
The wittiness in monster

You don't need to be alike to be friends. When two very different humans meet an unusual creature, it's a chance to be friends.

Hannah_Ahmadi · Book&Literature
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The wittiness in monster

You don't need to be alike to be friends. When two very different humans meet an unusual creature, it's a chance to be friends.

The people of the city were terrified by accounts of a boogie man, who was said, haunted the Gate of Rashomon at twilight and seized would be make chance. The missing boogie man was never seen again, so it was whispered that boogie man was stolen by munster, who not only killed the unhappy boogie man but also teased him.

Now everybody in the town and neighborhood was in great fear, and no one durst venture out after sunset. Now at this time I prefer to make change by going to Gate of Rashomon. Some time before that l made the country ring with my name where a band of ogres lived with their chief, who instead of wine drank the blood of human beings.

My brave warrior was always followed by a band of music band of faithful. In this band there were five great of power.so, I turn on my music and keep going rashly.Suddenly I see boogie man through my self it feels like knives on my throat.boogie man said to others: Have you all heard the rumor that every evening after sunset there comes an ogre to the Gate of Rashomon, and that he seizes all who pass by?"first monster answer him: "Do not talk such nonsense! All the ogres were killed by our chief. It cannot be true, because even if any ogres did escape from that great killing they would not dare to show themselves in this city, for they know that our brave master would at once attack them if they know our secrets like you obviously we will not have any strange to kill them!!"

I come cold and dry like cripple because the obvious reason is that monster would kill me.Suddenly boogie man said:"If you know her strange Then you do disbelieve what I say, and think that I am telling you a falsehood but when all you come nasty with her strange you would believe?"

"No, I do not think that you are telling a lie," said monster. Boogie man said to me: "Then the best plan is to prove what I say, by going and finding out yourself whether it is true or not,"

"Of course, I will go at once and find out for myself!"said by me.

It was a very dark night, and there was neither moon nor star to light Watanabe on his way. To make the darkness worse a storm came on, the rain fell heavily and the wind howled like wolves in the mountains. Any boogie man would have trembled at the thought of going out of doors, but he was a brave warrior and dauntless, and his honor and word were at stake, so he sped his quality to make me far from danger.

As he did so he became aware people in Gate of Rashomon that fears are more weak than you think.

Hannah Ahmadi