
Chapter 1

"Get back here bitch!" has she ran through unfamiliar streets hearing her dad call out to her until she reached a dead end so scared all she could do was cry she heard her dad's footsteps getting closer and closer until he was there, there he was looking at me like he was going to kill me. He yells "why did you run!" I jump, sobbing " I don't want to marry him, I can't," he says nothing all he does is grab my arm and drags me back to his car but when we got there it was a strange car a car I have never seen before my dad tells me "get in the car, your husband is in there" I look at my dad with fear in my eyes but all can do is get in the car as my dad shelves me in and slams the door when I look up I see a dark figure with bright blue eyes that was all I could see it was like they glowed on their own but he says nothing. As we drive through the city we arrived at the biggest building in the city we get out and when the light hits him he is the most handsome man I have ever seen he was so tall and was well built but he had a devilish look to him but then I noticed he was staring at me I look away quickly but then he speaks up "you are very beautiful, what is your name?" I look a little shocked but I replied "Rebekah, what is yours?" he looks at me and says nothing I feel a little scared now but I follow him in the building and to his penthouse, I look around and it is so expensive and big but then he sits down and looks at me we stare at each other for a while until he spoke up " undress" I feel shocked and I stutter "w-why?" now he looks mad he just stares at me I think he is waiting for me to undress all I can stutter out was " p-please at least t-tell me your name" we look at each other and he replies "Brandon. Now undress" I begin to sob but I was so scared that I listened to him and begin to undress sobbing he just looks at me as I take off my top with my bra showing he looks at me and grins I take off my pants now I am unable to stop crying I feel something get thrown on me when I look up it's his coat I feel shocked he then speaks up "your room is over there" and then he leaves I run to my room but it looks familiar like I have been here before because of this feeling I look around to see if I can find anything until I find a diary but it's locked I try to look for a key but then I hear footsteps, I quickly hide the diary and then the door opens.

Hey I know I'm not good but I am really trying :) I wanted to let you all know I do have really bad Dyslexia and I hope this will help it I love to write stories and I hope you all like it too:)

Rabakcreators' thoughts