
The Witcher- Tale of Artes Lessa

The bastard from a long line of bastards dies at a young age. Killed by a lowly sorcerer out of thousands that roam the world. When the Bastard Artes Lessa awakens, his body is inhabited by the soul of another. The newly resurrected Artes Lessa will start a life that will lead him down a path of forgotten legacies, joy, heartache, riches, and legends that will be told for centuries to come. From meeting an old viper, to the love of a childhood friend, Union with a distant cousin, and the battles of kingdoms. Artes Lessa will face the perils of this new world armed with his codex and his fangs.

D_Blackwell · Video Games
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12 Chs

Chapter II

"This is absolutely insane" Said Nessa

Lydia looked up from her book, "What are you talking about?"

"You, Artes Lessa… Who would have thought that he would actually get the courage to make you his woman! I mean you've always wanted him, even before he turned into White Orchard's most handsome man. But still he was so… meek, ya know? And now he does witcher contracts, has dinner with the governor, and has purchased a carriage just for us. I feel like nobility, Lydia" Nessa went on as she swooned over her current situation.

Lydia giggled at her sister. Two years apart was a very small gap in age. As such, she and her sister were close. But her father wanted nothing to do with her after he found out that he couldn't marry her off because she had already gotten a place with Artes, though they were unmarried.

For two years the girls have been apart and Lydia was just bursting at the seams to share her life with her sister. It's why she spirited Nessa away with her. " Honestly, I would have never thought I would end up here. I mean, I wished. Not the whole carriage thing but baby and Artes. Oh, yes."

Nessa giggled and bounced to her sister's side and rested her head on her shoulder. "You never told me, what happened. Artes allowed you to have three boyfriends and then he just did what?"

Lydia sighed, "I don't know. It's not like I actually wanted any of the guys and we always end things after they realized I was saving myself for someone else."

"And you were only using them to get Artes' attention" Nessa added

"And it worked, I think. After he went missing for a month and came back. We spent time together and even though he had amnesia. I could still feel that connection. And it grew and blazed like a wildfire, Nessa, In that week I felt like the gods couldn't shake our happiness. But, he was the same, Artes, or so I thought. He didn't make a move at first. But that look in his eyes that day at the tavern…"

"What about them?"

"There was something dangerous and oddly comforting. He beat that boy to a pulp and I couldn't be happier when he dragged me from the tavern. I deserved it. Even if he struck me, I wouldn't have complained. I was his woman. And he didn't even have to say it, but he did."

Nessa sat up and looked at her sister with an odd expression "What are you not telling me, Lydia?" she asked

"He, It wasn't Artes looking at me. It was someone new and thrilling. It set my soul ablaze and made me feel things. At that moment, I knew something died in Artes Lessa, and I feel guilty because I'm happy about it. T-this man looks at me like I'm the only one that matters, they way he treats me and loves me, and by the Gods! The way he loves me, Nessa.." Lydia turned and looked at her seriously to convey her seriousness "All of this is something I know, the Artes Lessa we grew up with isn't capable of. "

"So the rumors are true? Artes Lessa was reborn? That's why he returned naked and without his memories" Nessa asked anxious and excitedly.

Lydia took a moment and placed a hand on her belly, "I don't know and I don't care. Whoever Artes used to be. I hope he stays gone. Because the man riding that eight legged horse, that bought this carriage to take us to a better life, and gave me his seed with love is the only man I want. He's the only Artes Lessa that matters'' Lydia gently stroked her belly and found herself at peace.

"Well I hope this new Artes is as kind to me as the last"

"He's amazing, you'll love him as much as I do Nessa"

"Hehe and how would my future husband feel about that?"

Lydia smirked and whispered in her sister's ear. Nessa's eyes went wide. "Trust me, we could probably add another and he'll do just fine. So don't you go trying to get married just yet."

"Sister-wives!" Nessa squealed

The girls laughed and joked for a bit longer before they got serious once more. "Artes will make money anyway he can. We will live well, I guarantee it. But that doesn't mean you can be lazy. The more I swell the less I'll be able to do. I need you to pick up the slack and you also have to find an occupation. To be in this family you have to contribute. Artes has money, but just enough to fake nobility. If we want to maintain and eventually progress, you have to pursue an occupation worthwhile." Said Lydia

"I understand. I'll do my best." Nessa replied. The sister continued to speak on their plans for their future in Novigrad. Outside the carriage, Artes rode his Sleipnir next to Raza. Unbeknownst to the sisters, Raza and Artes could hear every word of their conversation. They weren't average men, they had trained senses keen towards battle. A simple carriage conversation was all too easy to overhear.

