
The Wolf Moon

Torn between the world she was born into and the world she was reborn into, Abigail Moon struggles to return to her "normal" life. Hidden away by her father, she finds solace in the author/journalist, Curtis Reeves, who wants to make her story heard. Is she crazy or is he the only one crazy enough to believe her?

OGPixi_345 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1:

My father, Mathew Moon, lived in Moon Manor of New York City. He ran a huge corporation, was dubbed a business tycoon, and was easily envied by his competitors. He met my mother during a meeting with investors. She was an interpreter for some partners in Europe and when he met her, he said he was "awestruck" the moment he saw her. Their love story was like most. They began talking over time, using business as the usual excuse, but it turned into more. They eventually got married and had two children, Claude and me. We were a happy family. My father would take the family on trips to exotic places in other countries. It's hard to imagine we wouldn't always be like that.

When I was 9 years old, it all changed. My mother got very sick and had to be hospitalized many times. I didn't really understand what was happening, but I knew something was very wrong. Eventually, my mother was brought back home. My father fixed up one of the guest rooms for her and it was around that time when Gwen was hired. She was appointed to take care of my brother and me. It was all very strange to me. We were only allowed to see her during certain times and, each time, she seemed to be getting weaker and more tired. I hated that feeling of helplessness, like I had to just sit and watch her fade away.

I was 11 when she died. I didn't just lose my mother that day, either. I lost my father, too. Sure, he was there physically, but something within him changed. He became obsessed with work and was hardly ever home. We didn't take trips together anymore. We didn't do anything together anymore, except meals. During these times, he was extremely cross and constantly scolded Claude and I if we didn't uphold the reserve and expectations that he held for us. It was more like having dinner with a dictator than my father.

He still gave us a rather lush life. We got whatever we desired and never wanted for anything. He did care for us, just not the way he used to. Anytime I would try to bring back the old normalcy, there was always something that came up or took precedence. Eventually, I stopped trying. He may have been my father, but he became just a shell of the father I once knew. I grew to resent him, but I hid it for the most part for Claude's sake.

One day, my father was away on a business trip. Gwen always watched us when he was gone. I was 15 now, so, when Gwen said she needed to run out to the store, I told her I was old enough to watch Claude myself. She protested some at first, but I assured her that I could handle it. She eventually agreed and promised she wouldn't be gone long.

A terrible storm started up outside and I was sitting in the study, reading some teen magazine. Storms had always seemed soothing to me. Claude, on the other hand, was terrified. He was hiding upstairs in his room. I heard a sudden knock on the door. Gwen had a habit of leaving her house keys and I just assumed that had been the case. I barely had the door open when it suddenly flung open and knocked me backwards.

I looked up to see two large men coming into the house. Before I knew it, I was being dragged out the door. I tried to scream and fight back, but one of them quickly held a cloth over my mouth. It smelt so bad and I felt like I couldn't breathe. My vision started to get blurry and I felt like I couldn't move. I remember being tossed into a vehicle. The carpeted floor was rough and cut into my skin. As everything began growing dark, I remember calling my mother's name.

I woke up at some point, but there was something covering my head and face. I tried to take it off, but my hands were tied behind my back. I started struggling but felt someone grab my arm roughly and threatened me to stay still. I couldn't help but start crying. I started to hear many voices, all of them male. They were starting to argue and yell at one another. Suddenly, one voice called out louder than the rest and they all stopped talking.

Almost immediately after, I felt a pair of rough hands around my face. The fabric covering my face was pulled off and I jerked back.

An older man with light gray hair, pale blue eyes was staring at me. He smiled, but it was not a good smile. It made my skin crawl and filled me with an uneasy feeling. He didn't tell me who he was, but he said he wanted money from my father. My father apparently side-stepped him and took all the profit for himself during a business transaction from years ago. He promised not to hurt me if I did as they said, but I was terrified. He tried to touch me, and I fought him. I tried to kick him, and he gave me a disappointed sigh before nodding to one of the other men. The cloth and gagging smell were on my face again and I blacked out again.

When I woke up again, I was untied and uncovered. I looked around and saw that I was on an old mattress, surrounded by salmon pink walls with little white flowers. After a few moments of confusion, I was hit by reality, remembering what all had happened. I ran for the door, but It was locked. I began screaming and pounding on the door. My hands began to hurt, and my voice went hoarse. I looked around and saw a small window. I went to it and began frantically trying to open it. I found it had been nailed shut and tried to look for something to break it, but there was nothing but the mattress in the room. I finally just fell against the window and cried. What else could I do? I stared out into the unfamiliar landscape, all hope fading quickly from my body and mind.

I fell asleep against the wall at some point.

