
Chapter 31 "Half a Year" and "Sneak Attack" (Seeking Chase Reading)

Translator: 549690339

Time flees in a twinkling.

The three suns hanging in the sky revolve around day and night without cease.

Milton Cheney had been in Far East City for more than half a year.

Far East City, Inner City Area, Jasmine Flower Residential Area.

Servants and maids were tidying up the somewhat messy living room.

Milton, after washing up, wiped his face with a wet handkerchief. A bit of stubble had already grown on his face.

Compared to half a year ago, Milton seemed more mature now.

"Who would have thought that the alcohol in this world could pack such a punch!"

Milton admitted that he had underestimated the strength of this world's alcohol.

In his previous life, he drank quite a lot for social occasions. He thought that drinking would be a simple task, but he didn't expect to drink too much last night.

Yesterday was his eighteenth birthday. Milton had a party at home. Quite a few people came over, including his father, Earl Arthur.