
The Witch Hats Quest for Curse Curing Magic: A Tale of Adventure

The soul of the Elemental Witch is trapped inside her witch hat, causing her to forget everything! After centuries of wandering as a soul-bound witch hat, a new person enters her life - an apprentice witch whose goal is to cure the curse plaguing her. They quickly become friends, but the apprentice falls unconscious due to the curse. Before losing consciousness, she boldly proclaims her last wish to the witch hat: "Use my body to find the magic that can cure the curse and have awesome and wild adventures!" The witch hat, finally able to leave the labyrinth, sets on a journey to find a cure for her friend's curse and embarks on a spectacular adventure.

Delsuin1 · Fantasy
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Questions and Answers

Chapter 22 Questions and Answers The witch hat bombarded Kailey with questions, further deepening its misunderstanding about Kailey's thoughts about the things inside and leading it to desperately string out words to explain the things in the hut. However, Kailey's inner thoughts were entirely dissimilar from what the witch hat had envisioned. 'Oh, cool! What kind of magic is this that has lifted me into the air? How is it that I am unable to detect the distortions that are always evident when casting?' Kailey inwardly cheered. While still in the air, Kailey shouted to the witch hat to lower her down, but the witch hat, startled, dropped her due to its flustered state. As Kailey felt her body plummeting to the ground, she thought of which spell to cast to slow her fall. At the last second, before hitting the ground, Kailey used the [Air Shield] spell to create a platform to land on and reduce the impact. After landing somewhat clumsily, she dusted off her clothes. Following this action, Kailey complained about the rough treatment she received, but she relented after seeing how remorseful the witch hat was. Kailey collected herself and questioned the witch hat about the golems in the room. She also sought information about how the previous golem had gained the ability to act independently. The witch hat, still caught up in her delusions, spoke in a voice that started to calm down as it gathered her thoughts. "During the first few weeks of finding myself in this hat form, I explored what I now know to be a mana-powered bunker or base, which had a maze-like structure. This location we are in was already occupied by golems when I arrived. When I first studied them, they weren't as functional as they are now," the witch hat said, its tip drooping as it reminisced about the past filled with exciting exploration but also with persistent loneliness. Upon seeing the witch hat tilted to the side, Kailey felt sympathetic, knowing that it must have been lonely with no one to talk to since gaining consciousness. Having been alone for most of her travels, Kailey felt she could relate to the witch hat. Kailey had avoided forming close relationships, understanding that attachments would not last long. Kailey seldom allowed herself to become too close to others, as she knew it would only bring them earlier grief. Kailey felt an affinity with the witch hat and wanted to make the most of her time in the ruins while with it. She thought it wouldn't be so bad to form a close relationship with the hat.