
A Goddess blushing?

The Wolf was laid on the ground by the river trying to calm the beast within. After some time a noise much different from the sounds of squirrels chasing nuts, and deer sniffing butts got his attention. He raised his bulky head ears laid back, snarling showing fang, a deep growl rumbling from his chest to vibrate on the ground under foot.

Looking more sniffing the air it's an adult female looks human smells like pure lust.

The female was watching him as she gets closer placing her hand in the river and smiles.

*are you a Werewolf? Definitely not what I expected when my baby sister said she played with a big talking doggy*

The Wolf snarls debating rather to speak or not but to say nothing is quite rude.

*a wolf is hardly a dog don't go calling me dog my name is Bjórn and you can call me Wolf*

The female looks up with a strange smirk. Yes that is definitely sexy the Wolf thinks but is not going to say such a thing outlook.

She withdrew her hand from the river shaking it dry as she scrunched up her nose all cute and said.

*wait is that name Norwegian? Means Bear right like on the movie viking*

The Wolf groans

*actually it's Icelandic I am Icelandic a Northman and I have no idea what movie your talking about but yes my lineage is Viking the souls of my parents are the Offspring of the great God Wolf Fenrir my father is Skól and my mother is Hati*

The female comes closer cautiously watching him as she sits down beside him.

The Wolf can smell her heat sweet,hot and delicious. As he licks his maul he forces the change immediately jumping into the warm water of the river out of respect for he is naked.

The female startles watching him and now he wonders how much she saw? Shaking off that thought he swims a bit as he watches her.

*your friend is looking for you they said your getting a bare foot up the ass for breaking the house again*

*psshhtt yeah sounds like Cleo she is a real charmer*

The girl nods as if knowing then looks up asking.

*you like her?*

The look on her face in that moment was unreadable which peaked his interest see part of his true gift was the language of a wolf sensing emotion and almost reading thoughts by doing so yet at this moment the trick failed him, so he just snorted.

*Her brother is like a brother to me and even when I did fool around with Cleo there was no feelings involved*

Did she just flex her jaw muscle? This female is unreadable he thought to himself

*so the house what made you so angry?*

He goes about telling her the story about his ex girlfriend just showing up after years of being gone the fact she moved to South Africa to be with another then assumed he'd be okay with it all.

*hmmnh..she sounds like a royal bitch*

He gives off a noise like a half strangled chuckle.

*She Wolf yes royalty she only wishes but I want nothing to do with Sarah Wolfe*

She stares at him a while then just sits down her face resting on her hands watching him swim.

*so you like water?*

*I love water it brings life and.....*

She looks at him tilting her head

*and what?*

The guy with blonde hair and blue eyes gives an evil smirk..yep she stepped into that one.

*and some of the best sex is while being in deep water it's an extra work out and if you can orgasm and not drown your talented*

The blush she gives is atleast 3 shades dark and all I can think is wow she looks like a Goddess and damn can she blush, in that moment it now becomes a mission to make this sexy woman blush and if possible even smile.

He rises up out of the water just as naked as the day he was born. Finding a towel on the dock rail he wraps it around his waist noticing how she watches him and mission accomplished, her blush is deep cherry red.

He sits next to her and quickly she stutters out.

*h..hh.hi I'm Valentina*