
The Witcher and His Huts

When he was obsessed with the world of fantasy, Roger accidentally traveled to a plausible world. Here, the legendary monsters actually exist. They disguise themselves among the crowd and become a part of this world. Starting from a deserted island, Roger learns how to face this weird and dangerous world, with his little cheat like powers which gives him an advantage over others, but God's tricks are unpredictable. Hence, the thing which really received God's blessings wasn't himself but his house. So let's see how Roger deals with every kind of monster, ghost, and demon while finding different types of houses all over the world... --------- Support Me At: patreon.com/KarmaLord There are more than 30+ Advanced chapters there. Update 2 Chapters/Day.

Karma_Lord · Fantasy
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262 Chs

Chapter 173. Voodoo Land

Dark night.

A car is driving on a rough mountain road.

The driver was a muscular black male with a deadpan expression, like a solid rock.

Walking on the mountain road, the car did not turn on the lights, but even after driving all the way, the car remained as stable as possible.

Going up the winding mountain road, when reaching the top, the black man driving suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the car's engine roared.

Then, like a sharp arrow leaving the string, it crushed the weeds on both sides of the road and rushed out from the edge.

There was no exclamation, and the expressions of the people sitting in the car didn't even change. Then, the car seemed to break into an unfamiliar area and disappeared into the air out of thin air.

But in the next second, the scene in front of him changed, and the car landed on the ground smoothly, then gradually slowed down and stopped.

A handsome black man stepped forward to open the car door, and in the darkness, a delicate face appeared in front of everyone.

"Miss Julian, it's so late to let you..."

"Where's that idiot Aurora?"

The woman called Julian interrupted the other party indifferently.

"Miss Aurora is waiting for you."

"Take me to her. Besides..."

After walking a few steps, Julian suddenly stopped.

"What level did the leak reach?"

"Please rest assured that a few monsters have entered the real world, but we have sealed off the entire area in advance, and after detailed investigation, we have killed all the monsters."

Julian nodded, with a smile on her face, "Aurora should really thank you, if it affects the teacher's plan, I don't mind teaching her a lesson."

At this time, in the room, Aurora, who had made things difficult for Roger at the inquiry meeting, was walking around the room with a disturbed expression on his face.

"Damn it, if it wasn't because of a problem with the foster ghost, how could I have been arranged here?!"


"It must be that guy. Among all the people who have been to Room 404 recently, he is the most suspected one!"

"Whether it's intentional or unintentional, when I return to Bordeaux, I will definitely make you pay the price."

Aurora clenched her fists and said through gritted teeth.


A majestic figure pushed the door and entered, followed by Julian with a calm attitude.

"Julian, did the teacher send you to take me back?"

There was a hint of joy on Aurora's face.


The tall black man closed the door, leaving Aurora and Julian alone in the room.

"What a waste, you can't even do a little thing well!"

Julian looked at Aurora darkly.

"It's not my fault!"

Aurora argued loudly, "The phase ghost I trained has reached the final stage, but who knows it was ruined by a witcher who suddenly appeared."

"It's the young man at the inquiry meeting, his name is Roger..."

"Shut up!"

Julian drank coldly, and strong mental pressure enveloped the entire room. Aurora's expression changed, and she couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"It's really a compliment to say you're an idiot."

"The teacher just wants you to be more impulsive, not to make you a real brainless animal!"

"If you feel that your brain is useless, then I don't mind putting your soul in the body of an animal!"

Facing Julian's cold shout, Aurora, who had always acted domineering in front of outsiders, was now as quiet as a cicada, curled up like a frightened little animal.

In fact, Aurora is not as arrogant as she appears to the outside world at all. In the eyes of outsiders, she is the most beloved disciple of the Voodoo Queen.

But inside the Voodoo Association, everyone knew that Aurora was just a pawn pushed to the stage by the queen.

The so-called arrogance and unreasonableness are all intentional, and they are the Queen's means to achieve a certain purpose.

Aurora seems to be beautiful, but there is a sinister murderous intention hidden behind it.

If she did something wrong or done it, then she would become a real scapegoat.

And Julian standing in front of her is the recognized successor of the entire Voodoo Association.

Aurora has just entered the Transcendent Realm not long ago, and is the lowest level of the Waxing Moon Witch. Although Julian is a year or two younger than her, she has already been promoted to the peak of Crescent Moon Witch.

Compared with the voodoo queen of the same generation more than ten years ago, this qualification is not far behind.

"The ghost is just a trivial matter, but what you did in the Hunter's Guild was too inappropriate. The teacher is very disappointed. I hope you can calm down her."

"In addition, your disappearance will also help divert the anger of the Hunter Guild."

"I really don't understand why the teacher is so forbearing. The current strength of the Hunter's Guild is obvious to all. We can definitely act tougher..."


Before Aurora could finish speaking, there was a sharp pain on her cheek, and she was thrown flying, and hit the wall behind her.

When he got up, half of his face was already swollen, and there was still a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"Keep your mouth shut!"

Julian took a step forward.

"Recognize your identity, and then do what you should do!"

"Fortunately, the leak this time did not have any bad effects, otherwise I would bury you in the swamp."

She looked Aurora up and down.

"Although it's ugly, those bugs should be able to give birth to a bunch of cute little guys in your body."

Aurora couldn't help shivering. She took a step forward and seemed to want to grab Julian's arm, but she couldn't help but stop when she threw herself in front of her.

"No, don't do that! I promise I will never make a mistake again next time."

Julian ran a finger across Aurora's swollen cheek from her slap.

The sharp nails drew a bloodstain on the cheek, Julian's voice was soft.

"Does it hurt? My sister."

Aurora didn't know whether to nod or shake her head, so she could only show a flattering smile.

"If it hurts, remember this lesson. If it wasn't for me, a slap would not be enough to offset the mistakes you made."

"Taking a good look at this place, it's a cursed place that has formed. If the Hunter's Guild finds out about this, it will cause us big trouble."

"Don't look down on the Hunters Guild. Although those demon hunters are low-level and can only deal with some ordinary events, you have to know that they are supported by blood hunters."

"Those guys are the real ones to watch."

Julian stretched out her slightly curled tongue, and took out a worm the size of a little fingernail from the tongue.

Putting the worm on Aurora's cheek, the fat white worm twisted its body, greedily sucking the blood from Aurora's face.

"This is a critical period. When everything is ready, it's time for us to actually go on stage."

"My dear sister, what you need to do now is to keep an eye on this place and don't let it be discovered by anyone."

"Don't let me down again."

As she spoke, she removed the worm that was crawling across Aurora's face.

The snow-white worms turned red after eating blood.

Julian put the worm in her mouth and rubbed her teeth gently.

"Um... My sister's blood is still as delicious as ever."