
Chapter 33

He leaves us sitting in the cages. It won't work. I am human not animal although I have an animal side. He can't force me I won't do it.

"I won't do it."

"Wha if you have no choice?"

"I am not a full wolf. I am human it won't work."

"That is what I thought but what if he found finds a way?"

"I don't know."

I really don't. We both sit quietly for a while both in our own thoughts then I get a really bad one. I start counting in my head. As I get to my conclusion I sigh.

"What was that about?"

"Um well I guess I will have to explain it first. You see my kind go through a heat every six months. Well the females do."

"What is heat? Are you hot?"

I laugh at his expression of confusion. I shake my head. "No it's not that kind of heat. It's um…how to explain. It is the period of time where we are most fertil. It is our bodies way of continuing our people whether we want to or not."

He still looks at me confused. Sigh. I am really going to have to think about this. The translator has its moments of fail and this is one big one.

" Let me think for a moment on how to explain this. "

Hmm what is another word that he might understand. Oh I got it.

"It is our version of estrus."

He nods as if he understands. "I still do not get how that is a bad thing?"

"Hmm okay estrus itself is not. However when in heat the female is forced by her body to accept a male even if she doesn't want to."

He stares at me. I am slightly unereved by it. Waiting for him to speak is nerve-wracking.

"So you were sighing because you are not going into 'heat' as you say it?"

"Exactly. I was worried that he could force me even if I didn't want to using my heat. But by my calculations I still have another month. Provided we are found before then."

We both grow silent again. Hoping for what I said.

"I have to ask that you said something but a thought has occurred to me."

"Yes what is it?"

"Is there a way he could force your estrus?"

"I don't think so. At least I have never heard of thr possibility. Although I didn't think there was aliens around either and look where I am at."

I slump to the bottom. Oh boy. If that is possible then any thought I had has flown. Im not usually a depressed person but this pushes me into a whole other territory. I sigh again.

" Sleep Kyra. Maybe if we sleep on it an answer will come. "

I snort. Which sounds weird coming from a wolf which makes me giggle a little. Ha sleep he says. Easier said than done. I'm to worried.

I close my eyes. It would be better if I could sleep next to him. Before I can finish the thought I feel an arm wrap around me and pull till I am up against the bars.

"This is as close as I can get. I am sorry if this bothers you but I have to touch you."

I shake my head. "No it's okay I was just thinking about this."

I stick my nose through to rest on his shoulder. Closing my eyes again I try for the elusive sleep.

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