When I woke up, the room was dark except for the moonlight cutting in through the window. I sat up and looked up. The moon was high in the sky, all alone without a cloud to be found. It was large and golden, something I had never seen before. A large beam of white, almost magical light shot down from the moon into the very heart of the woods, something like a stairway. Surely, I was still dreaming. I rubbed at my eyes, but when I opened them again, it was still there. Then, dusty like shapes seemed to be running up the beam, racing into the moon. When I looked closer, I saw that the shapes resembled some sort of animals.

"Wolves…," I whispered to myself, confused and in disbelief.

As if my voice was heard, one of them froze and appeared to be searching for something. I squinted my eyes and jumped when I made out two yellow eyes suddenly staring at me. Our eyes were locked in a time when time did not exist. It felt like it went on for ages. Then, the wolf began running towards me at a lightning speed. I started sprawling backwards. It passed through the window like a ghost and stood in front of me. It continued to stare at me and was mesmerized by it. In the beam, the dust-like particles seemed to be stars. I slowly began to feel more comfortable. Suddenly, the wolf jumped at me. The force knocked me onto my back on the floor. When I opened my eyes again, the beam was gone, and the moon was hidden behind thick, dark clouds.

I tried desperately to calm my breathing, feeling like my heart would pop from my chest and lungs would explode. Struggling to understand what had just happened; I rose to my feet, slowly making my way back to the window on shaking legs. I could hear sad howls clear as day. They echoed through the night and I felt an intense pain in my heart. I didn't know why, but I began crying again. It was more than just crying this time; it was deep sobbing. I had never cried so much except when my mother had died. And, now, I was crying for absolutely no reason. All I knew was that there was a deep, unquenchable pain inside me, and it would not surpass or leave me no matter how hard I tried to fight back my tears.

Morning came and the man with gray hair and pale eyes unlocked the door. He let another man come in and tie my hands up. They took me outside to get in the van again, and I didn't protest for fear of getting hurt again. I had the strange sensation that something or someone was calling for me. It was as if something was pulling me toward the woods. I looked out into the wilderness and my heart jumped.

Something in me said 'run'. I felt my heart beat faster and faster until it was hard to breathe. Then, when the men had their backs turned to me, the voice in my head practically yelled "RUN". My body took complete control, moving on its own. My legs moved so fast, my head was beginning to spin, and my heart sang when my foot touched the same ground that the proud trees and racing rivers belonged to.

I heard yelling, angry voices, but I didn't dare turn around. I just kept running until they all disappeared. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to be here. I needed to be here. I finally stopped, panting and gasping for breath. I fell to my knees and began looking around, searching for something. Only I had no idea what it was I was looking for.

I heard something move in the bushes around me and froze in fear. A little weasel peaked out, searching for food, and froze as well, upon seeing me.

"H-H-HUMAN," he squeaked.

I gasped in shock and he began to scurry back into the bushes.

"W-wait! I can understand you! You can speak?"

The weasel stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me with his eyes wide. Figuring that question was rather a moot point, I quickly shook my head and attempted to kneel over.

"Please, help me," I pleaded, turning my body to show my tied hands.

"Why should I help you, human? You might eat me," he squeaked with terror.

"I won't! I promise! I need you to cut my bonds or he will catch me! Please!"

The weasel grew hesitant. His little black nose twitched a few times. He inched closer, extremely cautious and watching my every move. He quickly chewed through my bonds and when the last of it had snapped, he ran and hid in the bushes again without a second thought. Just the same, I jumped up to my feet and broke into a headlong run again.

I ran for so long. My body never grew tired. It was more like my body surged with this unknown, powerful energy with every step. I just knew I would find a town, a city, or at least a house if I just kept going. There had to be some form of civilization, someone who would help me.

Suddenly, a beacon of hope illuminated in my heart. A small cottage was resting beside a powerful stream just ahead. A soft, plush green meadow laden with beautiful flowers grew all around it. I hopped on the stones across the stream and did so with such grace. I was too preoccupied to notice at the time. I stopped just in front of the porch and looked around, suddenly aware of how dangerous this could be. Not that I had much of a choice.

Cobwebs and dust covered the cottage entirely. It looked so out of place compared to the settings around it. I stepped up on the porch and it creaked eerily under my feet. I swallowed harshly before knocking loudly on the door. I heard something rustle inside and was preparing to knock again when the noises suddenly stopped. Then, the curtains rustled as if someone or something were there, watching me.

"Please, if anyone's here home, let me in! I am in danger! I need help!"

I pounded on the door again and stopped when I heard the doorknob squeakily turn. An old woman slowly opened the door. A deafening creak echoed through the woods and everything seemed to fall silent mysteriously. The silence was deafening. She studied me for a moment and then let me in without a word.

