
The Wolf of Aragnar

Aragnar is a world of Sword and Magic. Here, the different Races live in their respective domains, protecting the legacies their ancestors build with blood and sweat. But still, the world of Aragnar had not yet been fully explored, and the powerful races contest much of its unexplored land and untapped resources. Ivan Jaeger, an ordinary boy from planet earth with extraordinary dreams, woke up one day in a young body on the verge of starvation and death. No one had known at that instant except the rats killed for the experience that with an exceptional aide, a bigger wolf had arrived in the world of Aragnar, who would make others feel like sheep. But that's not the reason for his acknowledgment to be known and feared as the Wolf of Aragnar. To know that, you need to follow Ivan Jaegar's journey throughout his famed adventures. You need to know in detail about his daily life and his Pursuits after Wealth, Power, Ambition, Military Glory, Eternal life and the greatest of all his goals 'Conquering the Beauties' *Wink* ------------------------------------------- Support the Author: https://ko-fi.com/rollingpandaa https://paypal.me/Rollingpandaa ------------------------------------------- 2 Chapter Per Day (0.00 am GMT+8) Time Approx) Bonus Chapters as per power stones donated by the end of the week. Vote with power stones. Give review. Suggestions and encouragement in the comment box. Also, read my other Novel 'The Pleasure Lord' Happy reading. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Weak to Strong, Comedy, Reincarnated, Shameless, Harem, Adventure, Beast Companions, Politics, GameElements, Magic&Swords, FantasyRaces ------------------------------------------- Discord-->Rollingpandaa#8813 Discord group for 'The Pleasure Lord'--https://discord.gg/8Xbe3qJ

Rollingpandaa · Fantasy
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35 Chs


Naina looked at the Healing Potion's empty bottle in Ivan's hand; she could still taste the sweetness in her mouth.

To use a Healing Potion for something like a small injury that is not life-threatening is either the work of someone idiot or someone who cares about you and doesn't worry over wasting something expensive.

Naina knew that the grade of the Healing potion provided by Ivan to her has to be High-grade or even above it.

She is well aware of the Low-Grade and Mid-Grade healing potion's taste and color, and it should not be so rich.

You have to know that a low-grade healing potion's price in the market is one silver coin, whereas a Mid-grade healing potion is sold at ten silver coins.

The price of a high-grade healing potion is 50 silver coins, and an Extraordinary Grade healing potion is 100 Silver Coins, which is considered very expensive.

The yearly revenue of a Knight's family who has a fiefdom of his own is around 50 to 200 silver coins based on what they grow, their location, and the taxes they gain from taxing Freemen, Mercenary, Merchants, etc.

It differs for what and how they are taxed, but the income gained through them is the highest when they visit the Knight castle for different purposes.

Of course, the Knight's family also has to pay taxes to their superior like the Baron, Count, or whoever they are affiliated with.

Therefore, a typical knight family is only left with 30 to 40 silver coins on average after cutting all the taxes, maintenance of their castle, and peasants under them, plus they also have to spend money on acquiring resources to train themselves, their family, and the private soldiers. They also need to put aside some money to defend their territory and also keep lawful order.

Healing potion of High grade is difficult for a knight's family to acquire, and Niana knows the surname of every Baron who has a fiefdom around this area.

Ivan cannot be one of them since there is no family with Jaeger as their surname, but the knights are numerous; Ivan may be a descendant of a Knight's family that is unknown to her.

Ivan doesn't seem like an idiot, and he did not hesitate to use the Healing potion on a small child who was a stranger to him.

If he could use it on her, then it was natural; she would misunderstand his intention.

"Thank you!" Naina lowered her head and thanked him once again in a meek voice.


Ivan was bewildered. Why would she thank him? He was expecting a different reaction from her altogether; maybe she would make a scene or call him a pervert.

