
The Witcher and His Huts

When he was obsessed with the world of fantasy, Roger accidentally traveled to a plausible world. Here, the legendary monsters actually exist. They disguise themselves among the crowd and become a part of this world. Starting from a deserted island, Roger learns how to face this weird and dangerous world, with his little cheat like powers which gives him an advantage over others, but God's tricks are unpredictable. Hence, the thing which really received God's blessings wasn't himself but his house. So let's see how Roger deals with every kind of monster, ghost, and demon while finding different types of houses all over the world... --------- Support Me At: patreon.com/KarmaLord There are more than 30+ Advanced chapters there. Update 2 Chapters/Day.

Karma_Lord · Fantasy
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262 Chs

Chapter 171. Graveyard

A blooming daffodil is drawn in the upper left corner of the drawing.

This blueprint was obviously copied from another blueprint, but judging by the degree of damage to the paper, it should be decades old.

Cemetery No. 48.

"That's what I want."

Roger nodded. He observed carefully. The construction of the entire cemetery is very special. It is not arranged in a square, but based on the structure of the entire cemetery, forming a figure on the ground.

Although I can't see the meaning of the specific representation, the current Roger is not a rookie who didn't know anything when he came to this world. He knows a lot about occult knowledge.

The characteristics of the ceremony can still be seen in some traces.

"Strange, didn't the Hunter's Guild find anything abnormal?"

"Or is it that they just didn't care about what they discovered, or the behavior of the Stuart family at that time made everyone mistakenly think that this was just a failed or incomplete ceremony?"

"And the things that really make up the ritual are hidden in the dark?"

To be honest, Roger didn't know what happened that year.

However, the structure of the No. 48 cemetery is indeed very strange.

Without the solemnity of the cemetery, it seems to be completely arbitrary from the structural diagram.

"Can you take me to the ruins of the cemetery?"

"Or is this cemetery completely bulldozed to make this hospital?"

Asked Roger.

Rooney shook his head.

"No, in fact, this place was chosen because it is spacious and secluded."

"A small manor was built on the outskirts of the cemetery, where our hospital is now. It is said that people lived here back then."

"And the real location of the cemetery is at the back."

Rooney led Roger out of the hospital, along the wall to an iron gate behind.

Opening the iron gate, they had actually left the area of ​​the mental hospital, and to the rear was a large dense bush.

"It should be right ahead."

"To be honest, real burials are too rare in Marsh Town. After so many years, the lower part of the cemetery is probably flooded by the swamp."

It was afternoon, and the sun was a little strong, but after walking into the bushes, the temperature suddenly dropped and became refreshing.

Rooney leads Roger across a short distance and then up a hill.

"Look, there it is!"

Rooney pointed to an open space under the hillside and said to Roger.

Seeing the area under the hillside, Roger's face changed slightly.

Everything in front of him was so familiar, except for his own cemetery hut, what he saw was almost exactly the same as the cemetery in Bay Town!

"How is this going? Is it just a coincidence?"

Roger thought.

"Who else knows about this place?"

Rooney shook his head.


"If you hadn't happened to investigate here, even I wouldn't have thought of this cemetery behind the hospital."

"The psychiatric hospital is a place where everyone talks about it. Even the people who work here will not be so bored as to go out to hang out. I just heard that this is the first time I have come."

Rooney couldn't help shrinking his neck. The sun was shining brightly in broad daylight, but he always felt a little cold on his neck.

"Please, Mr. Rooney."

"Leave me alone for a while, if necessary, I will find you again."

"No problem, it's my pleasure to help."

Rooney was also very happy. Hearing Roger's words, he left the area without hesitation.

Roger stood on the hillside and carefully scanned everything below.

The distribution, size, and even degree of damage of the cemetery are exactly the same as those in Bay Town.

Even the big tree that Anna often snuggled up to make no difference.

"Someone built two identical cemeteries in different places?"

Roger was a little puzzled, and slowly walked down the hillside to the cemetery.

For cemetery No. 48, Roger thought it was a special way of naming the Stuart family. After all, the number 8 represented a special meaning in this family.

But now seeing two identical cemeteries, Roger couldn't help wondering, are there really 48 similar cemeteries?

Or more than 48?

If that's the case, a huge force will be involved behind it.

"No, not right!"

Roger quickly thought of another problem.

"Even if two identical cemeteries are built, the degree of damage to the cemeteries should be completely different because of the different environments."

"It shouldn't be like it is now, the damage of the tombstone and the growth distribution of the surrounding trees are exactly the same."

Roger stands in the center of the cemetery.

"Isn't there another Anna here?"

He couldn't help thinking.

Next, he walked slowly into the damaged cemetery, and then carefully checked everything he saw in his sight.

At the same time, he also analyzed the specific location of the remaining parts based on the drawings in his hand.

Time passed by, the sun was westward, and the sky was dyed red.

During the period, Rooney came here once, but seeing Roger wandering in the cemetery, he didn't bother him.

Anna hopes that Roger can help her retrieve something at 48 Narcissus Street.

But even she herself didn't know what was missing, and it was impossible for Roger to search the entire cemetery now.

He compared the blueprint in his hand with the cemetery in front of him, and analyzed it bit by bit.

"If Anna can leave there and come here, things should be much simpler."

Waiting until night fell, nothing unusual happened in the entire area.

Without any clues, Roger and Rooney said goodbye, and then he drove back to Bay Town overnight.

By the time he arrived at the cemetery hut, it was already late at night. This time, in the mist, Anna's figure appeared.

"I found a place, if there are no accidents, it should be No. 48 Narcissus Street."

"It's a cemetery exactly like this one."

Roger shrugged, "But I don't know what to do next. What do you want me to help you find?"

Not seeing Anna for a while seems to have changed a lot, and after a few incidents Roger has had some guesswork as well.

Every time a murderer is buried, Anna will become more solid, and at the same time be able to recall some things.

"Take me there."

Anna spoke.

"What do I do?"

"I can't leave here for a long time now, you need to help me find a temporary shelter."

"A place where spirits can live. Where do the spirits live?"

Roger's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of something. He quickly returned to the cemetery hut, and took out a card from the storage box.

[ A photo full of resentment: A woman who was cruelly tortured and killed, her resentful spirit was imprisoned in the photo forever, although she has been released now, the long-term ban has caused some changes in this photo.

It can be used as a shelter for a spirit body and can be placed in a hunter's hut, slightly increasing the preciousness of the hunter's hut. ]

It was an unexpected harvest in the haunted house, and I don't know if it is possible to temporarily accommodate Anna's spirit body.