"Th-Thank you, ma'am…," I said quietly, cautiously stepping in.

When the door closed behind me, I realized how dark the inside of the cottage seemed. There was only a small light that came from the candles and lanterns scattered about. She stepped around me with a crooked walk. The sound of her cane tapping the floor echoed throughout. She led me to an open room with a small table and two small chairs.

When I sat down, dust and dirt went flying through the room like a twister. I quickly tried to compose myself, choking out apologies between coughs, but the old lady just nodded. She took a seat in the other chair across from me, but still hadn't uttered a word. I looked around curiously. While staring at a hand carved clock, I noticed it was ticking backwards. I was going to ask about it when the woman spoke in a whisper. It was so quiet and silent, but I heard it. And it made my blood run cold for some reason.

"You saw the Wolf Moon…"

I stared at her and the old lady nodded to herself with a raspy chuckle as if she was answering herself. She began to hum and then sing something of a lullaby. The way she spoke carried an eerie tone through the room.

"Brave and Bold, Knights of the Pack, Run like the Wind, and Never look Back. They fight the War, Fight for their Own, Some will Return, Some will go Home. Those that give Life, Will live again Soon, Their Heart and their Soul, go home to the Moon."

I paused and repeated the tune in my head. I thought long and hard, deciding whether I should tell the old woman what I saw. Even if I did, why would she believe me?

"When wolves die, they go home to the moon… Well, all but one… Right, dear?"

I gasped and looked at her in shock. How could she have known? The old lady just gave me a soft smile, but something seemed a bit off. I was too curious to care. If she knew about what had happened, maybe it had happened before and she knew what it meant or how to fix it. Better yet, maybe she knew how to help me get home. She slowly stood up and made her way down the hall, the floorboards crying out with every step she took.

"Follow me."

Without question, I followed, mesmerized and desperate for answers. She opened the door to yet another dusty room. This one, however, was filled with shelves lined with tons of books. There seemed to be something off with the room. It was like I had stepped through an invisible veil. That little feeling or voice in my mind seemed to whisper "run", again. I pushed the thought aside, not wanting to give up this chance.

"So, you wish to go home?"

All I could muster was a nod, my body went stiff trying to fight the strange urge to run like before. She pulled a large book down from one of the shelves. It looked to be in pristine condition. The shell was bright red with golden stitching and a large, intricate black bird designed on the cover. She sat it on this podium-like structure and slowly opened it.

A gust of wind suddenly came from nowhere and whipped the dust up from the room around us. The voice in my head grew louder and my heart pounded painfully, but my body refused to move. It was as if it were glued to the floor where it stood. She spoke again, but her voice was more melodic and soothing than earlier.

"A spirit freely Given, The magic Wolf Song, To aid Another, To right a Wrong. To take another Home, End another's Strife, To help Another, And guide another Life."

My head seemed to pound against my skull like a bug caught in a jar. My heart began fighting against my chest even more so. I closed my eyes and heard voices that I had never heard before. Visions flooded my mind like memories that weren't mine. Blurry figures and shadows laughing and growling; playing and fighting. The whole thing playing through my mind as if it were in fast-forward. My heart suddenly lunged forward. My whole body suddenly felt weak and I collapsed to my knees. I could hear an eerie cackling laughter and saw large black feathers falling around me. And then… Everything disappeared.

The smell of fresh pine and the crisp scent of water flooded my nose. I opened my eyes, blinking slowly, adjusting to the sunlight in my eyes. I was back in the forest, but a different part of it. It was familiar, but not at the same time. It was a very strange feeling. I was lying beside a stream and the sun was shining directly on me. I stood up and felt strangely awkward on my feet, but I didn't think too long on it. I had a deep, seemingly unquenchable thirst about me. I walked over to the water for a drink and jumped back in terror. My muscles grew tight and every hair on my body was erect. I cautiously approached the water's edge again.

In the reflection of the water, a large brown wolf stared back at me. Deep, golden eyes, that seemed to swallow me, blinked when I did. Large ears were twitching with every sound I heard. I tried moving my head in different angles to try and prove it wasn't real, but the wolf moved as I did. I shook my head, hoping it was all a dream, a hallucination. I opened my eyes slowly and nothing changed.

"How did this happen? The old lady was supposed to help me get home," I whined, laying back down and cowering close to the ground.

"A trickster is the Crow! Changed by the Crow," a voice cooed from above, "A trickster is the Crow!"

I looked up and saw two little chickadees on a branch in a nearby tree.

"Not a trickster! The Crow helps all!"

The two continued arguing back and forth. I rolled my eyes, annoyed by the immature squabble going on above me. What were they talking about crows for anyways? I rose to my feet slowly and unsteadily, ignoring the squabble overhead. I had to find that old woman again. She will help me, for real this time, or I will use this new form to make her. I decided it would probably be best to go upstream in hopes of finding her cottage again.

