
The Witch Hats Quest for Curse Curing Magic: A Tale of Adventure

The soul of the Elemental Witch is trapped inside her witch hat, causing her to forget everything! After centuries of wandering as a soul-bound witch hat, a new person enters her life - an apprentice witch whose goal is to cure the curse plaguing her. They quickly become friends, but the apprentice falls unconscious due to the curse. Before losing consciousness, she boldly proclaims her last wish to the witch hat: "Use my body to find the magic that can cure the curse and have awesome and wild adventures!" The witch hat, finally able to leave the labyrinth, sets on a journey to find a cure for her friend's curse and embarks on a spectacular adventure.

Delsuin1 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Dreams of Someone's Past

Chapter 6 Dreams of Someone's Past When Kailey woke up, she saw three children playing in a field of dandelions and enjoying a simple yet thrilling game that involved running beside each other, trying to surpass one another while shouting words filled with magic power to boost their speed, the children's goal was a tree as big as a 2 story house. when Kailey figured out their running path she swiftly reached their destination with her longer strides, she stopped in front of one of the children ahead of the group in hopes of one of them noticing her, however when the children, a lightly-tanned boy with non-descript features didn't perceive Kailey at all. As the boy ran past her towards the tree, Kailey understood that she would not be able to be seen by the boy or his friends, this caused her to begin thinking of different ways to interact with the boy and the group racing towards him. Meanwhile, the boy was looking back at his friends, they were running trying to reach the giant tree, the girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes bounded toward the giant tree causing a thump to be heard because of the girl's landing, she became the second child to reach the tree. Then another thump was heard, it was the last child, a girl with dark colored hair close to the color of ravens feather, she was the last to reach the tree. As Kailey tried and failed to capture the attention of the children lying beneath the cool area shaded by the tree, the scene abruptly shifted showing the scene of an auditorium. When Kailey regained her senses she saw a auditorium filled with students who were wearing uniforms that seemingly indicated their study of magic. As soon as the teacher walked in, the once noisy room fell silent as the students stopped chatting and turned their attention towards the teacher. In the meantime Kailey adjusted to the situation and observed the students around her then watched as the teacher began creating formations filled with incomplete diagrams on the board. Information suddenly hit Kailey's mind like tripping over a rock and then trying to steady your body afterwards. The information that Kailey suddenly gained explained the reason why the teacher was creating incomplete magic circles. This was common test in the class to present incomplete diagrams to the students. The teacher would call upon the students, who would come up to the podium and select from a given number of magic formation circles. Each student would try adding and hopefully completing one of the various magic in front of them, while they began adding runes to complete the magic circle the student began releasing a bit of their magic energy, testing the flow of the magic being dispersed inside the magic circle, this would help in discerning any incorrect spots in the magic circle and would ensure that the incomplete circle did not fully activate. When there was enough accumulated residual magic inside the magic formation to activate it, the teacher would disperse it before the incomplete magic could explode and cause harm to the students. after dispersing the magic, another student would be called from the rows of watching students to further inspect and test the circle. This process would continue until the magic flows smoothly through the circle without any interruptions. when this happened the circle would be considered complete.