
The Witch Hats Quest for Curse Curing Magic: A Tale of Adventure

The soul of the Elemental Witch is trapped inside her witch hat, causing her to forget everything! After centuries of wandering as a soul-bound witch hat, a new person enters her life - an apprentice witch whose goal is to cure the curse plaguing her. They quickly become friends, but the apprentice falls unconscious due to the curse. Before losing consciousness, she boldly proclaims her last wish to the witch hat: "Use my body to find the magic that can cure the curse and have awesome and wild adventures!" The witch hat, finally able to leave the labyrinth, sets on a journey to find a cure for her friend's curse and embarks on a spectacular adventure.

Delsuin1 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Hut and the Graveyard

Chapter 20 The Hut and the Graveyard


Kailey was holding two items. One was a caged-in sphere with multiple taut chains holding a magical stone of a powerful creature that commanded the element of earth. The purpose of this object was still unknown to her because she did not dare to test the ability in case the power brought the whole ruin collapsing onto herself. The other item was a somewhat rusted but still usable short sword with ritualistic-like engravings. Kailey assumed the runes increased things such as sharpness or durability. She quickly stashed the blade on her person to have a way to defend herself in case something attacked her in this bizarre place.


As she ventured back into the maze-like corridor, Kailey stumbled upon a door that was more ornate than the others she had encountered in the hallway. Intrigued, she decided to enter this conspicuous door, leading to an unknown destination. Upon opening the door, she was surprised to find herself in a graveyard, with five very old-looking tombstones. Although she was unsettled by the eerie sight, Kailey bravely continued to explore the area. She attempted to read the inscriptions on the tombstones, but due to their age, much of the writing was illegible. One inscription read: "H#r@ l*es t4e Re5#rch of *S#^!-&0dy"


After spending a few minutes decoding the text on the gravestone, Kailey muttered, "Here lies the research of ___-body." Unable to fully make out the last part, she considered the words she could decipher and tried to guess the missing part. Suddenly, a loud noise echoed throughout the room as if something had fallen and clattered to the ground. Preoccupied with deciphering the letters, Kailey shuddered in shock because of the sudden noise. She quickly turned her head and spotted a large, dilapidated hut with a fallen door hinge, which must have caused the noise. Curious about the hut, Kailey cautiously peeked inside but not before casting a spell to create an orb of light to illuminate the room.


Chanting a daily spell, Kailey summoned a magic light to illuminate the darkness inside the hut, which the dim hallway lights couldn't reach. Feeling more confident now that the darkness couldn't conceal anything, Kailey ventured inside the dilapidated hut. To her surprise and somewhat horror, she discovered several golems shaped like humanoid bodies, varying in size from children to adults, resembling human, demi-human, or animalistic forms. Upon closer examination, Kailey found that these figures had movable and manipulatable joints.