

"Whoa! That was unexpected...can you handle it?" He had his doubts about the woman wanting to pleasure his manhood just by her mouth. "I don't know but I want to be in control.." She snubbed him. Without warning, she grabbed the base of his length and guided the rest of it into her mouth. She took her tongue and traced from the base of his cock to the tip gently, drawing circles around the head over and over again. "Ahh...ahh...this is incredible. So much good." He could barely contain himself, with all types of moans and half spoken profanity came out of his mouth. ----- A fragile billionaire, Shark Griffins found himself in the arms of a sweet ailing woman. A death warrant was waiting for her and she hadn't yet finished her bucket list. Yara needed someone to watch over her and Shark, a hopeless romantic hunk guy knew how to make every moment in her terminal phase count. However, someone was laid on the graveyard at her expense, someone Shark knew for his entire life. The truth was bound to come out, would he forgive himself? What will happen when Yara's body starts to give way, would he be too late? Oops! Mature content. Please read under the duvet. MUCH LOVE BOOK 2 THE WOMAN HE TAMED TO LOVE

Pinky_Julie · Urban
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70 Chs

A dry well

"How long have you known Charlie? Is he some kind of a pervert?" Carina tensed upon arriving the tenth floor.

"Trust me, you got this. Nice poses as usual, you know....to leave them tongue wagging." Davy cheered her up.

"I can't believe I'm now posing naked to feed my stomach." She hissed bitterly.

"Everything has a price, Baby. Just walk in there and show them that they didn't do a mistake in choosing you." The ever confident Davy jolted.

"Wait, how did you get the contract? For all I know, the most reputable modelling agencies have strict rules." Carina wondered.

"I gave one of Charlie's guy a perfect blowjob." Davy giggled.

"Seriously? Much appreciated but you know you didn't have to do any of that." Carina was rather a little uneasy about the whole thing.

"It's worth it. We'll get the money and build our own empire. I even told them that you can sing, Charlie has a music studio too and since he's an internet sensation, you'll be able to gain more followers."

"That's why I love you." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"At the exact door." Davy pointed out. "Give me the room card, I'll open the door as you take a deep breath." Davy took the card from her hands and passed it over the door sensor.

"I'm coming right in with you. I'm no quitter, let's do it." Carina sighed deeply and followed Davy inside.

"Ahh! Oh baby, wear me out...squeeze me....right left...yeeesss! That's it. Uhh!" A woman screamed from the inner rooms.

"What's going on in there? Doesn't look like a photoshoot to me...Davy where's this place?" Carina screamed her guts out.

"That's Charlie smashing one of his many women in his bosom...we'll have to wait." Davy said calmly.

"Dude! You gotta be serious. So they are going to creek the bed while we wait? I had a bad feeling from the start...we're just wasting our time here. I'm sure we can get some other client." Carina growled.

"Come sit down," Davy urged her.

"Certainly we don't get to mix business with pleasure." She said.

"Ohh! Ohh! I'm about to cum!" The woman exaggerated her moans.

"Shit! I'm loading! Aha.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yes! Yes! The shit is coming....fuck!" A man's raspy voice was heard then there was pin drop silence.

"They just came...so we expect them to come out soon." Davy chortled.

"It's not funny." She scorned.

"You don't plan to be single all your life. Jeez Carina! When was the last time you had an amazing orgasm?" Davy asked abruptly.

"Never had one...my stand is still the same. Shark will be the first man to penetrate me.. It'll happen sooner than you think. I have a plan." She smirked.

"Good for you but one piece of advice, loosen yourself a little bit, have fun. You can't wait for Shark forever."

"Why?" Carina asked.

"His body language speaks to that poor sickling. He plunges deep because she's wet..."

"Are you trying to say that I'm a dry well?" Carina was angered by his remarks.

"What I meant to say is that you have to regulate down there...open up a little so that you get even more wet." Davy elaborated.

"I can't stand men's sweaty armpits."

"And you think Shark doesn't sweat?" Davy was puzzled by her lame excuses.

"He isn't just any other guy. I love him and I know how amazing he smells." Carina was caught in the moment, praising Shark.

"But someone else is inhaling every ounce of smell he got."

"Someone I'll outst soon. What Carina wants is what Carina gets. Trust me you, I'll kill her if that's what it takes to be with Shark!" She retorted.

"Hey, Hey, easy girl. The last time someone was this angry, ended in prison for burning someone's peaches." Davy warned.

"Whoa! Wow who do we have here. What's up buddy!" Charlie stormed out of his vast bedroom and a blonde tagged behind him.

"Shit! She's young...I wonder if her lungs are okay after this hunk of a man towered over her." Carina muttered under her breath.

"I can hear you. Bitch keep it low." Davy cautioned her before standing up to greet a middle aged man with a funny hair cut.

"I hope we didn't interrupt anything..." Davy muttered.

"No, not at all. You do it...she does it...and so does everyone." He laughed out loud. "Bitch! Come here, I want to introduce to you the amazing Instagram diva." Charlie spanked the blonde's butts as she acknowledged Carina and Davy's presence.

"She's Mia, my youngest baby mama. She's also a model and I'm sure you'll want to borrow some of her peaches." Charlie added as he winked at Carina.

"Come with me," Mia said to Carina.

"Okay." Carina knitted her brows and gave Davy a scornful look before disappearing to the inner rooms.

"What a hottie you got," Charlie groaned while licking his lips dry.

"We had a deal, don't screw with her...she's my friend. It's one photoshoot and we're done, I'm backing out. We're done...I'm not doing this again." Davy changed his sweet demeanor into a serious one.

"I'm not the one who had the Boss jailed, you did. I warned you, didn't I? I can't believe I'm even being nice to you. Shit! We're going to get my drugs back from those fucking police...I'm running out of cash." Charlie grabbed the collar of Davy's shirt before letting him go.

"What about the money you're getting from the photoshoot?" Davy wondered.

"It's not a normal photoshoot...she poses naked and if the porn industry likes her spicy curves, I get lots of cash coming in." He exuded a cold aura as his sharp ruthless gaze focused on the tattoo on his neck. "Nice one." He muttered.

"She thinks she's gonna earn billions from it. I don't know what you'll do about that." Davy paced up and down.

"Don't worry, my clients will like her." Charlie made an attempt to suck his tongue.