
The Wolf-Man

Meet Emilia Greenwood, a lowly forensic scientist that is 27 years. She never expected that she would end up being the wife of a well-practiced serial murderer, snuff actor, and gang lord. She never knew that she had a knack for liking pain. She never dreamed that her first time ever meeting her husband would have been when she was younger. She didn't know a lot of things, but it did happen. Meet David Miranda, a police chief that is 42 years old and well-known for his young looks and mature charm. He didn't expect he would have to marry a girl in order to protect her from a rival gang. He didn't know he was going to have to change the way he was in order to become a better person for someone. He never dreamed that he would marry a girl that really didn't see him as human. He didn't know a lot of things yet they still happened. Dive deep into a story of cringe worthy love, sex, and pain (the good kind though). You might like what you read.

ButterscotchDisc · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Six

Driving down the road from the parking lot, silence rang his cowbell as they found nothing to say to explain what just happened. After driving for about 20 minutes, David started first.


"For what?" she responded looking out of the window, hoping he couldn't see her flustered state: her bottom lip felt extremely swollen from biting it as he groped her, her skin was flushed a beautiful reddish-pink color, and her clothes looked slightly rumped. She had the look of that one secretary that just got finished 'getting a raise' from her boss.

"For not thinking about your feelings when I decided to let all rationalism out of the door," he replied, a somewhat sullen look on his face.

"It's okay. We are both consenting adults so nothing was wrong, other than the fact that it was a) at the office and b) on your desk."

"Consenting adults? You acted like a virgin schoolgirl."

"Should I ask how you know?"

"Interesting story really-"

"I don't wanna hear it," she said, crossing one arm against her chest and the other covering her ears.

To make her stop, he pressed hard on the brake, causing her to jerk forward, her seatbelt holding her back from flying through the windshield. Chuckling he lightened upon it as she glared at him. "Why?"

"Why what?" he asked, feigning ignorance.

"Why did you press the brake?"

"Just to be an asshole," he said, turning right and treking down an eerily dark road. Pulling up slowly to a seemingly old, abandoned building, he stops the car and reaches over to the glove compartment, pulling out a muzzle and a mask. When he handed her the muzzle, a confused look spread slowly across her face. Putting on the mask, a look in his eyes changed as he turned to her and said, "When we enter, I don't want you saying a word or getting close to anyone, even if they seem trustworthy. You stay by my side, even if I decide to go to the restroom, do you copy?"

"Do you want me to wipe your ass while I'm at it?" At this, he laughed a deep, throaty laugh.

"Another thing," he said, helping her put on the muzzle, "If I do just so happen to allow you to speak, and I would only let you speak to me, you can't have a smart-mouth. It will not only make me lose face but will also cause your death. My 'family' is not too keen on the idea of a bitch with a loose mouth and no filter," he continued, tightening the straps around Emilia's curly head of hair and taking a small breath of air when he was only able to see her innocent eyes. She really did look like a bunny or a small cat. It was almost- no, not almost, VERY exciting to see.

Giving an inaudible growl and getting out of his car, he circled to the other side and opened her side, helping her get out, steering her toward a door she didn't see at first. 'I hope I know what I just got myself into,' she thought as he knocked on the door.

Morning (or evening) peeps!

I was in a bit of a mood when I wrote this one. Sorry it was so short this time. Hopefully it will be a bit longer next time.

Still don't want to seem forceful but... VOTE AND RECOMMEND THE STORY TO A FRIEND!!!!!!!!!! Or at least comment. Commenting would be nice too.

Hope you enjoyed it. Have a nice day or sleep well everyone!!!!!!

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