
The Wizardess and The Fantasy World

What happens when you get sucked into a unknown portal to the world of Fantasy.... well that what happens to 16 year old Ella Zahra Harper. Now she has to go two schools and it's the race against time to save this world and her own. Will she learn the ropes of this world or will she be eaten alive by the unknown? (Copyright)

LadyTheHybridGirl · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Sneaking into The Boys' Dorm


When Monday came back around, The girls were sitting on the edge of the pool, while Cordelia was in the water. Zaya kept on looking in a certain direction and Ella had a leaf on her head. When Ella jumped up, she spun for a second before hitting her butt onto the ground.

"Ella what are you doing?" Cordelia asked.

Ella looked over and said, "I'm trying to summon my mysterious ears and tails, the same ones that I use to defeat that black snake man."

Suddenly Asher came up right behind Cordelia and spooked her which he ended up getting slapped by her tail. Asher got out of the water and he had his snake tail showing. Ella blushed a little and tried to do the same thing as before Asher came. But, instead of landing on her butt, Ella landed on top of Asher's tail.

She quickly got off of Asher's tail and Asher went away. But, Ella saw something red on the back of his shoulder-blade before disappearing inside the school.

"Cordelia, where did your brother get that wound because it looks fresh," Ella asked.

Cordelia sadly said, "He never says where he gets them, but it happens every single day. I just wish we can go find out what happens to him in the boys' dorms."

Zaya smiled and said, "What if we used the transformation spell to sneak into the boys' dorms?"

Amelia quickly commented, "Zaya are you crazy? That is risky to do and what if we get caught?"

Zaya then said, "If we go use the spell somewhere else first before we go into the boys' dorms then no one will know."

Ella quickly said, "I'm in and I'm curious what had happened to Asher!"

"Are you starting to like my brother Ella?" Cordelia asked.

Ella quickly shook her head no. Soon Amelia and Cordelia joined in and the girls went to a spot under the stairs.

Zaya cast the spell on all four of them and smoke set in. Once the smoke cleared Zaya, Amelia and Cordelia were boys. Their hair color changed as well; Amelia's hair was short and blonde, Cordelia's hair was short and turned green with a yellow ombre effect. Finally Zaya's hair turned white with bronze highlights and she had antlers.

"Wait... where's Ella?" Cordelia quickly said in pure panic.

"Guys I'm down here!!!" said a voice.

The girls looked down and saw a brown cat with two tails and a front leg missing. Also the cat had the same color eyes as Ella.

"Ella is that you?" Amelia asked sitting down to get a closer look at the cat.

"Yes, it's me. Zaya I think the spell made me this way!!" Ella said in complete confusion of this transformation before looking at Zaya.

"We don't have time for a second try Ella! We need to go now before we lose my brother," Cordelia said before rushing off in the direction of the boys' dorms.

Amelia quickly grabbed Ella and placed her on Zaya's shoulder. Soon the other raced after Cordelia trying to keep up with her. When they got to the boys' dorms, neither one of them saw Cordelia or Asher.

"It will be quicker if we split up and try to find them," Zaya said.

At first Amelia was a little bit concerned about this idea, but agreed to this idea. Ella jumped onto Amelia's shoulder and three of them went in a different direction. It was strange being in the boys' dorms even though the boys didn't know that there were four girls roaming around in their dorm. Amelia turned around for a moment and accidentally backed up into a boy. Luckily Ella hid in Amelia's pocket so she couldn't been seen so easily. Amelia quickly turned to face the boy she bumped into.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are? Bumping into me, Alan Blackmore," said the boy.

Suddenly Ella poked her head out and the boy panicked. It turns out cats weren't allowed in the boy's dorms because they were used by female magic users. Alan tried to grab Ella, but Amelia quickly put her on the ground and Ella ran off. She slowly caught her breath then she heard a familiar voice... it was Zen talking to some people. It was great to see and hear Zen again, but she didn't have time to talk to him. Soon Ella ran again trying to find either Asher or Cordelia.

Out of the corner of her eye when she passed one of the hallways, she saw Asher getting beaten up by three other boys who were tigers. Ella raced quickly to Asher's aid, but when she stood in front of him the boys laughed and they transformed into tigers. One of them rushed right towards Asher and Ella, but Ella stood her ground. Then out of nowhere vines trapped the tiger and his friends. Asher had enough strength to pick Ella up and run, while a fresh new wound dripped blood out as he ran.

When they were far enough away from those guys, Asher collapsed onto the ground, while still holding onto Ella.

"Asher... Asher... ASHER WAKE UP!!" Ella screamed on top of her lungs.

Asher didn't respond to Ella's screams... 'was he gone' a thought came over Ella. Slowly tears formed in her eyes, she couldn't help him in time. Soon a light was healing him and she soon heard him breathing. She softly sighed thanking the stars that he was still alive, but how did she bring him back to life? Slowly Asher's eyes opened and saw the cat that had saved him. Ella carefully backed up and stared at him, making sure he was ok. Then Asher recognized something on the cat that looked familiar.

He stared into the cat's pink-brown and green eyes then he said, "Ella is that you?"

Ella quickly panicked and ran off, but Asher quickly raced right after her. Soon enough Asher grabbed Ella by the back legs with his dark green tail. Ella tried to struggle loose, but his gripe tightened a little bit more as he brought Ella closer to where he could see her unique eyes.

"Ella what are you doing in the boys' dorms," Asher asked.

Ella didn't want to say anything after that crazy experience. Suddenly Ella got a vision... her friends were captured by some bad men and some boys.

"Asher listen to me for a second... me and Cordelia were worried because you were getting hurt by something and all four of us came to find you. So Zaya cast a spell on all four of us and we came here. Long story short we all got separated and Cordelia also Amelia and Zaya got captured by some bad men. So do you mind letting me go so I can go rescue my friends please," Ella said, while swaying back and forth trying to struggle free.

When Asher heard that his sister, Cordelia was captured, he placed Ella on his shoulder and he slithered as fast as he could in his snake man form.

"That sister of mine should learn to keep her fins out of my business. I never expect her to get captured all for worrying about me. I'm not letting my little sister get hurt as for you, her, and the other you're all in big trouble after we rescued them, got it!" Asher said angrily.

Ella understood, but she hoped that they would make it in time to save them.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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