
The wolf prince's mate

avacado_girl0509 · Urban
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2 Chs


"Get her ! She's worth more than you morons could ever understand!!"

Tessa was running as fast as she could, dodging guards and avoiding capture, the man who wanted her was a cruel, heartless person who was desperate to get his hands on her, what for, she didn't know, she was running, panting, tears streaming, and she finally found the exit, the night sky pitch black, and rain pouring down hard, soaking her completely but not slowing her down one bit as she ran out the gate into the streets blending in with the crowd.

"Damn it!! You fools let her escape, do you realise how much she's worth, I could make millions from her!"

The man screamed at his men and they pant, catching their breath

"Boss isn't she just some average girl?"

The boss laughed with a sadistic tone and pulled the man by his collar to meet his gaze, his eyes filled with rage

"That average girl has wolf blood in her, people will pay millions for that!"

He yells in anger and shoots his gun in the sky and his men flinch, his face red with rage, his breathing ragid and he looks at his men

"What are you standing around idling for, waiting for daisies to pop out the soil, go get her!"

The men nod and grab their guns and run off after her, the man stood their, still full of rage

"You made a big mistake running off like that, oh Tessa, your going to make me alot of money, just wait till i get my hands on you"

**In the streets**

Tessa ran into an empty alleyway, leaning against the wall and sliding down the ground, hand over her chest, her heart racing 1000 miles per hour, her breath rapid and uneven

"I think...I lost them..."

She suddenly heard what sounded like panting, but it wasn't her own, she turned around nervously and saw a huge, black, furry dog collapsed in the alleyway with a few injuries

"Hey there...are you okay.."

She stood up and carefully walked over to the dog but it was passed out, she saw a few injuries and decided to help it

"How to I transport him...hmmm...he's too big to carry...and I don't want to push him, it could do more damage.."

She saw an old trolly lying around and the ran to grab it

"Aha! This should work"

She picked up the dog shoving him inside the trolly and pushed it all the way to her house, when she got home she layerd several blankets and lay the dog on them, using a warm cloth to clean his wounds, and carefully bandaged them

"There we go, that'll stop any infections, he should heal up soon"

She scratched his head and had a shower before climbing into her own bed and falling asleep

A few hours later the room light up a bright blue and then the light faded, and what used to be the dog was now a 6'7 man, with messy black hair, toned abbs, and no clothing

"Where am I...last I remember was fighting someone in the alleyway and then it all went dark.."

He stood up, the blanket falling off and he looked over at Tessa sleeping, and he tilted his head

"That smell.."

He leaned in and sniffed my neck his eyes widening

*Another wolf?! And a female one!"

He leaned in, inhaling deeply

*No doubt it's a female wolf, those pheremones are unmistakeable*

He walked around sniffing the house to see if there was another scent but all he found was hers

*My dear, you don't have a mate..*

He walked up to her and brushed a strand of hair out her face while she slept

*Don't worry, I'll make you mine ..you'll never have to be alone again, and I'll protect you with my life...after all...you helped me...*

To be continued...