
the girl meets the father of her five kids

crystal is still studying in secondary School she is depress about how she gonna survive the 4th year level on the school,one day she go to computer shop and try to find easy money she try to sell her body to the man that she talking on the online date the man ask her how much and where they going meet, crystal didnt answer it because she think what gonna happen next. The next day crystal go back to the computer shop to chat the man she just told to the man to meet her at hotel she already gave the address then suddenly crystal think again if what she did is right she cant focus on her exam but when the time over and the class end she still go to the place where their gonna meet,she thought the man is already there but when she gets in the room no one is there but there is a envelope that have the money she needs for school.

The days past by crystal try to talk to the man again she ask him why the man do that the man told her he knows how she feels about not having a good family life that day crystal got something feels on that man crystal ask him if he can able to meet her again.The next day they meet the man ask her why she did that stupid thing she just said because her family dont want to support her, until then they keep seeing each other.

its the first time

Erlyn_Gambacreators' thoughts