
Chapter 15

  A few seconds after Avril woke up, she heard footsteps that definitely belonged to Dakar, coming towards her door.

  “What now?” she groaned and tossed in bed, not wanting to get out anymore. She hoped he was just walking around but her hope was dashed when she heard him knock. At first, she refused to answer and feigned sleep. But he kept knocking loudly and she reluctantly pronounced a yes. He had sharp hearing and he heard her. He pushed the door open and walked in holding one of Avril's clay trays.

  “Morning! It's a bright day!” he mused and stood beside Avril's bed. She peeked at him with one eye and saw him holding the tray. She opened her eyes fully and raised a brow questioningly.

  “Your breakfast, ma'am” he announced and lowered the tray so she could see the contents. It contained two plates covered with two other plates and a clay mug of Avril's invention.

  “In bed?” she asked indifferently.