
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Circle Of The Witches

Raven, Melissa, and Allison stand in the circle then suddenly, Raven puts her hands up to the sky and yells, "WHAT'S GOING ON? WHERE IS CIRCA?" Melissa and Allison stand quietly, then suddenly it starts to rain heavily. A few minutes later, the thunder rumbles, and they all look at each other in a panic because the rain and thunder came out of nowhere. The three of them stand in the rain as it starts to fall harder then it starts to become windy, the wind gets stronger and stronger and starts to howl, then the lightning starts, the sounds of the lightning are of a quick bolt. The lightning hits one of the tall trees in the woods and that's when the three of them run for cover, but there is no shelter anywhere in the woods.

In an instant, the storm stops. The three girls look at each other, confused as to what just happened, then Raven says, "Now do you believe me?" Allison and Melissa replied, "Yes." Melissa is thrilled about this and cannot wait to start her journey of being a witch with powers. Allison on the other hand is nervous. She has no idea of what will come of this. Raven is still just so suspicious of everything that's going on.

The three witches sit on the ground around the circle and stare at each other not knowing what they are going to do! Melissa blurts out, "We need to find our spell book! I know we must have one somewhere."

"A-Ahhh.. I don't know about any book!" Raven said.

"So, wait. You mean we can now cast spells and do magic?" Allison asks.

"Well, yes. We are witches, right? And now we have more powers than we ever had!" Melissa said.

"I don't even know where to start looking for this book of spells, if we could get ahold of Circa, maybe she would know since she is the one that started all this witch stuff," Raven said.

"Then the first thing we must do is find her so we can get our hands on that book!" Melissa replied.

"Well, duh, I know that, it's not like it's going to fall from the sky," Raven said while shaking her head back and forth.

Moments later, the three of them stood up from the ground, then it appeared, the book of spells landed inside the small circle with the triangle shape. They all look at each other, their eyes bulge in shock, then they turn their head toward the book.

"Holy s**t.. How the hell did this book just fall from the sky? What the heck is going on here?" Melissa asks.

"UGH….This is all the spirits doing this. All the weird things that have been happening to me, it's all the spirits. I know this now!" Raven replied.

"OMG..This is nuts," Allison said.

Raven grabs the book out from the circle quickly, she wasn't sure if anything would happen to her when she put her hand inside the small circle. Right after she grabbed the book, she suddenly steps away from the circle and sighs heavily. They all sit back down on the ground in a small circle with their legs crossed. Raven holds the book in her hands, she does not open it yet because she's nervous about what she's going to read. Melissa speaks up and says, "Open it, open it. I want to read it!" Allison sits quietly. She's so nervous about all of this.

Raven still holds the closed book in her hands, then a few minutes later she opens it to the first page. She starts to read it silently, then Melissa asks her to read it out loud, so she does. On the first page, it says,

[ This book is for witches and witches only. Inside this book contains, witchcraft, magic, and how to cast your own spells. But first, you must follow the rituals of the witches, this book cannot be known to others that are not part of your circle.]

After Raven read that part out loud, Melissa asks her what it means, "rituals."

"Rituals mean the methods we use as witches, like this circle we are in must be kept sacred, and it also says that we will find a crystal of some sort. It doesn't explain in detail what that is on this page, so I guess we must read the whole book," Raven explains.

"Well, I can't wait to start my new powers. Does it say in that book how we will get our new powers?" Melissa asks.

"Hmmm. I didn't get that far yet. This is a big book," Raven said.

"Are we going to sit here reading that book the rest of the afternoon?" Allison asks.

"I plan on it and if it takes us through the evening and night we will stay here! We must get this book read," Raven replied.

As Raven keeps reading the book out loud, she comes upon the rules of casting spells. Raven reads a few of the rules out loud.

"Do not start anything that you cannot finish."

"Be aware that anything that you cast on people may come back to you."

"Candle magic, be cautious of how you use this, it will cause a fire."

"There are a few rules. There are so many rules that you two can read them when I'm done," Raven said.

Raven turns the page to Chapter 1 and starts reading it. Instead of reading it out loud, Melissa and Allison sit close to her and all three of them have their eyes on the book.

"I can't believe all these powers in this book, we can cast them upon ourselves!" Melissa said.

"There are so many. But you must be careful of what you wish for," Raven replied.

"I'm not scared. I love this stuff. I want to receive the power to vanish into thin air and come back whenever I want to," Melissa said.

Melissa looks at Allison and asks her what power she wants. Allison says, "I'd like to be able to heal people." Then Melissa asks Raven what power she wants. Raven said, "I'd like to have any man I want!"