
The Witch Of The 7th Mountain

Yakumi_Somokuri · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A Contestant

On the morning of the third of December wind covered the mountain, like snow did on a winter-day. Every falling snowflake trembled in these whirlwinds while slowly descending towards the bottom. But once these delicate flakes had reached the floor they were quickly whirled upwards again.

Step. Step. Step.

In this mixture of cold snow and fresh wind a pair of footsteps could be heard, slowly marching through the steep fields of white. They could barely be heard with normal ears and in this snowy storm they could only vaguely be seen.

These footsteps belonged to yet another contestant hoping to achieve glory and wealth by defeating this mountain's boss; The Witch Of The 7th Mountain.

"I will get the glacial flower! You hear me. And mine will be A-grade!" A feminine voice could be heard shouting out.


And while this brave adventurous lady climbed up the steep slope a woman playfully giggled in enjoyment behind her sealed windows.

"I see. So another challenger is here for a fight. Delightful! Oh how ever delightful."

In a little hut on the very top of the mountain this woman was sitting at a large oak table in the middle of a spacious room. It's walls were flowery decorated, filled with all sorts of hanging herbs and grass-bundles. And at the back a fine oak-staircase could be seen leading up to a second floor. One might wonder where the first floor was.

Thanks to the arched windows in the hut light could be seen shining through, falling onto the woman's hair, letting it sparkle.

The lady had auburn hair which was braided into one large braid at her back. A azure-blue robe out of silk fell down to the floor, on the sleeves' edges a white zig-zag pattern could be seen. The robe enclosed her whole body and was fastened with a beautiful aquamarine stone.

Only her face could be seen. She had a pointy nose and snow-white skin. A mole could be seen beneath her mouth's left.

The woman's hand was petting a black and white crow with elegantly glossing feathers.

Craw! Craw!

The crow screeched and the woman's smile deepened.

"So she is here."

The woman, whose name was Arya, chuckled and stood up. She glanced back, smiled briefly, then went out the old oak-door.

The woman was met with a fresh breeze, bright rays of sunlight warming her skin, and not a single gust of wind brushing against her. The blades of grass stood still and the sky was as blue as it could be.

There was no trace of snow or heavy winds here.


Meanwhile a bit lower on the mountain a courageous woman with dirty blond hair, a curvy figure and thick clothing could be seen struggling with the snowstorm.

She was quite the able woman when it came to climbing or any other sport, nevertheless she could clearly be seen having a hard time.

"Why do I loose HP just by climbing?!?"

The woman did have quite the character. Her loose blond hair was moisturized by the melting snow and stuck to her clothes. Color had left her face everywhere but in her cherry cheeks as she continued to move upwards.

"I swear… she better be home!"

The woman cursed inwardly, keeping her composure.

"This is above the standard for basic security! And she is supposed to be a D-tier boss. She must be quite easy if the way up is already this harsh."

A wry smile appeared on the woman's lips and she accelerated her pace. Her eyes glowing crimson and if sh hadn't worn red a coat, one would have been able to see her veins bulge up.

"Almost there! I can see the blue light!"

The woman exclaimed in a jovial manner. She was unable to stop at this point, her feet carried her on as she was approaching a blue light dome.


Inside the dome the woman named Arya had focused cold her gaze onto the approaching person.

Suddenly her face lit up and displayed a myriad of smiles.

She closed her crystal blue eyes and focused on the woman.

<Life-form detected>

<Scanning data…>

'How good is she?'

<scan complete>

'Ugh! For once, just tell me instantly…'

The woman's expression darkened and she grew a little inpatient as all the messages were popping up in her sight.

<Name: Lyra Blanco>

<Species: Human [Rank: — ]>

<Class: Fire mage [Lvl. 51]>

"Calculate attack profile, evaluate stats."

Arya gave a command in her head. Suddenly her in her sight blue messages popped up, just like quest windows in these old 80's retro-games. The whole landscape looked like a combination of a night vision device and a map.

Every object had turned black only its outlines were seen in red. The whole landscape looked like this now.

<Stats: >

>>> Health: 5020 / 5100

>>> Energy: 3090 / 5100

>>> Attack Power: 15 [+10]

>>> Résistance: 10 [+10]

>>> Speed: 10 [+20]

>>> Attack Power: 15 [+12]

>>> Agility: 10 [+5]

>>> Energy: 15 [+15]

>>> Strength: 10 [+30]

>>> Intelligence: 20 [+00]

>>> Charm: 10 [+00]

>>> Class: Mage

>>> Element: Fire

>>> LvL: 51

>>> Attacks: D-Level

She opened her eyes, they were now glowing bright crimson.

"Oh! Look at that Negro. The mage has only lost 80 HP in this harsh climate! She must be very able. Such ability with such a low level. Truly commendable."

Craw! Craw!

"I know. Still it's not like she is capable of defending herself in a battle with me. I am a boss after all."

Craw… Cra. Craw!

The bird named Negro shook its head, his white feathers fluttered in the wind and his crimson-red eyes sparkled.

