
Zodreg's Dream

[Note: Exceeding your quota is still punishable by death. There is no leniency for greed.]

Vaan heard the latter part of the Quasi-Divine Fire Spirit's message and understood that even with his potential to clear the Trial by Fire, he had to adhere to the rules.

Being the most diligent and talented was the prerequisite to becoming the Fire Dragon God's successor.

However, they weren't the only traits the Fire Dragon God sought in its successor.

'The Fire Dragon God doesn't want someone selfish and greedy to inherit its legacy. A selfish and greedy successor would become a tyrant and possibly bring ruin to the Red Dragon Clan rather than lead it to prosperity,' Vaan thought.

Meanwhile, another fiery phoenix spirit branched out from one of the nearby lava pillars. It flew over to deliver the ceramic bottle of blood essence to Vaan just like the first time.

Also, like the first time, other dragons witnessed the scene.

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