
The Wizard Wars

What would you do if you suddenly found out that all the ancient myths were all true? Gods, monsters, mystical beings that seemed to have risen from a fictional book? What would you do if you got dragged into a war that you never knew existed? The world two siblings thought they knew turned upside down one day, leaving them to question everything.

The_Warped_Writer · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Two Wizards and a Dragon

Things just keeps getting more and more ridiculous. Claire? A wizard? My sister is the most un-magical person I know. She doesn't even like magic tricks! I wanted to laugh, hoping dad was just joking about this entire ordeal but no sound came out.

"So...let's say you're not messing with us," Claire shook her head in disbelief. "Where is aunt Cally? How are we wizards but not know?"

Still standing in the doorway, Cychreides had an amused look resting on his pale face as he observed the exchange. A raspy chuckle bubbled up as he heard Claire's questions.

"All in good time, offspring," he tapped at his imaginary watch rather sarcastically. "We have to get going. He is expecting us."

"Where are we going?" Claire protested as dad gave her a light push towards Cychreides.

"A camp of sorts," mom wrinkled her nose in distaste. "You'll learn everything you need to know."

Then Claire just lost her marbles.

"You're abandoning us AGAIN and this time you're leaving us in some sort of camp?" She yelled, throwing her hands up in an exasperated fashion. "You've gotta be shitting me."

Dad glances down at his worn silver pocket watch that he always carry and nodded to mom. "It's time, Ingrid. You know they don't like to be kept waiting."

Mom gave Claire an apologetic look. A single tear trickled down her angular face and she wiped it away so fast that I almost thought I imagined it. This was the first time either of us has seen mom shed a tear. "I'm sorry, Claire...We really must be going. I hope you two find it in your hearts to forgive us for keeping such a big secret."

Why does this feel like a farewell? I had a tight feeling in my chest as if something bad was going to happen.

"Mom...Dad," I blurted out and they both turned their attention to me. "I love you guys."

I thought mom was going to start the waterworks as she quickly turned away. Dad smiled at me sadly. "We love you too, Jules."

Then he did something I didn't expect. He gripped the ornate pendant he always wears and extended his other hand out in front of him. A large ring of fire blazed to life in front of him. Claire and I both gasped and stepped back in shock. Our parents had just told they were wizards but this....is still a shock. It looked like a portal. I've read enough comic books to know when I see one but nothing compares to seeing it firsthand. It was beautiful. Mom took dad's hand and stepped closer to the portal. She glared at Cychreides threateningly.

"If you so much as to harm a single hair on either of their heads, I WILL personally incinerate you."

Cychreides gave her a toothy grin and held both of his hands up in mock surrender. "I won't hurt your kids, ma'am."

And just like that, both of our parents stepped through and the fire disappeared behind them.

Claire and I stood in silence in the empty bedroom, still in shock of what just happened. Cychreides cleared his throat.

"Alright, hatchlings," he rumbled and shepherded us onto the balcony. "It's time we left too."

"Where is this camp?" Claire asked, her voice trembling as if she was trying not to cry.

"California," the horned man smiled as he climbed on the rails of the balcony.

"Why are we on the balcony and what the hell are you-" I was cut off as Cychreides suddenly jumped from the rails. We were on the third floor. The impact from falling from this height is fatal. Claire screamed and I ran to the railing, expecting to see our new babysitter as nothing more than a bloodstain on the concrete below. What I saw was horrific in a different way.


There's a bloody dragon gliding below my balcony. I stumbled back as the dragon flapped it's wings. A large gust of wind pushed me and Claire down on our rears.

"W-what the bloody fucking hell?" Claire stammered, staring at the creature as it hovered above the balcony rails. Black ram horns adorned the sides of its head and shiny ivory scales covered its muscular body. Onyx-colored spikes rose from its back as its powerful wings flapped to keep it in the air. It's glowing red eyes stared down at us and we stared back paralyzed in fear.

[What are ya looking at? Climb on.]

I heard Cychreides' raspy voice in my head. Claire had a stricken look on her face so I guessed she heard the same. I slowly got up and helped my sister to her feet. Her dark brown hair was messy from the wind and her green eyes were filled with fear. Who wouldn't be afraid in this situation? I carefully grabbed a spike and hoisted myself up onto the dragon's back. Claire did the same and as soon as we were secured, Cychreides took off.