
Chapter 39 Caylee

It took weeks to find where they were taken. Now we have finally found them. I have tried many times to reach Kyra. No luck. Even now that we are trying to rescue her all I get is fog. I can feel her mind she is alive. I just can't contact her… why?

"Miss you need to come with us we have a situation."

I turn to see Fi'lo rush into the room. "What is the matter?"

"I will explain on the way we have to hurry."

I turn and follow him out the door. Rushing through the ship we reach the compound where Grib was holding De'rax and Kyra.

"We found her. But she will not let us near her."

"What about lord General?"

"No we are still searching. We thought it easier if you come help Kyra while we continue to look. If you cannot get her settled maybe he can."

Came around the corner to see two more of the men standing in a door if a clear cage. I could hear her growling inside. What was wrong. The men moved for me to see and it shocked me.

Kyra was in wolf form in attack stance staring at us. Grib was against the far wall dead. I sigh at least that's a relief.

My eyes focus on Kyra. She is standing over something but I cant see what. If I could just get her to move.

I walk forward into the room. Speaking softly I try to calm her. "Kyra honey it's me Caylee. Please come back. Your instinct mode."

I stop halfway and crouch to her level. Trying to show I'm not a threat. I hold out my hand slowly. Waiting. For my scent to hit her calm her. As I'm waiting I examine what she is guarding. I gasp.

" What is it? What do you see." Fi'lo speaks from the door anxiously waiting.

"Its another wolf. The way she is guarding it I think it must be her mate. But De'rax is her mate…oh this can't be. How can they?"

"How can they what? Who is it?"

"It's De'rax. They somehow changed him to a wolf. I don't know if its permanent until I get Kyra calm."

Speaking of Kyra she has stopped growling and has inched forward. Head still down she moves slowly to my hand. With a sniff and a lick she whines. Got her.

" Kyra! Are you okay? "

" Caylee? Yes Im fine just tired. I blacked out didn't I?"

"Yes. You were pure instinct. Can you tell me if Im right. Is that De'rax under you?"

She looks down whines and nudges him.

"Yes. Grib had his scientists change his DNA. I don't know how much until he is looked at but he is hurt. Need to get him medical."

"Ok can you let Fi'lo and the others to take him?"

She nods moving away from him. They grab his body and swiftly move out. She wobbles as she follows. I help steady her. "I think you need to be seen to. You have lost weight."

"Yea I feel like I could eat a horse then sleep for a month."

We both laugh. "That could be arranged."

We get stares as we follow the men taking De'rax to med. Work is immediately started on him as he is layed down. I make Kyra hop onto the other bed and they start to examine her.

I sit in a chair and wait. News has come back that the place is cleared. They saved a lot more prisoners there and it seems another wolf. He is alive but asleep. He must have gave Grib some trouble.

When De'rax and Kyra are better we will find out what happened and where the others go. Kyra is so tired they gave her some sleep drug to help her while they finish.

De'rax has a few broken ribs, a broken front leg and some bruises. But will live. He is given meds to sleep as well while his bones heal. Our kind heals quickly. Although the doctors won't know what De'rax is until the tests are done.

Until the time that they are awake I'm in charge.

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