
Chapter 3

I woke up at the crack of dawn in the tent. I checked on my wounds and wrapped them in bandages I had found in a crate. I don't even want to think about what happened last night. Their creepy smiles, their daggers slashing through my dress and flesh. I know now to not trust random strangers anymore. I can trust Conan, he's saved my life twice already. I should stick with him from now on, he knows more than I do about surviving. Still not really sold on the whole prince thing though. Maybe I should ask him and find out more. I walk out of the tent and look around. Conan is dragging something in a sack that he found in one of the open crates. "Here, breakfast. You need to get all the strength you can get for the long journey ahead." Conan said, emptying the contents of the sack onto a blanket.

"What about you? You need to eat as well. After all, we are going together."

"No, you've got to go on your own. I won't be welcome in a village in this state."

"What if I said you belonged to me and that you were my pet? They would allow you in the village if they thought that you belonged to someone."

"Might work. But we'll have to show some sort of proof that I belong to you and you alone."

"Maybe a rope tied to you like a leash? I think I saw one in the tent. It should be long enough."

"Okay, guess I'm going with you."


I jumped up and down for joy, after all, he knew the way better than I do. Having him as a companion will surely be helpful, and he would make really good company for the long trip ahead. After me and Conan ate breakfast, I went into the tent and gathered the proper supplies for our trip. I went around the back of the tent and found a wagon with a horse. "Conan! Look what I found!" I said excitedly. He came around and came up next to me. "What? What did you find?" he said. "I found a wagon! It can carry all the things we need for the trip and we won't have to walk. It's much more efficient than carrying everything and going my foot." I told Conan. He told me to load up the things we need for the trip: Food, clothing for me, the tent, and anything else that would be good for our trip. After I loaded everything in with the help of Conan, he hopped into the back, I climbed up to the driver's seat, and we went off to the village.

It took the day for us to travel "about half-way" as Conan said. So we set up camp for the night and he instructed me on how to build a fire. When I had finally lit the wood with a spark that ignited into a flame, we decided to rest once I had set up my bed for the night. We ate our meal for the night and we decided to go to sleep. While I was trying to go sleep on the rough and rocky ground, I heard Conan get up and he started growling at something near me. I looked up and standing above me was a creature I had never seen nor heard of. It was like a large wolf that stood on its back legs, it also looked like it was part man. It was snarling at me and drooling on me, I wanted to run, but I was too scared to move.

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I knew what he was, but I was confused as to how he was transformed when it wasn't even a full moon. The full moon was two days ago, how was he still in this form? I had to run to the wagon to get a silver knife to kill him. Orana said nothing, probably too afraid to move and say anything. She's probably fearing that her life may end if she does anything. I find the knife and run to the creature, jabbing the knife into his side. The creature howls in pain and tries to run, but falls over and doesn't move. I went closer and saw that it wasn't breathing. I poked at it with my paw and it didn't move, I knew for sure that it was dead. I heard Orana get up and walk closer, she said, "What was that thing?" I turned to her and said, "It's a Werewolf. They are humans that are infected to turn into these creatures on a full moon. They are quite vicious and not very friendly, the reason because their minds go insane and out of control once they turn. They are unable to control themselves once this happens."

"But the moon is waning, how is it still a...?"

"I don't know, that's what's strange. Usually, they are still in their human form when the moon is waning. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless he was controlled by a witch to experience the effect of the full moon when it's waning. If that's the case, then he should be thankful that we put him out of his misery."

"Great, so not only are there vampires and werewolves but now there are evil mind-controlling witches!"

"Not mind-controlling, just alteration of the curse."

"Whatever, whoever did that to this creature is seriously evil and takes enjoyment from other people's suffering. Is this the same witch that 'turned you' into a wolf?"

"Probably not, there are multiple witches who study magic, but the one that cast my curse wouldn't stoop this low."

"Do all witches like casting curses? Because that's all that I'm getting about witches so far."

"No, there are many witches that study magic, but there are different kinds of magic that different witches study. If we meet one, maybe you can ask them about it. Just about every town has a town witch."

"Alright, well we should probably get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us."

She fell asleep long before I did. There was something about her, I don't know what, but there was just something that made it so that I couldn't take my eyes off her. I wonder where she came from to have such miraculous beauty, unusual colored eyes and hair, and not know anything about the outside world. She has a lot to learn, I just hope that I'm there to be part of it.