I wasn't sure how long exactly I'd been following the stream, but I never found any familiar landmarks or any sign of the old woman's cottage. My body collapsed where I stood. My body felt so tired. I slowly began fading into unconsciousness. Out of nowhere, I was tackled and pounced upon by something heavy. My body reacted almost subconsciously as I spun on my heels. I grabbed the attacker by some scruff aside the neck and tossed them off me. My fur stood on end and I flashed my teeth wickedly, letting out a deep, threatening growl to match.

"Eva! You're alive!" The voice came from the silver bundle of fur that I had tossed aside.

A young wolf pup quickly rebounded to his feet and gestured playfully towards me with a childlike smile on his face.

"Eva," I snorted, loosening up and looking at him in a confused manner, "Who's Eva?"

"Oh, stop playing games with me!"

The wolf tackled me again and rolled me down to the ground. He almost had me pinned, but he wasn't big enough to fully subdue me. I growled before tossing him off again, not really as rough as before, but just enough to get him off. The little silver colored pup was splayed on his back, belly exposed. He tilted his head and looked upon me with such innocent, puzzled eyes.

"I'm not Eva! My name is Abigail! Now, stop it!"

The wolf rose to his feet slowly. He began to circle me, pacing around me and observing me. He sniffed around my feet and haunches, taking in my scent. I followed him with my eyes, not too comfortable to let some stranger out of my sight. Especially after my last encounter. It was rather embarrassing, I'll admit. My fur never softened, and my stance was still tense and ready for whatever could come next.

"You smell like Eva… But different..."

I was starting to speak when a shadow was suddenly cast down on us from the nearby bluff. We both looked up to see what the source was. A large white wolf was standing on the edge, narrowed icy blue eyes. His brilliant coat seemed to shimmer in the sunlight behind him. My body relaxed subconsciously from the awestruck I found myself in. There was something captivating about him.

"Corbin. Get away from her," he growled out, racing down the bluff and skidding to halt between us. He immediately took a protective stance over the younger wolf, "Who are you, trespasser?"

"My name is Abigail," I replied in a somewhat annoyed tone. Instinctively, my head lowered, "I believe- I mean, I was tricked by the Crow. She-"

"The Crow?"

Suddenly, he went from a valiant guardian to a curious pup, much like his counterpart. He looked me over like I was some sort of great discovery. Again, with the circling. His eyes seemed to sparkle with interest and his ears were perked up.

"I've never known the Crow to make a wolf before… She has made many other animals; mice, rabbits, birds. All of which were constructed to do her bidding. But never has she been able to create a wolf… We are too noble and proud for her to make into puppets."

"'Make'? She didn't really make me…"

"Oh? Then, what did she do?"

"It's a confusing and rather long story…"

The white wolf sat, still minding his distance of me, and looked at me expectantly. His whole demeanor had changed and if that wasn't confusing enough, he seemed amused with me. It was incredibly hard to read him.

"We should have the time."

I paused, trying to weigh the outcomes of the situation. After I concluded that things couldn't really get much worse, I nodded and took a seat myself. Letting out a deep, long sigh, I proceeded to tell them my story. How I was really a human girl. How two strangers had kidnapped me and taken me from my home. How I had seen the strange moon and a wolf had come to me. And how the Crow, an old woman, had tricked me and turned me into a wolf. The two wolves looked between each other before the younger wolf turned to me.

"That's rough," the young pup laughed.

"Corbin," the white wolf scolded, before turning to me as well, "Listen… Abigail was it?"

"Yes… But you can call me Abby for short…"

"I'm Devon and this is my little brother, Corbin. We're members of the Southern Wolf Pack. Perhaps it'd be in your best interest for you to come with us and meet our leader. Our Spirit Guide might be able help you."

"Really," I hid the excitement in my voice and quickly regained my composure.

"If anyone knows the old Crows tricks and how to undo them," Devon chuckled with somewhat of a smirk, "It's Kala."

I thought about the situation for a moment. My first attempt at help turned out to be what got me deeper in this mess. However, I had this sense of safety and security with Devon for some reason. I could only hope that this "Kala" could really help me. And, if Devon said she could, I felt I could trust his judgement. I quietly stood and stretched my legs, that just so happened to feel much better with my unexpected break.

"I'll go with you."

"Follow us, then!"

Corbin took off to the bluff with no regard to us, just like a child. Devon and I exchanged amused looks before following him. For the first time since all this began, I finally felt at ease.

***** A/N: If you like what you've read or are enjoying things so far, lemme know! I appreciate any feedback anybody wants to give! Thanks! *****