
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Alatar seemingly has control over Circa. She does whatever he says and wants her to no matter what the costs are! Circa is spellbound by Alatar, she thinks that he's doing all good by her, but what she doesn't know is, he's turning her into a witch of evilness. His spellbinding attention to her has her casting spells, 'bad spells' on others, even her friends, but she somehow doesn't care. Alatar has her in complete control and she does not think about anything else, but what he does and says.

Circa being gripped by this enchanted unknown world above unknowingly is held by Alatar. Despite what's going on in his world of demons, Circa roams around, she finds herself walking into a small village. She had never seen this place before, but she believes a village is a beautiful place. The village that she's at is a village of Alatars demons! The village is clear, so there is no way she can tell what type of village she roams.

While roaming the village, she comes across a dark castle. It sits between a bunch of tall trees on top of a hillside. She starts walking towards the castle, and Alatar appears out of nowhere. He asks her what she's doing here, in the village in a stern voice. She becomes nervous because she heard in his voice that he's not happy with her being here. She tries to make up some excuse as to why she's at the village, but Alatar isn't having it. He firmly says to her, "Don't come here again! I will show you this place when it's time." Circa nods her head up and down and softly says, "Okay."

Alatar demands that Circa follow him back! On the way back, Alatar mumbles to Circa, "I don't know why you don't listen, I said I will show you everything you must know in time. Now you're sneaking around on me!" Circa doesn't reply back to him, she just keeps following him back. Alatar has a way with her that no matter how mean he is to her, she's still charmed by him. She has it in her head that he is the most magical person she's ever known and what he does to her she thinks he's enchanting her. However, he is holding her spellbound for his control of her, as she still thinks that he is casting spells, he's just preparing her for the battle of destruction between his demons and the world below.

Altar's magic takes control of her soul and Circa's soul is now in the hands of the demon, Alatar. She sold her soul to him while being spellbound by him and now she must do as she's told. Alatar being the leader is immortal to all, his powers are so powerful that nothing or no one can conquer him. His abilities are so great that he is able to shapeshift himself and others, his plan is to transport Circa back to her old world and shapeshift her to conquer all.

Alatar plans to use his Talismen and Circa to cast black magic and dark energy to bring down his enemies as he watches his people take over the whole world. While Circa is being controlled by Alatar, it makes him stronger and stronger, but why is Circa not using her spells to eliminate his control of her?

Alatar'sspellbinding has her so enchanted by him that she cannot come out of this trance. What lengths will Circa go to for him, will she do as she's told or will she somehow break out of this spellbinding love for him? Only time will tell what goes on with Circa, for now, she's his and only his.

Alatar's secret dungeon is off-limits to Circa. As he is the only one that goes there, he uses the dungeon for his invocations. This makes him more powerful than ever. He has one power to gain which is the ability to blast a fireball at whatever comes his way. Blasting a fireball is the most important ability a warlock demon can gain. As it is so hot that it will burn the hands instantly. Alatar must read his book of ancient secrets to gain this power. Once he gains this power, he can no longer be conquered. The one and only thing that could conquer him is an Angel. An angel is the only one who can defeat the demon since the angel is most powerful over the demons.

That's the most important thing that Alatar is afraid of. He's worried that an angel will find out about him and kill him since she has the power to. Now, he tries to gain the power of receiving the fireball blasting so that he can strike an angel if she tries to kill him.

Alatar also knows that he has Circa under control now, so he can make her cast spells whether she wants to or not. No matter what he asks of her, she will do for him.

Most times Alatar fakes his love for Circa, but there are times when he feels something for her! Circa, on the other hand, doesn't really know what's going on, all she knows is that she's his girl and she will go to extreme lengths to be with him and to please him.

Alatar sits in his dungeon with Nija, one of his demons, they open the ancient book of secrets, and Alatar needs Ninja to help him perform the only power he has left to gain, 'the fire-ball power. As they flip through the pages, finding where this power is explained, Ninja picks his head up from the book and notices Circa standing by the very small window of the dungeon. He doesn't say anything to Alatar because he's not sure who this lady is. He finds her attractive and wants to find out who she is on his own.

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