
The Wolf-Man

Meet Emilia Greenwood, a lowly forensic scientist that is 27 years. She never expected that she would end up being the wife of a well-practiced serial murderer, snuff actor, and gang lord. She never knew that she had a knack for liking pain. She never dreamed that her first time ever meeting her husband would have been when she was younger. She didn't know a lot of things, but it did happen. Meet David Miranda, a police chief that is 42 years old and well-known for his young looks and mature charm. He didn't expect he would have to marry a girl in order to protect her from a rival gang. He didn't know he was going to have to change the way he was in order to become a better person for someone. He never dreamed that he would marry a girl that really didn't see him as human. He didn't know a lot of things yet they still happened. Dive deep into a story of cringe worthy love, sex, and pain (the good kind though). You might like what you read.

ButterscotchDisc · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Four

Entering an interrogation room, David scowled as he saw an old 'friend' sit smugly in the chair.

"Hello, Dog-man. How have you been?"

"I would be better if you weren't here, Birdie," David replied, burning a very large hole into the man's head with his eyes.

"Come on, man, you don't have to look at me like that. What happened in the past, happened in the past. Are you the type of guy to hold on to that stuff?"

"You said that you were going to rape a minor. I am still pissed by it to this very day-"

"Oh, shush. Isn't this being recorded? I don't want an even longer sentence-"

"With the right type of people, you won't have to spend years on end in jail. You will be sentenced to the electric chair," he interrupted, smiling that smile. Leaning forward and grabbing Bird's shirt, he whispered, "First, you kill a girl I found interesting and planned on holding onto for a little while, then you dare to sign my name as if I did it. What do you think you are trying to do?"

"Nothing. I have just been watching this girl and I wanted her to know who you were. Did she figure it out?"

"Who?" he asked, letting go and sitting back down.

"That vixen of yours. What did we call her? Was it Bunny? I think it was Bunny," he tried recalling. (If you haven't gotten it till now, Bird is the guy that David fought and almost killed. If you have, cool beans.)

"I never called her that-"

"Answer the question, D.M.," Bird taunted him. "Does she know?"

After a few seconds, he responded reluctantly, "Yes, she does know."

"I guess she either doesn't believe you or likes that you are what you are because if she was any other human being, she would have snitched already," he said, leaning back slowly in his chair. "But that is not why I am here," he sighed, preparing to raise his voice. "Yeah, I killed her. The best part was hearing her screams echo through the sound-proof room."

"Why did you decide to turn yourself in when you killed her?"

"Knowing your nose, you would have known it was me. Hell, you should have known it was me when the first body popped up. Did a sweet scent mess up your nose?"

"What do you mean sweet scent? There was rotting flesh everywhere! I wouldn't have been able to smell you if you bleached everything after you mutilated someone and rubbed your body all over the place like a dog in heat!"

"Liar. I can smell flowers on you and the scent is very intoxicating. I wonder what that would smell like if she released all of her hormones and pheromones underneath the dominating presence of a man. I bet you want to know as well-"

"You can keep wondering because you would have to try to smell it from 6-feet under the ground," David said, anger lacing her fingers through his mind as he stood up and walked to the door. "You guys can take him to his cell- no, take him to Cell #459." Smiles exchanged between the two guards as they knew what he was going to do before Bird's trial.

Emilia gasped internally. The cell was so small they could barely fit the TV in there.

What they do is something like torture for rapists and some rape-murder perpetrators: they play hardcore pornography and they tie the person down and force them to watch it but won't let them touch themselves, which is considered pretty painful if you are extremely horny (or turned on I should say). Other times, they use one of the in-jail prostitutes as tools to make them suffer, sometimes dressing her in child-like clothing or lingerie. In return for their services, they get time let off. He didn't turn himself in for that so why… It clicked why he looked so familiar walking through the place. He was that kid that said he was going to do things to her. Same face and everything. 'Do these people age?'

Walking to David, she asked him, "Why are they taking him to that cell?"

"He did something that pissed me off."

"That is still no reason to put him in that cell! What did he do to upset you?" she asked, clicking the bottom of her heel to the floor in confusion.

"Don't worry about it. In the meantime, you follow me," he said, that smile hinting at the corners of his mouth. Unwillingly, she followed.

As soon as she entered, he slammed the door behind her, causing her heart to jump to her throat.

"What do you want, sir?" she said, watching as he circled her once and sat down in his seat, propping his feet up on his desk. A look appeared in his eyes as she realized that she said 'sir'. Clearing her throat, she restarted, " What do you want?" He awarded her a smile.

"I want you," He started, " to tell me something."

"What? Spit it out already, si- David," she said, trying not to be respectful. Does he have a fetish involving someone not being respectful? Weirdo…

"Have you ever thought about becoming someone's significant other with no actual feelings attached?"

"No. Why ask?"

"It appears that Birdie, the guy that confessed, isn't the only one doing what he did. And before he left, he told me something."

"Which was?"

"'If you don't hold down on that woman, you are going to wish you did.' That is what he told me."

"And you, of all people, are listening to him?" She said, leaning back onto the table, unknowingly giving him a good view of her derriere.

"I realized that he was right," he said, imagining what it would feel like if he slapped it right then and there.

"Well, no I have never thought of that nor do I plan on it-"

"Plans change, you know."

"Don't cut in front of people when they are speaking. That's rude."

"I am a man. I can do what I want. I could fuck you over and over and over on this very desk and no one could do anything, not even you. They would say that you were asking for it, dressed the way that you are, that you were begging for me to do it. I get let off easy while being told 'good job' and you get called a whore," he said, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes.

"You wouldn't dare to," she said, subconsciously daring him to do something. It took him a few seconds to respond to her as that smile crept that made her knees weak. Good thing I am sitting down, she thought, crossing her legs.

"You're right. I wouldn't. But would you know that?"

"If you would dare to, you would have done it already," she confidently said, shaking slightly from his presence. She faced the door to stop the shaking and realized that she probably shouldn't have done that.

Okay, peeps...

So I understand that this is a bit late to be saying, but the next chapter has a slight R-13 to it. I only say R-13 because I know that a lot of smut and erotica readers are between the ages of 10 and 39. A LOT. I'm one of them.

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David: 'And commenting! Don't forget about commenting!'

Scotch (me): Good boy.

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