

Alexan is a 28 years old guy that one day in a visit to his grandmother's house he meets with the son of an alfa wolf. That day he encounters Jason the beta of the pack and found out that he is Jason's mate but Alexan already has a mate, what this all means? Did the moon goddess have a plan for these three?

Alcaxius · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 18: Home

Jason POV

More than 3 month has pass and no news from Alen. We try following any clues but come to dead ends and we are getting frustrated about it.

I'm in Alen's office in the house waiting for Jack's call with a report of the search from our allies and scouts. The dragon-shifters are helping to in their territories and I waiting for their call too.

Just when I was going to check on Michael the phone rings, making me jump at it to answer it. "Hello" I answer I wait for a bit and I hear Leo's voice "Hello is this Jason?" He asks I take this opportunity to sit down again "Yes is Jason speaking, you have any news, Leo?" I ask hoping for something even the tiniest clue. There is silence "Yes we found an abandoned building with our Lord scent in it and there were other dragon-shifters scents there too" he responded I rise from the news "Are you certain that he was there?" I ask because we have been founding his scent in different places and we thought that it was the captors doing to confuse us in the search.

We continue talking and he sends me the coordinates of the building so I'm going there right now with Jack that is his way there.

I arrive at the place and Jack is arriving not minutes later just out of the car and I detect Alen's scent and other shifters to dragons. I run to the building and found it empty but their food here people were there before, I see a door and when I open it I was hit by my mate's scent "He was here" I say. Looking around I detect a scent of a wolf but was faint and it leads me to a hole in the wall meaning that Alen scape somehow with the help of a wolf, I rapidly go outside to the other side of the wall and find that my mate scent leaves this area in the direction of the forest. Right now Jack is with me chasing this scent and I detect the other wolf withing the scent of my mate meaning they escape together.

We continue through the forest and see bullets all over the place and that worries me because they can be silver bullets. We follow the trail until we get to a river where the trail end, we cross the river but the trail doesn't continue to the other side. That scares me because with all the bullets we have seen there is a possibility that they hit him and he falls river down.

I look at Jack and we go river down to see if we found anything. We end in an area that has a clearing nearby the river, looking around I thought to see a silhouette in the bushes "Hello someone there?" I call and Jack comes running "Did you see something?" He asks looking where I was looking. "I thought I see someone there" I respond, after a while, we give up for the day and when we were going back I see a child running past the bushes, I go and call to it "Hey wait!, you live around here?!" I call at him. The child stops for a moment and looks at me then begins to run again, I look at Jack and he nods his head in approval so we follow the kid getting us further in the forest to unknown lands. The kid gets us to what looks like ruins of a pack then disappear.

"Where are we? This looks like where a pack was located long ago" I say looking around, there is no much the buildings are destroyed but there is something that studs up in all the rubles a statue of a woman with what looks like wolves around her. Suddenly someone appears from behind the statue a young boy, I go near but he hides behind "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, is just I'm looking for someone, have you seen him around here?" I ask him showing a picture of Alen. He looks at it and smiles then walks to one of the ruins buildings and disappears, am I going crazy because a person can't disappear like that. Jack and I are confused and baffle by what happened then a bright flash comes out of nowhere and is like time to just go in reverse in this area until the structure is restored. Where it stops from the house that now I see is a packhouse comes to a beautiful woman dress in a white silver dress white skin with dark black wavy hair. She comes near and smiles "Welcome child one of my messengers tells me you are looking for someone," she said, I just in shock from all of this but get my voice back and answer "Yes have you see him?" I ask her and show the picture. She smiles "The one you looking for is not here anymore, he is on his way back home you should wait for your mate there," she said and something puck my attention she says mate, and I never refer to the person as such "How you know he is my mate?" I ask her.

She looks at me and smiles "I know my child because I set you both together" I respond, and like that, another flash of light comes and she disappeared and the structure goes back to how it was. I look around and see Jack looking at me confused "What wrong Jason?" He asks "You didn't see that too?" I ask looking at him he shakes his head "No you just stay there looking at the structure like in a trace or something" he explains. What was that, wait she say that she pair us together so that means the moon goddess just present herself in front of me? "I think I just have an intervention with the moon goddess and she tells me that Alen is his way home. We need to return now!" I inform Jack and he just is looking at me like I'm crazy but follow me back home.

Alen POV

After hours of driving, I'm finally home. I go and knock on the door and hear the beautiful voice of Kelaiah "coming, yes how can i... ALEXAN!!" she yelks and jump at me, then I hear a truck coming fast and coming to a halt almost crashing into the car I use to come from it jump Jason and when he sees me run and jump at me too "I'm finally home guys" I say hugging them both.