

Alexan is a 28 years old guy that one day in a visit to his grandmother's house he meets with the son of an alfa wolf. That day he encounters Jason the beta of the pack and found out that he is Jason's mate but Alexan already has a mate, what this all means? Did the moon goddess have a plan for these three?

Alcaxius · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 12: An Unexpected Visit

Mathew Reed POV

I'm coming back to our hideout with the limited warriors that survive. I see the only scout that survives coming at me. "Sir I have urgent news" Peter informs, I look at him and he gives me the report. "What is it?" I ask him, he looks at me and nob and begins the report "Sir, there were movements from king Delvior" he informs I look at him and ask in a serious tone "What happened?" he flinch a little but recover "I see the king leave the castle with his second in command to the human realm" he continues, I look at the information and I don't like it "for what reason he leaves to the humans?" I ask intrigued because Delvior never leaves the castle unless is a serious business that needs his attention personally and that ones are rares. "I don't have all the details but he visits a house and almost begins a fight with Beta Jason from the Blood Fang pack" Peter finishes his report. I'm looking at him in shock at what I hear he go there and almost fight Jason? But why Jason was in that house? Too many questions come to my head and too little information. I look at peter and give him his next mission "Thanks for the report and now I want you to go back to that house and investigate who lives there and what connection it has with Jason" he looks at me and leaves "Yes sir at ones".

I go to my makeshift office and sit."What Delvior want with the person that lives there and why Jason was there?" I say in my head, this worries me because that means that Delvior is on the move and I don't know what he is planing.

Alexan POV

Two days have passed from my first time with Jason and he has been more handsy and forward because of it. He looks like a dog in heat, right now I'm in the kitchen and Kelaiah is in the living room with Jason and Michael, is my turn to cook and I'm preparing the meat. That's when I see movement in the back yard and look at the window but don't see anything, I decide to call Jason so he can check "Jason!" I wait for a little and then he enters the kitchen "Yeah what wrong? need help?" he asks, I look at him and shake my head "No, I'm fine it's just that I see movement in the back yard and didn't see anything but I want you to check anyways" I say, he looks at me and his face change to a worry one "Are you sure it's was not a bird?" he asks. I look outside then at him "I know I see something and was not a bird, can you just go and check to please" I respond to what he just rolls his eyes "Fine if that makes you feel more comfortable" he responded.

Jason goes out and I can see him through the window. I continue preparing the food until I see that Jason stops near some trees. "Jason is something wrong?" I ask him, he look at me and his face was serious and I don't like it now I'm worried, only two things come to mind one my uncle is to no good or rogues and both are bad. Jason comes back "What wrong why the serious face?" I ask, he looks at me "I don't know it was a wolf scent but not rouge and it was a familiar scent but I can't remember from where" he answered. I look at him confused "Did other packs know about me?" I ask, to what Jason just shakes his head "No" is all he says.

After we eat we go and watch a movie but what Jason mentions about the wolf worries me because how they know I'm or Jason was here? The next day I'm at my job when I go to take my lunch break I leave to my car to buy some fast food because I forgot my lunch at home that when I see someone near my car inspecting it but he was not a cop I know my car is big is a red Ford Raptor I get near "Can I help you?" I ask the stranger, he looks at me with surprise and nervousness. "No I'm fine thanks" he responded, I look at him with a raised eyebrow "You sure because you are looking at my car a lot?" I state it. He looks at the car and then at me and begins to walk away "That was weird" I say in my head.

When I get home from work I was debating if telling Jason was a good idea and decide to not tell him but that was futile because when he got home the first thing that he does is question me why my car smells like the wolf of the other day. I see that Jack was with him "I don't know some guy was checking my car in my break" I say he just look at Jack and then at me "Alexan I need to talk to you about something" Jack say to me "Um okay let's go to my office" I say and we walk there. Now in my office, we sit "So what wrong?" I ask, Jack look at me with a serious face "The person you encounter is from a pack that we thought were destroyed years ago, but what this tells us is that some survive" Jack informs me I look at him and ask "So it was an enemy pack?" he shook his head "No actually was an ally and a powerful one" he answered. We continue talking and I learn that the pack called Lunar Claw and was destroyed by my uncle but the Alpha and Beta body was never found.

Unknown POV

"So here is where my grandson lives? it's a nice house" the person says out loud. "I see that the son of Clark is here with his Beta" he continue then he go and knock on the door "Coming" Kelaiah answer the door "Yes how can I help you?" she asks the man, the man looks at her and smile "Yes can you call Alexan outside please?" he ask to what Kelaiah just look at him up and down "And who is looking for him?" she ask the man smile and respond " Just tell him is his grandpa".