"Is this true boy?" Raza asked

Artes side eyed the old man, "That I have a huge cock that never seems to tire or that I always plow until she's a sloppy stupid mess?"

Raza squinted.

"Simmer down, old man. I have just enough money to buy a great house in the city"

"Hmm" Raza grunted "You've been doing jobs without me? You could have died, boy!"

"But, I didn't! What was I supposed to do? She, I, We wanted out, Raza. You left a damn letter and disappeared. So yes, I took contracts and they were dangerous. A Neker's nest, Ghouls' nest, Wraiths, I even killed a fucking Griffin. I am not a child, Raza! I'm a man that needs to provide!"

"Tsk'' Raza rolled his eyes. Artes frowned and began to fallback. He checked on Lydia and Nessa before acting as rear security. He sat on his horse and cantered steadily behind the carriage. The horse was an extremely fine specimen. Though Artes realized that Tyr was bigger than most horses, This meant he had to get a saddle from Skellige or have one specially made.

Bringing his thoughts away from the saddle, a notification appeared in Artes' line of sight

[Secondary Quest: Lv. 24 Tyr's Saddle]

[New Tab Has Been Added To Inventory -Tyr]

'Hmm, this might actually be fun' he thought as he opened the codex.



A 3D image of Tyr appeared in his mind with his current saddle on. Beneath Tyr were six slots labeled Saddle, Trophy, Saddlebags,Horse blinders, Armor, and Horseshoes. Mentally selecting Trophy, as it was the only slot that Artes didn't understand, a brief explanation appeared

-Trophy: Monster parts taken as proof of kill -usually a head, can be strapped to Try to bring perks such as but not limited to five percent XP increase on monster, human, and non human kills.

'Sweat. I could probably break level 20 now --' Artes came out of his thoughts as he heard the snap of branch from the forest. Artes' whistled like a sparrow and Raza's witcher senses picked on the low bird call.

Raza moved his fingers and slim fire whip tagged the arse of his horse causing it to rear

"Woah! Woah!" Raza called out and flourished his hands to calm the minds of the horse. "Easy!" he stopped the carriage and lept down to check the horses. Artes rode by and Raza gave him a nod.

[Main Quest: Lv. 35 The White Orchard Affair

Someone is following you, Investigate.]

"So it's like that.." Artes muttered. "Boy! Give your arse a rest and stretch your legs!" he shouted to the hired wagon driver.

"Artes… What's going on?" Lydia stuck her head out of the carriage

"Nothing, my love. The horses just need a bit of rest" He replied. " Just stay back and we'll be moving in a moment"

"What's the plan, Kid?" Raza spoke in a low tone

"Somebody is following us."


"Probably sent to dispatch us after we've finished. 100,000 orens is a lot of money for a simple package" Artes raised an eyebrow and cocked his head

"Aye, Shite, you're right. I knew it from the start." Raza replied as he scratched his head

"But I think it's someone else tailing us. Stay with Lydia and Nessa." Said Artes as he walked off and a sword magically appeared on his back and a short sword strapped parallel to the back his waist. The moment he stepped into the treeline, black light armor appeared on his body and Kunai were strapped to his thighs.

Artes looked up to the trees and around the area. He moved slowly and silently so as to not make a sound. Against a tree, Artes closed his eyes and listened to the forest. A slight rustle bushes were heard. Time slowed and Artes used his magic to blink to the source of the noise

'Hu--" a man in mismatched armor carrying an ax choked on the blade Artist had just stuck in his throat. Artes softly laid him on the ground.

[Main Quest: Lv. 35 The White Orchard Affair

- Defend against the bandit ambush.]


Boom! Artes snapped his head in the direction of the explosion and speed of. His heart was pounding and he was looking around but failed to see anyone. His magic flared and he blinked back to the carriage and with his fangs in hand, he dispatched the first man in an instant. Spinning into a horizontal slash, Artes cleaved through a bandits throat.

In Front of him, Brut hacked through a man's shoulder and took his arm from his body. Around him four temerian men fought bandits and Artes watched as the bandits fought on par with trained soldiers. His worry shot through the roof, Jetting to the carriage, Artes joined Raza in the fight.

