
The wolf prince's mate

avacado_girl0509 · Urban
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2 Chs

the wolf prince

Tessa woke up to the sound of birds chirping, the morning sun shining through the window, the fresh morning air and...the sound of pots and pans falling on the floor...

Tessa went pale and leaped out of bed still in her nightgown and ran to the kitchen to see a tall, tanned, muscular man with no clothes on, cooking waffles..

"Who are you?!"

He looked up and gave a flirty smile

"Good morning to you too"

When she realised he had no clothes she covers her eyes, a flush spreading across her cheeks, trying to reach for a towel to give him

"What's wrong? Don't you recognise me?"

She threw a towel at him and he wrapped it around his waist and continued cooking waffles, she looked at him in disbelief

"I've never seen you in my life, why would I...how did you get in my house?"

He chuckled, flipping a waffle onto the plate, putting on whipped cream, and a few blue berries and strawberries handing it to her

"The names Ash, I'm the wolf prince, and you rescued me last night from the alleyway"

She took the plate with caution and then remembered, putting the plate down and running to look for the dog

"Where did he go?"

Ash chucked and followed behind her, leaning in and whispering into her ear

"Your looking at him"

Causing her to yelp and move away, a flush forming in her cheeks but quickly getting her composure back

"I'm not stupid, it was clearly a dog I rescued"

Her tone firm and she folded her arms, Ash tilts his head in confusion

"Can't you smell it?"

He asked, his voice dripping with confusion, and he runs his hand through his messy hair

"My scent...us wolves can tell who you are , weather human or dog by scent...can't you tell it's me?"

*Well I must admit he does smell like it...but maybe he's with them alot and smells like them*


Her voice not sounding too confident, making Ash smerks and lean forward, and raise and eyebrow

"No huh? I think your lying, you can smell it's me, don't you know your a wolf hun?"

His voice flirtatious and he leaned closer, Tessa hesitated wondering if she should believe him then questioned herself why she's even considering believing him

"It's absurd, why would I believe anything you say... werewolves don't exist, it's just a myth"

Ash burst into laughter leaning against a wall wiping a tear from his eyes, Tessa looked at him as if he's going insane and wondered if she needed to call a doctor for this man.

"You crack me up, but if your sooo persistent they don't exist allow me to demonstrate"

With that a blue light formed around him and he transformed into the blscky, furry dog from the night before

"Believe me now sweetheart?"

Tessa went pale and leaned against the walls a hand over her head trying to process this

"I do...wait a damn minute why do I know what your saying..I'm going insane...yeah that's it I just have a fever and im halusonating a talking dog.."

He sniffed rubbed his fury body across her leg and looked up at her

"I wouldn't say you have a fever, but you are hot"

He sat on the floor panting, his saliva dripping onto the floor, the Tessa slightly flushed then was disgusted when seeing the saliva

"Can you maybe not...spit on my carpet...if you don't mind"

He put his tongue back in his mouth and nuzzled his head against her and she flushed swatting him with a newspaper

"What are you doing mangy mut?!"

With a whimper he fell on the floor and used his paw to wipe his nose and shakes his head, saliva going everywhere

"I was seeing if you had a mate, which I can smell you don't...no need to swat me like a damn house fly.."

She flushed and swatted him again with the newspaper causing him to whimper falling onto the floor


He wiped his nose with his paw, his tail dropping between his legs and his ears droop

"Why do you care if I do..."

Ash transformered back into his human form the towel around his waist, and he walked over to her holding her chin in his hand

"Because that means I can take you as my mate, and I do plan to, make no mistake about that"

She flushed and before she could speak she winced in pain feeling a hard flick on her forehead

"Oww! What was that for?!"

She yells holding a hand over her forehead

"That's for swatting me like I'm a damn house fly"

He yelled back and grabbed the newspaper from me throwing it on the table and putting the waffles he made in my hand with a huff

"Now eat, I made these for you"

She takes the plate and sits at the table taking a bite and is left positively shocked that they tasted so good melting in her mouthz and the sweet strawberry with the savory waffles leaves her drooling and eating more

Ash walked over with a food cloth placing it on her head where he flicked her to sooth it, and leaned in, his head over her shoulder

"How's it taste?"

Tessa looked at him with her mouth full like a squirrel eating nuts and nodds with a muffled mhmm before eating again which caused him to chuckle and pat her head

"Slow down, it's not going anywhere, we don't want you choking on it now do we"

Swallows what was in my mouth and look at him

"They taste so good your a really good baker!"

She tried to eat slower but still faster than an average person making him chuckle and pat her head again, seeing some whipped cream on her lip he leaned down and licking it off her tongue, causing her to yelp and flush

"Adorable "

He kissed her cheek taking her empty plate and washed it for her, leaning on the kitchen counter with a smerk

"You know what I'm going to stay here with you"

"Hold on a sec you didn't even ask me"

"Well I'm your mate now, so I have full rights,unless you want to live with me"

"When did I agree to this?"

"I didn't hear a no"

Tessa groans putting her head on the table in defeat

"Fine, you can stay.."

He clapped his hand with a smile

"Good, and while I'm here I'll teach you all there is to know about being a wolf"

"Really? You'll do that"

He chuckled and nods

"Ofcource, besides there's a few things I'm sure you'll want to know, after all now that your my mate youll notice a few changes soon.."

She tilts her head in confusion

"Changes? What do you mean?"

He chucked at her curiosity and he leaned in

"Want me to tell you now or let it be a surprise"

She pours folding her arms

"Now would be good"

He chuckled again and pats her head

"Well you'll...."

To be continued...

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