood just by her mouth. "I don't know but I want to be in control.." She snubbed him. Without warning, she grabbed the base of his length and guided the rest of it into her mouth. She took her tongue and traced from the base of his cock to the tip gently, drawing circles around the head over and over again. "Ahh...ahh...this is incredible. So much good." He could barely contain himself, with all types of moans and half spoken profanity came out of his mouth. ----- A fragile billionaire, Shark Griffins found himself in the arms of a sweet ailing woman. A death warrant was waiting for her and she hadn't yet finished her bucket list. Yara needed someone to watch over her and Shark, a hopeless romantic hunk guy knew how to make every moment in her terminal phase count. However, someone was laid on the graveyard at her expense, someone Shark knew for his entire life. The truth was bound to come out, would he forgive himself? What will happen when Yara's body starts to give way, would he be too late? Oops! Mature content. Please read under the duvet. MUCH LOVE BOOK 2 THE WOMAN HE TAMED TO LOVE

Pinky_Julie · Urban
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70 Chs

One more kiss in the rain

"What about your first kiss?" She suddenly asked him.

"With Olivia, she was a sweet and kind girl. Kissing her on the rain, I thought we'd have a happy ever after. Just a year and she left me all alone. I was lost without her and her death made me numb for years." Shark's mind strayed into wonderland. He could still remember her beautiful face, her sickness and how he visited her grave with a bouquet of flowers, replacing the withered roses with fresh ones.

"She left me with a scar that took me time to heal. She was my first love." He sighed deeply after opening up to her.

"Tragic I guess. Life has given you a second chance at love." Yara didn't quite know what to tell him to make him feel better. She wasn't there to know how it must have felt to lose his loved one. She definitely couldn't fit in his shoes to comprehend the latter's pain he did feel over Olivia's agonizing death.

"Right....life has blessed me with you. I can't take this opportunity for granted. When Shark loves, he loves completely, truly and honestly."

He nudged his nose against hers and she closed her eyes and he too did. She could feel his steady heartbeat and he too could feel her heart pounding rapidly.

"It's us against the world." He whispered.

"Mmh." She mumbled.

"You're the one who makes my heart race faster than the speed of light.... you'll always be in my heart. Always the one that waits for me in my dreams." His sweet voice swept her off and she was hooked.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew leaving them sizzling. Then a torrential downpour followed and instead of running back to the house, they embraced themselves in the rain.

"It's finally happening, this is the romantic rain. Kiss me if you don't mind." She giggled.

"You know I don't mind at all." Shark gasped.

The rain crashed down, thick drops pounded like their hearts as they looked into each other's eyes. She was beautiful, more beautiful than the storm surrounding them. Her eyes caught his and he couldn't bring himself to look away. They smiled, captivated by each other's presence.

"The kiss can wait, I just want to admire you... absorb your beauty. The rain makes you look even more cuter." Shark marveled.

"Never has a moment been so perfect, never have two lovers shared such an amazing scene." Yara got closer, her adrenaline started to pump.The thunder roared in tune with the beating of their hearts. They embraced each other, wet from head to toe, yet neither of them minded at all.

"Nothing matters at this moment, nothing except me and you." Shark said.

The clouds thickened and the sky grew dark, flashes of lightning shined against her pretty face. They both shared tears of joy as they closed the distance, the tears impossible to see amongst the rain, but they knew they were there. She could feel his breath hot on her neck as he moved to her lips. They kissed as the lightning cracked and the thunder rolled, with rain running over their lips. It was the greatest moment in her life, her love for him had never been stronger. She wished it could never end, she wanted it to last forever. After kissing for long, she realized what they already knew, he was the one for her and she was the one for him.

No one else could make him feel like that ever. He wanted to have her every day.

"You tell me you want me forever, but that's not long enough. We will be together after our time has ended, in a place where we can experience this, every day. I promise it's true, I promise to stay, just give me one more kiss in the rain." Shark requested her and she looked into his eyes full of yearning. Their eyes interlocked for a brief moment and she leaned in to kiss him. And the rain made a kind of curtain, which was probably for the best. Her hands on his shoulders and she tried to keep breathing. All she could see were Shark's lips which fell gently open the moment she leaned in to kiss him. She couldn't even describe it...it was stillness... pressure... rhythm and breathing. They couldn't figure out their noses first but when they did, she realized her eyes were still open. And so she shut them.

Shark's fingertips grazed her nape in constant quiet motion. He paused for a moment and her eyes fluttered open smiling as he smiled back. He caved in again and kissed her, sweet and feather-soft, almost too perfect. She loved it and before she knew it, the rain stopped and so did he pull away as if loathed to do so.

"I wish it could rain everyday..."

"And make love in the rain...so fantastic." He licked his lips dry.

"Grandpa must have been wondering where we went.... it's dinner time." Yara said.

"Let's get back and have a change of clothes." He emphasized as he pried on her chest.