Raza crouched low to dodge an arrow then swept the legs of the bandit infront of him. As the bandit dropped, Raza rolled forward and stabbed a dagger into the man's chest. Pulling the dagger from the man's chest, Raza hurled the dagger at the archer.

Flying across the battlefield, Raza's dagger sheathed itself into the archer's brain through her eye. She let loose her last arrow and it wobbly flew into the back of her fellow bandit.

"Artes. Go, Lydia and Nessa are safe. You have to end this." Said Raza before throwing out a telekinetic push strong enough to shatter a bandit's face and ribcaged.

Artes took a few jogged paces and flipped into a fight with two bandits. Switched between both opponents. Artes increased his strike speed in order to parry and counter into quick precise blows.

Side stepping and twirling between bandits. He fully experienced how well the bandits were actually trained. As he worked his was through the battle and gradually cut down his enemies. Artes finished soon enough to see the heavier temerian soldiers dispatch their final opponents.

Artes looked around at all of the dismembered bodies. A crazy Idea appeared in Artes' head. Looking at the Raza, Artes showed a toothy grin and used his charge ability. His magic flowed to his blades and enhanced them. Using his blink ability, Artes moved like a phantom and cut down three soldiers, seperated a foot from another, and pressed his blade against Brut's throat.

"Raza. Use Axis!" he shouted. Raza immediately sent out a wave of energy that attacked Brut's mind.

"Why did Ignatius send you, Brut?"

"H-he wanted us to help you to Vizima a-and he wanted us to dispatch you if took the money and ran"

"You watched us grow up! Would you really kill us and my child?" Artes asked

"The reward money was our payout. We just want to leave White Orchard too. We both know shady shit is going down there" Brut replied

Artes pushed forward and Brut's head tumbled from his body. Looking over at the footless man, Artes walked over and ended his life.

"What the hell was that about, Kid?"

"The bandits killed them. The Bandits were most likely sent by Lord Ansel to kill us and stop governor Ignatius' plan. Brut said something about shady shit. There isn't anyone more shady than Lord Ansel. '' Replied Artes

"Then they deserved to die. We should get moving again and Nessa can drive the wagon" A soft voice came from the carriage, Lydia was watching from the window.

Raza and Artes looked at Lydia then at the hired wagon driver. He attempted to run but was dropped by a flying dagger. Nessa stepped out of the carriage and took her seat on the wagon and led the way to Vizima.


Governor's Manor, White Orchard

"My Lord, the witcher and Artes Lessa were attacked on the road. When we arrived, they were already gone but the bodies of the bandits and our soldiers were lying dead on the road. Their bodies stripped of armor, weapons, and any clues to their allegiance. However, one of the bandits did belong to Lord Ansel's House" A servant delivered the message and remained postured out of fear of meeting eyes with the enraged Governor.

Ignatius breathed heavily, "Send word to the court, 'we need a new assurances, anything will do'. And send for the Shadowborn!" he commanded.


Vizima, Temeria

It was a long ride to Vizima. We arrived a little after sundown. With the late hours hanging over our heads. I decided to seek lodging in the safest place possible. The Royal Palace.

"I have a meeting with the Princess Adda. Here's our voucher from Governor Ignatius of White Orchard." I said as I handed him a slip of parchment.

The guard handed the slip to another soldier and he sped off into the castle. I looked up to the guard tower and along the walls. The Palace was on high guard and Raza looked a bit nervous.

"What's going on?" I ask him

"I don't know, but my senses are tingling. Just stay vigilant." he replied.

A few moments later, a soldier returned with a court servant.

"You are the envoys for Governor Ignatius?" he asked

"Aye" Raza replied and the servant led us into the palace. We were lead down many halls and took a few turns here and there before we arrived at two illustrious doors. Behind those doors was the great hall and throne room. Upon his throne sat King Foltest. He was a slim and handsome man.. To his Left was a beautiful woman with snow white hair that rivaled my own.

The woman had a beauty that surpassed Lydia by a mile and then some. She had an arrogant aura and stared at me with a sweet smile and eyes that looked at me with a ravenous hunger.

Lydia and Nessa bowed, though Raza and I stood steadfast much to the king's disgust and the woman I assume to be Princess Adda the White's amusement.

