
The Witch's Melancholy Heart

Nevaeh has always been a happy, good witch, helping others and loving life to the fullest. But when the man she secretly loves almost dies on Halloween, she calls upon the dark forces, saving his life by signing a contract with a demon named Lazarus, an ancient and reclusive "blood king". She didn't care of the cost, as long as her crush survived... But when she is rejected by her love, and the community finds out about her evil bond, she finds herself exiled and alone. She tries to fall from a cliff, desperate to end it all, but she is not as alone as she thinks. Just who is Lazarus, and why does he care about a witch like her?

Angel_B_Good · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Accident

Thump, thump, thump, thump.

The sound of her heart in her ears was maddening, it's pace too fast and it's incessant noise unwelcome. All around her, twisted metal was ablaze, it's presence hot and jealous on her skin, the usual moisture and dampness of autumn no where in sight. She licked her parched lips subconsciously, her eyes darting from side to side. Where was he?

A cough made her whip her head around, and she saw an arm twitch, the rest of the body hidden by what had been a door of the now wrecked sports car. She ran towards it, her relief strong, until she got to the other side of the debris.

Jason lay there, his torso torn open, his innards slowly oozing out, following the streams of blood. His left leg was crushed, his right leg all but torn off at the thigh, hanging on by mere slivers of skin. His left arm was more or less untouched, save for some scratches and bruises, but his right had gauges so deep, she could see bone. And his face... his gorgeous face was completely gone on the right side.

"Jason!" she screamed, rushing to his side. Pools of blood surrounded him, increasing by the moment. "Jason, no, please don't die!"

His eyelid quivered, but he didn't respond. She could feel his life force fading. He was moments from the end, and she was witnessing his final breaths. No, no! This was Halloween! She had planned to confess tonight, everything was going to be perfect! So how... why?

"No!" she screamed, her eyes glowing as her head jerked to the sky. Immediately, chants fell from her lips in quick succession, and the blood around her started swirling along the ground, creating a summoning circle around her. His body quivered in her arms, and she tightened her grip, the tears streaming down her cheeks turning red with blood. Veins swelled in purple lightning patterns across her skin, starting at her hands and slowly creeping up around her cheeks. Still she pushed on, using the last of her strength to summon the energy to speak her next words:

"Lazarus, oh King of Blood and Carnage, hear my cry and come to my side!"

The summoning circle let out an unearthly scream as a red light shot from it, shooting straight into the sky. In the nearby village, everyone saw it, piercing into the clouds, causing the wind to pick up and the sky to swirl around the portal that shrieked and crackled with an electrical haze. The elders gripped their staffs in resigned terror. Who had activated such a powerful circle, and what wicked desire would summon someone so evil?

She was aware of none of this, however, as her eyes watched a spark of black fire appear before her, growing and morphing into the shape of a man. As the fire faded, the man stepped forward, his red eyes focused solely on her face. His long black hair fell around his shoulders, perfectly brushed and pushed away from his face. His strong jaw was accentuated by his determined lips, set firmly in a line of discipline. His thin, yet muscular build was tall and commanding of respect, and he was dressed in a suit fit for the upper class of a century prior.

"Why have you summoned me, Witch?"

His voice, velvety smooth and disarmingly charming, was as cold as a frozen winter storm. It sent shivers down her spine, and she gripped Jason tighter, protectively.

"I-I want you to save his life!" she begged, her voice catching in fear but her face reflecting her firm resolve. "I'll do anything!" she added, and she meant it.

Lazarus' eyes flashed shock for a moment, brief enough she assumed she had imagined it, as he glanced at the dying form in her arms. "Are you certain this is what you would trade your soul for, Witch? He is a breath away, and I see no value in a man such as him."

"He has more value than you know," she hissed defensively, her anger spiking. "Do not speak ill of him!"

He stared at her, and she instantly flinched. Had she spoken too harshly? Would he refuse her?

"Tonight is Halloween, the lowering of the veil. I have this power, to save and restore him tonight, but mark my words, you will regret selling yourself to me in exchange for his life-"

"I accept it!" she interrupted.

He paused, then nodded once, waving his hands over Jason's body. Quickly, and from the screaming, certainly painfully, Jason's body started to heal, the bones repairing and growing, the muscles and sinew pulsing and reattaching. His skin raced to recover what had been lost, and his heart picked up the pace, pumping new blood to the restored areas. His screaming grew in gusto with every passing moment, the painful sound tearing at her heart.

Jason's screams came to an end as the work was finished, and he passed out, his body and face perfect once more, the only reminder of the incident the surrounding scene of a mangled, still burning car, and clothes that were shredded and caked with old blood. But he was alive and breathing again, and it made her heart swell with joy.

Suddenly, she felt Lazarus bite into her neck, and his venom coursed through her, making her scream in agony. As it pulsed through her, it became hot and felt as though he had poured whiskey through her blood, and her head began to swim hazily. He pulled away, his mouth dripping with her blood. He caressed her cheek before grasping her face, forcing her to look into his eyes.

"Speak your name, Witch, and our contract shall be complete."

"Nevaeh... Salem," she whispered, and immediately, the heat in her blood faded, her consciousness slipping away with it.


"Nevaeh." He mused, standing over the unconscious duo. Her raven hair had fallen partially, from what he had assumed had been quite the intricate hairstyle, and spindles of curled locks stuck to the mixture of sweat and blood on her face and neck. He had carefully adjusted her slightly so she was leaning against a piece of wall, the offending object that had caused the vehicle so much damage.

Her head was tilted back, showing her beautiful, heart-shaped face and long, elegant neck. Her blue eyes, like the ocean captured in a bottle, had been so determined and sure, something he did not often see when humans looked upon him. Her peachy skin was dirty from the ash and blood, but it was so creamy in color; did she never go out to see the sun?

He squatted down and traced his finger over the mark that had appeared where his fangs had pierced her. His crest, emblazoned on her skin like a red tattoo, now marked her as his. A smile softly curved his lips as he pondered this.

The stench of alcohol annoyed his sinuses as glared down at the man he had saved. What a dull prat. It was obvious that this party boy had caused his own accident, and from the smell of his spilled blood, it wasn't just alcohol that had been in his system tonight. Not only that, but he could count at least three different shades of lipstick on the inner ring of his shirt collar, and none of those colors matched Nevaeh's naturally glossed lips. This was the worst kind of scum: a man child who knew he looked good and had money to spare, a human tornado of sin and greed.

How someone as sweet and pure as this girl could possibly fall for a guy like that...

He heard shouts in the distance. He spat on the ground in their direction. How dare they interrupt! Yet, he was weak from exerting his power and forging the bond. He glanced down at his palm, where a mark, like the one that had formed on Nevaeh, was freshly burned into his flesh. It didn't matter. They were connected now. He would see her again. If the Elders were wise, they would not let any harm befall her.

Black fire enveloped him under his silent command, and as he faded and teleported away, he kept his eyes firmly upon the face of Nevaeh Salem, until she was gone from his sights.