

"Whoa! That was unexpected...can you handle it?" He had his doubts about the woman wanting to pleasure his manhood just by her mouth. "I don't know but I want to be in control.." She snubbed him. Without warning, she grabbed the base of his length and guided the rest of it into her mouth. She took her tongue and traced from the base of his cock to the tip gently, drawing circles around the head over and over again. "Ahh...ahh...this is incredible. So much good." He could barely contain himself, with all types of moans and half spoken profanity came out of his mouth. ----- A fragile billionaire, Shark Griffins found himself in the arms of a sweet ailing woman. A death warrant was waiting for her and she hadn't yet finished her bucket list. Yara needed someone to watch over her and Shark, a hopeless romantic hunk guy knew how to make every moment in her terminal phase count. However, someone was laid on the graveyard at her expense, someone Shark knew for his entire life. The truth was bound to come out, would he forgive himself? What will happen when Yara's body starts to give way, would he be too late? Oops! Mature content. Please read under the duvet. MUCH LOVE BOOK 2 THE WOMAN HE TAMED TO LOVE

Pinky_Julie · Urban
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70 Chs

I love you

Yara wore her nightgown and climbed into the large bed. She had earlier ate her food alone in the dining room without Shark caring to join her. She waited for him to walk into the room and perhaps slip into the quilt and cuddle her the whole night but the more she waited, the more she felt he couldn't come back. Getting bored, she searched for the Notebook movie in her phone and tapped to watch. She now wished she could've left with her grandfather when she had the chance. Dr. Matt had warned her about sleeping late but how was she supposed to sleep when Shark wasn't coming? Was he angry with her?

The latter who was stuck in his study sorting some documents had no idea how his absence and silence was torturing her. He arranged the documents and stuffed them in a briefcase then got engrossed in his laptop. His cell phone pinged and there was a message from Mayor Parker.

[An invite to Parker's Auction Event]

Shark put down his phone since he wasn't concerned about the Parker family. Ever since he found out that the Mayor had embezzled public funds, he was not going to be friendly anymore. He knew the latter was up to something which he was yet to find out about it. He leaned back on the swivel chair and the ticking of the clock jolted him up from the chair. It was already midnight and he hadn't thought of Yara.

He tiptoed to his room thinking that she must have slept waiting for him. However, upon unlocking the door, he was met by a pair of eyes that were fully awake.

"I believe your doctor told you not to stay up late." He irked his brows irritatingly. He couldn't believe the poor woman had waited for him all that while without putting her health into consideration.

"Do you care that much huh?" Yara was angered by the fact that he was acting all casual.

"You have an early appointment with Matt first thing tomorrow morning. Get some sleep, will you?'' He took two pillows from the bed and placed them on the chaise lounge.

"Do you pity me?"

"What are you talking about?" Shark was stunned by her sudden question.

"I remember everything from yesterday night. It's quite ironic, don't you think? We slept together last night and now, you're moving to the couch. Do I have bugs in my body?" Yara fought back her tears. Shark stopped midway and closed his eyes not to get sentimental by the fact that she was going to cry yet another time.

"It's always gonna be like this, with you crying whenever you're with me but all happy with everybody else. What do you think I feel?" He regained his composure and turned around to face her.

"I cry because I know you're always there to soothe me. I'm so comfy in your embrace Shark. I want you to be the only man to see how weak I am because you won't judge me." Yara drew closer to him.

"I know but I want you to accept me in your life. I want to be the only man that can make you smile despite everything. Promise me you'll always smile no matter what happens." Shark pulled her closer to his torso and searched for her eyes.

"Promise." She muttered happily and placed her head on his chest. Shark caressed her hair gently and showered it with lots of kisses saying, 'I love you Yara. I want you to never forget that."

"Mmh." She mumbled.

"Now let's get to bed." He carries her in his arms and in an effort to place her down on the bed, he ends up falling down with her.

"Whoa! What are you trying to do?" Yara asked him amusedly.

"Nothing, I didn't know you had added some weight. I haven't fed you yet." He said jokingly to her.

"Well, you had Grasha throw away the food you made for me earlier."

"I was so angry and I knew you couldn't even have a taste of my cooking. But from tomorrow, I'll make sure to feed you until you grow fat." He teased her.

"So, you prefer plumpy ladies?"

"No, I like the one I feed and see her flourishing. It makes me want you even more." He leaned closer and brushed his nose with hers.

"Get off me you dummy." She giggles.

"I don't think you want me to..."

"I'm serious," she tries hard not to laugh.

"Ouch! That hurts. Are you sure you want me to stop?" Shark slips his hand into her thighs.

"Ah, ye-yeah..." Her voice trailed off as Shark invaded her inner thighs making her gasp in pleasure.

"I feel like crushing inside you. I still feel my length brushing your cup, skin to skin, those gentle strokes.....and you coming for me. You're so amazing." Shark licked her earlobes and she flinched.

"You leave me breathless." He heaves, his hot breath on her face. Yara subconsciously closed her eyes, it was pure torture to her. Shark was a ten in bed and a good kisser. Seeing her eyes closed, Shark lost all his urge to hold on and devoured her mouth.

"Mmh." She moaned softly as his skillful tongue teased her own. She had no idea that kissing him could set her soul on fire. The stunning contact was all glowing, sparkling warmth. She was starting to get too comfortable when he suddenly pulled away.

"To be continued....." He doused his desires and fell beside her. It was already in the middle of the night and he was worried that she might get more sick. Yara placed her head on his bare chest and drifted to sleep.