"The Witcher I understand,but you boy. You dare show such disrespect?" Questioned the King

"Aye, I'm here to deliver a message not kiss your boots. And honestly, I don't want anything to do with you or this palace. I have a job to put this package in the hands of Princess Adda. I need a place to stay for the night and we'll be gone by the morning." I remained indifferent to his highness. And it visibly infuriated him. But no one kills the messenger.

The King waved his hand and I stepped towards the princess and handed her a small but weighted package. I then moved to my spot as she carefully opened the package revealing a small box. When she opened the lid her eyes went wide and a smile graced her face.

The King looked over and squinted. "What is the meaning of this?" he asked

"We don't know. The Governor has written a letter as well" Replied Raza

Adda broke the seal and read the letter with great interest. She then handed the letter to her father. Foltest looks a bit intrigued.

"Witcher and…"

"Artes" I say

"Witcher and Artes. I assume your job is finished and you are now free for higher."

Raza was about to open his mouth but I beat him to the punch. "Raza is not. He plans to head south to Toussaint" I give him a slight nod and address the king again "Though, I am free for higher."

What other choice did I have. Raza was old and he had to move on. If not, he would be stuck with me until he died by the sword. And if Raza couldn't say no to Ignatius, How could I say no to a King.

"Good" Foltest smiled "We can talk business tomorrow. Adda can show you to your rooms." besides the king, the princess was the only one present. And as such the only one to show us to our roooms.

Foltest got up and left the hall. It is clear that he was tired, He and Adda didn't even bother to dress their best. Now alone with Adda. She led us out the hall and to our respective rooms. Raza was the first to turn in. Nessa would have been the second but Lydia wanted her to stay in our room. She had no trust for anybody after the day's events.

When we arrived at our room, Lydia and Nessa went in but felt a hand grab on to my shoulder to stop me. "Can I help you, Princess?"

"I've heard of you, Artes Lessa. The man that slays monsters but is not a witcher"

"Would it make it better if I was?"

"Hmm, not really. I just have a thing for monster hunters. One saved my life, ya know? Your kind is a kind I can trust, moved by money but loyal to the one that toss the first coin. The redhead, is that your child in her womb?" The Princess was straightforward and a bit aggressive.

"It is, she's my woman"

" Oh, well. I look forward to you escorting me to White Orchard, Artes Lessa" The princess put on a sly smirk and turned away. Her royalty slipped my mind as I reached out and clutched her arms. I heard her sharp inhale and her head whip to look at me.

"I plan to go to Novigard. I will not be escorting you back to White Orchard. Hunt monsters or bandits, yes. But I'm not going back to White Orchard."

The princess smiled and moved closer. She caressed my face and ran her manicured nails over my cheek and said "You know, you really are a beautiful man, Tall, muscular, smooth olive brown skin. You know I've never seen anyone with hair like mine. Were you cursed as well, Artes."

She put me in a compromising position. With little space between us, I looked down on the short princess as she pressed her forehead against my chest and took in my scent.

"Artes, the only witcher I trust, is far away. My favorite sorceress died in the battle of sodden Hill,

two years ago. I need a new man, Artes." Adda spoke in a whisper "Riches and reputation will be yours, That woman and your child will be put in a house fit for a lord and they will want for nothing. All you have to do is say, yes, to my father. Say, yes, to me."

Adda lifted her head and took a step back. "Think about it. Goodnight, Artes Lessa"

I watched as the snow haired beauty vanished into the darkness of the palace halls.

"That woman is dangerous, Artes. You do will to keep your cock away from her." Lydia spoke in a low tone before she pulled my arm towards the room.


White Orchard, Temeria

A black mist entered the private room of Governor Ignatius. Like a phantom it drifted across the floor to the Governor's side.

"You summon me, why?"

The Governor swallowed and said "L-lord Ansel has a spy in my house. I need you to snuff them out."

"And why not just kill Lord Ansel?"

"Because I need the Princess to come to White Orchard. And she will, The Witcher and his apprentice, Artes Lessa, has delivered the message. If the king is smart, he'll have them escort his daughter here to answer my invitation. If a Lord is assassinated, they will not come"

"Men, you brutes are always so narrow sighted. Have you ever asked yourself why Lord Ansel sent men to assassinate your messenger?" asked the voice from the black mist.

Ignatius looked shock

"I know all of what happens in Temeria. But Lord Ansel is a mystery and I do not like it and neither does my Mistress. Find out why and I'll handle your rodent problem."

Puff! The phantom vanished and left Ignatius alone with his thoughts