"Hey! What are you saying?! I am a boss. And I am not above the level!"


The crow rolled its eyes before starring at the woman again.


Arya scoffed and her lips slightly pouted. She knew very well that she was a bit overkill and that defeating herself would be a tremendous feat.

"I just don't want to die. Even if I am just a D-Level boss, I don't wish for me to be killed again."


The woman named Lyra was now almost at the top. She grabbed onto a stone and pulled herself up.

Then she slightly squatted and leaped upwards. The winds were pushing her whole body down, so she had to use twice the power compared to usual jumps.

>>> ¡! Jump Boost [5 min]

>>> [-100] Energy Points

>>> Energy: 2990 / 5100

"What a terrain. If not for my armor I would be blown off here in the blink of an eye. Even with Jump Boost."

The woman's expression brightened as she marched up the last meters. The wind was slowly subsiding and the air was getting warmer.

"Huh? What's up which this weather change?"

Lyra was now standing in front of the blue glowing dome, the milky blue texture obfuscated the inside.

She raised her hand and stepped forward and her hand touched the border. Instantly a voice could be heard and a doorframe created itself in the dome creating an opening.

>>> Boss Challenge Available

>>> Witch Of The 7th Mountain

>>> LvL requirement: 50

"Greetings mage."

Arya said with a nonchalant expression to her next contestant.

"Let's get to business."

Inwardly Arya smiled and thanked herself for such a high-class boss-like line. She was never the person to be abrupt or rude but now she had to be. After all Arya was a boss!

Lyra starred at her with a wary and confused expression.

"Isn't she supposed to attack me? And where is the boss music?"

"Where is the music you ask?"

Arya smiled and flicked her fingers, simultaneously a serene-vibe music began to play. Instantly Arya's face flushed red and she lowered her gaze.

Lyra tried to hold back laughter at this calming music.

"What kind of music is this?" She asked and chuckled again.

"Uhm… Well… the music…" Arya stammered.

"Yes?" Lyra answered with a slight gigglish-tone.

"It's for the ambiance!" Arya said with a loud voice trying to make a confident look.

"I see." Lyra nodded in agreement, while still laughing. She enjoyed the moment. Never before had she met such a lively and cute boss.

Arya stared at the ground for some seconds before raising her flushed head and speaking once more.

" Welcome to the 7th Mountain. I am Arya the witch of -"

She paused and sighed once more.

"…let's go with the witch of this mountain. I hear you wish to challenge me! Is that correct?"

Lyra looked up, her smile was still broadly visible. Even if the huge deviation from the rumors surprised her she still was here for a battle. So her expression became serious in the blink of an eye.

"That would be correct, yes."

"I see. I herby grant you the right to challenge me."

"She grants me the right? Huh? She is just a D-Level boss, so why? Everyone up from LvL.50 has the right to challenge her? Or am I wrong?"

She pondered inwardly.

"Well, you are correct. I am a boss and I am supposed to be D-Level, but well let's say I am not really a D-Level wind witch anymore."

Lyra was surprised by the sudden statement and the fact that she had just read her thoughts.


Arya smiled at her with an understanding gaze and proceeded to explain.

"Here on this mountain you can find two types of bosses. When people walk up this mountain they have the chance to be led to me or I will lead them to a mirage. Which it is is completely arbitrary.

You right now are standing in front of the real me, that is why this is not your typical boss fight."

"What?" Lyra said with her jaw almost completely dropped.

"If I had sent you into the phantasmagoria and you would have defeated me there my clone would be gone but I would respawn for the next contest and I could be fought like this again and again.

But if I decide to accept you in person that means that you have the chance of killing me and taking my place or loot. If that happens I would never respawn as this boss again."

"Whaaat? Why would you show yourself then?"

"Well it is arbitrary who comes up here can be led to me or not. And because of the fact that you have been led to me you must be quite strong." Arya replied to her question with an aloof expression.

"I see. So what do you get if you win?"

Lyra asked.

"What do I get?" Aryas eyes widened and her abrupt answer suggested that she was caught off guard. "Uhm… Absolutely nothing…Why would I get anything?"

"Huh?" Lyra voiced out with a look of confusion.

Arya smiled wryly and proceeded her explanation.

"If you battle me and win you can decide if you want to kill me off and keep my treasures, levels, equipment and everything for yourself. You would also be granted all my levels a giving you a huge boost. Or you can choose to become a boss of your own. You can become the new Witch Of The Seventh Mountain."

Lyra's expression looked baffled. "Such good rewards only for killing her?!?"

Arya smiled at her thoughts.

"I won't make it easy for you. After all I as myself am not a D-Level boss."

"What?!?" Lyra, completely ignorant of the fact that her thoughts were read, was flabbergasted.

"What level are you then?"

"Well… That I don't know."

"Huh?" Lyra exclaimed in a sudden manner.

"Yes, well I am in some kind of predicament. Let's just say that years of hard work payed off."

Arya was never concerned with her level and now even less. It was five years ago that she made the trade, and she had never regretted her decision.