
chapter 1: The beginning

I stood frozen in my trail not knowing what to do my mind is telling me to run or scream or something but instead im frozen like an ice sculpture and i hate it feeling this week and helpless then i was thinking if i hadnt walked the easy and more troublesome path i might not be in this predicament or at least i wouldnt have ended up the way i did...

Ok so im 18 I live with my Mum and my 8 yr old sister and my mums boyfriend Tim whose like a dad been there for me after my dad left us. So I was born on October 30th 2000, Mum and Dad were so happy i was there little bundle of joy or so my Mum thought and then suddenly Mum went shopping with me and when we came back dad left didnt leave a note or anything yeah oh well enough about that. I have had 2 meaningful relationships but sadly didnt work out and again oh well. Sorry i tend to not get emotional about anything like how some people truly love someone and would cry everytime they thought of them well thats not me well wasnt until i met a certain someone...anyway you will find more out later on in the story. I have cherry purple hair, bright blue eyes with hints of grey and forest green, i am pale skinned and I mostly wear ripped jeans and crop hoddies or crop tops and now my mum blue eyes which change from blue to more green with brown hair and my sister blonde hair blue eyes like mine more green than blue though and Tim has strawberry blonde hair and green eyes now onto the story.

February 9th 2019 its my best friends birthday or so called best friend anyway she has a party invites loads of people including her boyfriend jack and then what does she do go off into the bedroom with him and left me here alone and claims she'll be back in 5 minutes...WANNA KNOW HOW LONG ITS BEEN? 1 HOUR and so I got bored put my drink down grabbed my bag and told her I was leaving but dont think she heard cause she didnt say anything and when I went in she was asleep.I was furious and so I walked off. I walked down the alley i normally do in the day did my everyday routine of taking my phone, plugging my earphones in and then blocking the world out then i saw a man in the middle of the side street and i ran as fast as my legs could move because i thought he had been hit but boy was i wrong within a click of my fingers he was stood behind me, then i slowly felt a hand trickle down my neck and 2 punctures in my neck i was sure i was going to die and instead of fighting something was stopping me from doing moving and so i was frozen not moving or screaming just slowly accepting i was going to die right here with this man shaped monster figure...

I believe its everything women like Romance, drama, fantasy and the same old action please enjoy

willow186creators' thoughts