

"Whoa! That was unexpected...can you handle it?" He had his doubts about the woman wanting to pleasure his manhood just by her mouth. "I don't know but I want to be in control.." She snubbed him. Without warning, she grabbed the base of his length and guided the rest of it into her mouth. She took her tongue and traced from the base of his cock to the tip gently, drawing circles around the head over and over again. "Ahh...ahh...this is incredible. So much good." He could barely contain himself, with all types of moans and half spoken profanity came out of his mouth. ----- A fragile billionaire, Shark Griffins found himself in the arms of a sweet ailing woman. A death warrant was waiting for her and she hadn't yet finished her bucket list. Yara needed someone to watch over her and Shark, a hopeless romantic hunk guy knew how to make every moment in her terminal phase count. However, someone was laid on the graveyard at her expense, someone Shark knew for his entire life. The truth was bound to come out, would he forgive himself? What will happen when Yara's body starts to give way, would he be too late? Oops! Mature content. Please read under the duvet. MUCH LOVE BOOK 2 THE WOMAN HE TAMED TO LOVE

Pinky_Julie · Urban
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70 Chs

How to turn you on

As Yara had a change of clothes, Shark was dying to touch her, take her in his arms and kiss her endlessly. His mind roamed all over her body, the peeking was too much that his junk perked up in his pants.

"Huh! Someone is up." Yara chuckled as she slipped into her pajamas.

"It isn't my fault if you keep turning me on.... wait after I've had my dinner, I promise you those pajamas are getting out of your body."

"I dare you." She winked at him.

"I'm irresistible. Can't wait to have you." He made an attempt of grabbing her butts.

"Jeez Shark! Stop being sneaky." She complained. "Take off those clothes and wear this.." She gave him her large shirt and sweat pants to fit in for the night.

"You can look, I'm all yours at the moment." He teased her as he got off his wet clothes.

"I'll watch out on how I say that one if I were you. Don't forget that my grandpa is still around, walls do have ears. It's not like we're in your house anyway."

"Not like he cares, he was once there and what great deal does it make if we're having some fun huh? Not when he loves watching the Notebook.... there's much more in that movie than what me and you have." He reasoned out.

"Still it doesn't count, meet me in the kitchen when you're done." She sauntered to the door but she's pulled back in a moment.

"Don't you think you're forgetting something?" He slipped his hands into her pajama shirt to feel her bare skin.

"Is it necessary?" She irked her brows irritatingly.

"Of course it is darling. Every second... every minute, that kiss matters. It's my life." He whispered.

"What if tomorrow I won't be there?"

"You're finally understanding the assignment. Every minute counts, baby. So, I'm going to kiss you."

"Not like your life depends on it.... better be quick. The old man will faint making dinner all by himself."

"Someone is coming tomorrow, you don't have to worry about him anymore."

"Oh really?"

"The best caregiver I can offer my girlfriend. Topic over. It's time..."

Having said that, he crushed his lips against hers and she caved in, tasting every bit of his lips.

"Dinner is ready!"

"Argh!" Shark groaned and pulled away.

"We better not keep the old folk waiting." She opened the door walking out.

"What are we having?" Yara asked her Grandfather.

"Pasta, fried chicken and vegetable salad." Mr. Banks said enthusiastically.

"Grandpa? You know pasta isn't good for ya." She almost yelled at him.

"Let him have it, sometimes we don't have to strictly follow the doctor's fucking rules, right Grandpa? Shark said pulling a chair and sitting next to the old man.

"Yeah that's right." He nodded.

"I can't believe you two are ganging up on me." She faked a disappointed look.

"It's time to eat, the food is getting cold." Mr. Banks said.

"I'll serve the food." Shark offered making sure to fill Yara's plate with vegetables.

"So I get to eat the healthy one? You people are not being fair." She scorned.

"You need those honey, to keep you going for another month." Mr. Banks slipped his tongue, definitely not intentionally spitting it out.

"Right. That's if I get a kidney transplant, till then, my health isn't gonna improve by merely eating vegetables." Yara said as if it didn't hurt her or anything. She was used to it anyways. Though is sucked when people tried not to be obvious of the fact that she terminally ill. Everyone thought she was that weak girl who needed mommy to watch over her.

"Grandpa, I love your cooking." Shark diverted their attention.

"I'm glad that you like it. She's a great cook too. I wonder if she has ever shared her secret of a perfect cooking to you."

"Not yet, there's still time. I'll know her secret if I get to have her taste in cooking. Can't wait..." He smiled fondly at Yara who returned back his smile.

"It's really getting cold outside. I'm going to sleep." He wiped his mouth with a napkin and left the two alone.

"Don't forget to take your medicine!" Yara called after him.

"Sure thing." He said going into his room.

"How about you? I don't see you taking your medicine." Shark remembered.

"I'll stop by at the hospital to get another change of medicine after school." She said.

"You going to school tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I have one week left before the final exams. I have to, unlike me, Blake and the rest are studying really hard for the exams." She sighed deeply.

"You're a genius. I can get you the exam answers if you want me to." He winked at her deliberately.

"Whoa! Don't even think of pulling yet another string for me. I got this, really." She put her hand over his to assure him of the same.

"Okay." He pursed his lips.

"Make sure you finish that pasta." She glared hard at him.

"Are you perhaps punishing me?"

"Nope. Just looking out for you." She smirked.

"Doesn't look like it. Is it because I let the old man off the hook?"

"What were you thinking siding with him? You know pasta has high cholesterol definitely not fit for him."

"I was just trying to be nice....call it bonding with your old man." He gave her a slight push on her shoulder.

"I'm full. I'm going to sleep after this." She started to clear the table.

"We'll see once you yearn for my touch." He challenged her.