'Perhaps, she wants me to marry her and take responsibility for seeing her naked,' Ivan thought of the medieval tv shows he had watched back on Earth. Women back in that time were considered quite conservative, so that may also be the case here.

His forehead trickled with sweat thinking of that.

This misunderstanding was too big! He wasn't hitting on her at all and did not want to get himself tied up in a relationship, at least not now.

Ivan mechanically nodded and stood up before walking out of the bathhouse without looking back. Once he was out, Ivan heaved a sigh of relief since the pressure of being in the same room with a naked woman was truly enormous for a virgin like him.

Ivan went back to his room. Only after he heard the sound of the door opening-closing in the place next to him, Ivan went to take a bath since he was stinking with sweat and the disgusting smell of decomposing corpses from the cave back at the bandit lair.


After resting for three hours, Ivan walked out of his room and knocked on the door to his side.

Only after repeatedly knocking on it, Naina woke up. She was too tired and sleepy but listening to the repeated knocking on the door, she got up from her bed to open it.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Ivan. Get ready if you want to leave with me for White Tiger City. I will be leaving now."

Naina opened the door halfway and saw Ivan standing in a new dress outside her room.

"But why? It's too dangerous to go now."

"I'm time-bound. Before sunrise, I have to reach White Tiger City. Wasn't your destination the same too? If you want, you can travel with me. We will ride on Fenrir, so it will not be dangerous, plus it will be faster. So what do you say? It's okay if you don't want to come with me, we can part ways here." Ivan also wanted to rest for a night, but the mission to reach the White tiger City before sunrise was hanging on his neck like a sword.

Ivan didn't know how he will die if he didn't complete the mission on time. Will the system kill him, or would he die because of external factors?

Naina didn't know what to say for a moment, but just when Ivan thought she wasn't going to come, Naina nodded her head and said, "Alright, I will come with you. Please wait for me to change."

"Wait, are you going to change back in your clothes?" Ivan asked.

"Yes, because these are not my clothes," Naina said, pointing at the dress she had worn.

"Don't worry, keep wearing them. Come, we only have three hours to sunrise."

"But why are you in such a hurry," Naina asked.

Ivan didn't want to tell her about the mission and the system, so he made an excuse, "It's because I have to join the Ribeiro Academy as soon as I can."

"Oh... Okay, let's go. But what about Sarah."

"Of course, we need to inform her and thank her for the hospitality."

Ivan and Naina arrived in front of Sarah's room, where she was sleeping with her daughter Eva.

Knock Knock

"... Yes?"

"It's Ivan and me." It was Naina who replied.

The door opened slowly. Sarah came out of the room carefully so that she doesn't wake Eva up from her sleep.

"... You two are leaving already."

"Yes, we are in a hurry. Thank you for giving us a place to rest. We have to leave now. Also, can I keep this dress? I don't have anything else to..."

Sarah smiled and said, " Of course, you can keep it. But can't you leave in the morning? My husband will be back by then. We haven't even properly thanked you for saving Eva." She had one more reason to make them stay; it was so that she can pay Ivan for the Healing potion or give him another healing potion in exchange after her husband, the village chief, comes back from the city.

But no matter how what she said, Ivan did not agree to stay any longer. It looked like he was in a great hurry.

"Ms. Sarah, I will not take a single coin from you. Give Eva our greetings when she wakes up. That will be all." Ivan turned immediately to leave after saying that.

Naina could only shake her head before she whispered something into Sarah's ears.

"... If there is any complication with Eva, you can find me at the address I had just told you. Say, my name and someone will guide you to me," Naina said before she also turned to follow behind Ivan.

Sarah could only watch them go out of her house. She didn't know how to thank these two God-sent people who arrived at her door when she was about to lose her daughter. She would forever be grateful to them.

Sarah saw that the gate of the house was left open, so she went to close it, "They must have forgotten to close it in their hurry.

Suddenly, she noticed something placed at the doorstep. Something shiny.

1st chapter of the day.

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