
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs

We Meet Our Match

Caleb and Raven look at each other and decide whether they should make their appearance or come up with some type of plan first.

'Here goes nothing.'

Raven walks right up to Circa, her back is towards Raven, she taps on her shoulder, and Circa turns around and says, "who the hell are you and what are you doing here?" Raven stands there in shock, her jaw drops, and her eyebrows arch, she's so confused as to why Circa doesn't know her.

Caleb quickly runs to Raven and stands by her. Ninja looks at Caleb with the most dangerous look, and Caleb has no idea why. Caleb knows Nija is a demon but has no idea that Circa is a demon also. Caleb walks over to his mom and stares her straight into her eyes and says, "mom, it's me Caleb, your son." Circa looks at him and still has no idea that he's her son. Caleb starts to shake her shoulders a bit, trying to make her realize that he's her son but she pushes away from him and starts to leave.

Circa turns around and starts walking away from them leaving Nija there. Raven chases after Circa and Caleb don't know what to do at this point. He's not sure if he should go after her or stay with Nija and try to get him to tell him what's going on.

Circa does not get very far before Raven catches up to her. When she caught up to her, she grabbed her arm slightly, turned her around, and said, "Circa, it's Raven, your best friend. Don't you know who I am?" "You're not my friend. I don't know who you are. Leave me alone or I will ruin you," Circa said. Rave is at a total loss for words. She can't believe what she is seeing in Circa, she can't believe who she has become. The only thing Raven can do at this point is to leave her alone and go to the book of shadows to find out how to reverse a bad spell put on someone.

Raven knew something bad had happened to her but she was not expecting anything like this to happen.

She races back to Caleb leaving Circa without care and finds Caleb and Nija arguing. She doesn't know what they are arguing about so she grabs Caleb by his arm and says, "let's get out of here, now."

Caleb and Raven leave the forest and head back to his house. They must find out what's going on, and Raven must inform Melissa and Allison what had just happened.

When they arrive back at Caleb's house, he storms inside, Raven follows him into the living room and they both sit on the couch in complete shock. They sit there speechless, then suddenly Caleb blurts out, "I have no idea what my mom is up to. Do you really think she has no idea who we are to her?" "As much as I hate to say this, I think she really has no idea who we are and I feel like she is a very powerful demon now!" Raven replied. "I had a feeling you were going to say that," Caleb said. "We have a few options as of now. We can go to Madam Adele or we can read the book of shadows and see what we find there on spell casting," Raven said. "I don't know what to do, I gotta think about this," Caleb replied.

Raven knows she must get a hold of Melissa and Allison to let them in on their encounter with Circa. She cannot keep this from them since they are all in this circle of witches. She knows they will be just as shocked as she was when she found out what happened to Circa.

Then again, the last time she talked to Melissa, she didn't seem herself either. She knows they must stick together since they are going up against powerful demons and especially one that is their friend. So, how should they go about doing this? They will not want to hurt Circa, but if it comes down to it, they must stop her.

Raven looks at Caleb and tells him that she will be back, she must go talk to Melissa and Allison about Circa. Raven jumps up from the couch and heads to Allison's house. She figured that going to Allison's house first would be the best decision since she was not sure about Melissa, she had thought that maybe she was a demon also because of the way she acted the last time they were together.

When she arrives at Allison's house, she knocks on the front door three times, and Allison answers. Allison is a bit shocked to see Raven because she usually calls her before she stops over, and this is unlike her so she figures she's there for something important.

Allison invites her inside, and they walk into the kitchen and sit at the table. While Allison pours them a cup of coffee she asks Raven what brings her here. Raven said, "we gotta talk about Circa. It's important." "Okay. What is it?" Allison asks. "Caleb and I found Circa, we were taking a walk through the forest and we suddenly came upon her and some dude named, Ninja. Caleb knows him, I don't. She had no idea who I was. She even didn't know who Caleb was and he was her son. She's possessed or something. We think she's a demon now," Raven explains.

Allison stares at Raven in confusion and shakes her head back and forth. "Have you talked to Melissa about this yet?" Allison asked. "I haven't. We literally just found this out," Raven replied. "I don't know what to think about this, we all got ourselves in this mess, and now look! I knew something bad was going to happen, I just knew it!" Allison said. "I had no idea something like this could happen. I thought this was just going to be fun and games, but it's not and Circa took this way too seriously.