

"Whoa! That was unexpected...can you handle it?" He had his doubts about the woman wanting to pleasure his manhood just by her mouth. "I don't know but I want to be in control.." She snubbed him. Without warning, she grabbed the base of his length and guided the rest of it into her mouth. She took her tongue and traced from the base of his cock to the tip gently, drawing circles around the head over and over again. "Ahh...ahh...this is incredible. So much good." He could barely contain himself, with all types of moans and half spoken profanity came out of his mouth. ----- A fragile billionaire, Shark Griffins found himself in the arms of a sweet ailing woman. A death warrant was waiting for her and she hadn't yet finished her bucket list. Yara needed someone to watch over her and Shark, a hopeless romantic hunk guy knew how to make every moment in her terminal phase count. However, someone was laid on the graveyard at her expense, someone Shark knew for his entire life. The truth was bound to come out, would he forgive himself? What will happen when Yara's body starts to give way, would he be too late? Oops! Mature content. Please read under the duvet. MUCH LOVE BOOK 2 THE WOMAN HE TAMED TO LOVE

Pinky_Julie · Urban
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70 Chs

Behind closed doors

"What exactly are you insinuating?" Davy heaved with so much rage.

"Stop pitying that friend of yours, you know how we work, so no attaching emotional strings. It's strictly business!" Charlie blurted out.

"You know what, I'm not doing any of this. I'll find another way to pay you back so you can finally get off my back." Davy creased his temple.

"This is the only way, I guarantee you. She's doing it, so get your shit together!" He pushed him down to the couch before walking to his mini bar.

Carina clad in a red sexy lingerie posed in front of a large mirror as Mia peered at her curves.

"You're beautiful," Mia complimented her.

"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself. I can't believe you're someone's mother now." Carina muttered.

"I'm learning to embrace motherhood even at eighteen." She smiled fondly at her.

"So how many baby mamas does Charlie have?" Carina asked out of curiosity.

"Ten. I'm the youngest and his favorite." She bragged.

"Haven't they pulled your hair or something?"

"Nope. Charlie won't allow them hurt me. He loves me and my son so much." She revealed. "What about you?"

"There's nothing so special about me...I'm just single. Maybe I haven't found my soulmate yet." Carina said.

"That's cheesy! Do you still believe in that stuff? Oh c'mon, you're better than that." Mia knitted her brows amusedly.

"I've been in love for so long but it is getting tiresome...he wouldn't just see it. I don't know what else should I do for him to fall in love with me."

"Have his child then, it's that simple. A child can soften a man with a heart of stone." Mia said confidently.

"How do you do it?" Carina asked.

"It's just like a good pose in front of a shameless photographer....I'm talking about him."

Carina turned around and a handsome tall man with a sexy appeal winked at her seductively. Carina for the first time couldn't help but smile.

"That's just it...he's just twenty though." Mia whispered. "Get up there and give us your best sexy appeal." Mia gave her a push.

Carina composed herself and posed seductively and after several shots, she sighed deeply stepping down and sitting on a couch.

"I've never done this before." She uttered.

"You were good up there. Beautiful curves huh.." The photographer licked his lips dry having been infatuated by her. Carina pursed her lips and looked away.

"I told ya, he's good at his job. If you want you can hook up with him tonight...who knows? You may want..."

"Hush!" Carina shunned away Mia's thoughts.

"I'll see the boss." The photographer exited.

"What was that?" Carina asked.

"Isn't he cute?"

"Yeah definitely he is but he's way younger than me." Carina pointed out.

"Age is just but a number...you can't wait for your soulmate forever, can you? Just look at me, Charlie is fifty years old... that's thirty two years more..."

"Can we go now?" Davy barged in.

"Davy, are you okay?" Carina asked worriedly.

"We have the contract, what else are we doing here? My tummy hurts..." Davy complained.

"What about our billions?" Carina whispered.

"Don't worry, Charlie always keeps the end bug of his deal." Mia assured them.


"You really didn't have to defend me back there...I just don't get why she hates me so much." Yara tugged her hands on Shark's shirt.

"Can we not talk about her? I don't care and you too shouldn't be concerned about her...I love you and you alone I wanna be with." He nudged closer to her and brushed his nose tip with hers.

"Are you planning to kiss me again?" Yara asked him.

"I don't mind, do you?" He lifted up her chin and made her peer into his eyes.

"We're in front of my grap's house! What if...."

"Shh! Close your eyes instead." He lowered his head until his lips grazed across her skin, slowly, teasingly, devastatingly, from the hollow beneath her ear along the line of her jaw until he reached the trembling pulse on the other side.

His lips brushed across hers, once, twice, thrice. He was toying with her. Tempting her. Teasing her with desire for his withheld kisses until she couldn't stand it no more. The next time he slid his open mouth over hers, she allowed her tongue to edge just far enough between her parted lips to taste him.

Everything changed. They didn't care if Mr. Banks would come out and see them getting lost in each other's arms.

With a growl, his mouth was upon hers. Hot, wet, insistent. His fingers splayed against the wall on either side of her head, but muscles of his shoulders trembled as though it required all his will power to keep his hands on the wall and off her body.

His mouth moved against hers, recklessly, desperately. He devoured her in hungry kisses, suckling her tongue, her lower lip, seizing every breath and replacing it with his.

She found his sides with her fingers, intending to thrust him from her trembling body, but instead found herself gripping his hips to pull him even closer.


Yara promptly disengaged herself from Shark's skillful hands and met her grandfather's ferocious eyes.

"We talked about this...we agreed you were to stay away from him. What has gotten into you child?" Mr. Banks couldn't help it but exude anger.

"Graps I..."

"I love her. You were wrong when you said I couldn't handle it, now I know that I want to be with her, by her side forever. I'll do anything for the woman I love Mr. Banks. And I'll marry her." Shark spoke with conformity.

"You don't get to choose what's best for my granddaughter. Stay away from her!" Mr. Banks strained to speak.

"Shark, you have to go. We'll talk about this later besides it's getting late." Yara shifted to her old man who was having a hard time breathing. "Are you okay? Did you take your medicine?"

"Say whatever you want to say to that man and come inside immediately!" Mr. Banks walked out on her.

Shark's phone rang and he picked it up.

"Speak!" He growled.

"Sir, it's your father. He needs you." Came a worried woman's voice.

Shark hanged up and stared at Yara disappointedly and deliberately hoped back into his Bugatti Veyron, pulling away from Yara's penthouse.

Yara stormed into the house and found her old folk glaring forlornly at space.

"Sometimes I don't know what to do with you..." He sighed heavily.

"I love him Graps. He makes me happy. Don't you wanna see me happy? I don't know how many more months or years have been added to my life, have been given a second chance to live Graps. Just let me be happy, I love Shark and I'll get married to him, have kids with him. Don't you wanna hold my kids? I don't have time in the world Graps. I might have been given a new kidney but what about the vital organs in my body? If my brains loses the good memories...."

"Stop! Stop!" Mr. Banks yelled. "No one is dying, okay? Get some sleep." He rose up from his fluffy chair and walked into his room.

"Okay." She shrugged her shoulders and slipped into her room too.