
The wishing well: ancient sukani's return

The selfish and egoistic chester Luis, thinks of himself as the most unfortunate being on the face of earth. He is the one and only son to his destitute and ill-fated parents Mr and Mrs Luis. After the mysterious passing of his grandmother, Mr Luis buys a small home for his family in Red's field estate: the land for the affluent. This gives birth to a lot of controversy, as some suspect him of murdering his mother for inheritance. The new lifestyle and setting makes chester hate his life even more. He is constantly reminded of how poor his parents are, with everyone way above their social class. One faithful day, what chester refers to as his usual worst days. A family argument erupts causing chester to flee. He comes across what changes his life forever. He discovered a wishing well that grants five wishes. What at first seemed like a blessing turned out to be a curse instead Sadly that's not the end of his misfortunes, he had only witnessed a tip of the iceberg. As years go by, a new member is added into the family and chester does not take this lightly. Not too long after that, chester loses both parents in a fatal car accident due to his own negligence. Now all alone, and a baby sister to care for. Chester and his faithful wishing well must work together and go through trauma, adventures, love, hope and finally happiness.

_Axeemah_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"Rise and shine little pumpkin." My mom said as she opened the curtains. It was a very bright day, and the sun's rays fell on my face.

"Mom leave me alone! I don't wanna go." I lashed out and covered my face with my blanket.

"But you see you have to dear, your dad and I are having a hard time sponsoring you. We can't afford to let you miss out on school."

Ohh! Again, the same thing happened yesterday. Only yesterday I talked back and caused a lot of havoc. Why won't they just let me stay at home? I don't have to go to school and REDSFIELD JUNIOR HIGH for christ sake. The most expensive school in town. One would doubt the fact that I go there. A chef and nanny's son. Yup, you heard right a NANNY. My mom works as a nanny at my former school. Thank God! I was expelled.

To be honest, if it weren't for my grandma's health insurance, my parents and I would be on the streets. She died five years ago. Though many suspect my dad of killing her to get the inheritance.

At least we were well off when we lived with Grandma.

I still remember the day she died as if it were yesterday...

It was 9:17 am on a beautiful Saturday morning.

My parents took my grandma for her monthly check-up. I was just the average nine-year-old playing with my greasy toys on the kitchen counter.

My grandma kissed my forehead before leaving.

"Bye ches darling. Your babysitter will be here soon." She assured checking herself out in the mirror next to the fridge.

My grandma was a lady of class. She was very young as well. She was in her early fifties if I remember correctly.

She had my dad when she was just fifteen and his dad didn't want him at that time so they got divorced.

However, Grandma didn't suffer or beg from house to house for food or money to feed her child. She had self-respect yeah...and some money duh...

I loved everything about her. My super grandma. I was born and raised in her house. But after my parents had me, things started to get tough.

My dad lost his job and my mom worked as a nanny in a not-so-good place. You get?

Woah I'm deviating let's get back...

So after the forehead kisses and hugs. They left.

It was as if Grandma knew she was dying that day. She was extra sweet and paid attention to every little detail.

She wore her favorite floor-length white dress and her hair in loose French curls.

My babysitter was extra late that day.

It was a dream come true.

After ripping the house out of its normal natural form. I got tired and took a nap.

I woke up around 4 pm I didn't know I had slept that long.

My parents and grandma were still not back from the hospital.

I used the landline to call them severally but no response.

Tired, hungry, and a little bit scared I went to the neighbor's house.

Fiona to be precise. Well... when she was still poor of course.

My parents returned at 6 pm and I was escorted home by Fiona's caring dad.

I thanked him and entered my house.

To my surprise, Grandma was nowhere to be found.

My dad was whipping something up in the kitchen as usual and my mom sat on the couch with red puffy eyes. It seemed she cried or something.

"Mom! Dad! Why did you take so long? Where's grandma??" I asked

"She's dead." My dad replied so casually without even lifting his head. As if I asked him where the remote was.

Actually, after that, I don't know what happened next. My parents claimed I passed out. But how can I believe them after all that?

Who knows, they could have drugged me to avoid questions.

Everyone still suspects my dad of murder. But no one has proof.

My grandma was perfectly fine when they went out how could she have just died?

I'm not saying I don't trust my dad, but I still have my doubts about that issue.

My dad proved them right because after her death he bought a tiny house in Red's field estate.

Do you fucking know how expensive houses are over there?

Plus it's like we ran away from our former street yeah.

He bought a disgusting ugly van and enrolled me into REDSFIELD; the rich kids' school. Darn, I hate that school. It only reminds me of how poor my parents are. All the kids be bragging about their dads' fancy cars and moms' empires while I sit around and listen. My life's pretty screwed. So back to the main course.

The fact that he could have done something more reasonable with that money, kills me from within.

He could have invested in something.

After the drama with my mom, I took a shower and wore my tattered school uniform. I looked at myself in the mirror and God! I looked hideous. My uniform had stitches and patches everywhere. Compared to how the other kids look at school, one would sue me and charge me with abuse of clothing. I had been managing it for a year now, but who would I blame? My tuition fee alone is 3000 dollars and uniforms cost a thousand dollars for two sets. My dad had to beg the principal to give me one set so that he could pay only 500 dollars and he did. I wish he hadn't agreed.

I recall I once got into a fight with a boy and he ripped the sleeve of my coat off. I had wished he had ripped off my face instead. My mom and I had to go to my school at night and look for the sleeve. She stitched it right back on. However, the stitches were quite obvious. All the kids laughed at me. I'm proud to say I have become immune to their insults and taunts for it happens so much. And this is just a preview of my misfortune like I could have been born to rich parents. If I talk you'll say I speak too much. But I'm pretty sure my family's been cursed by some witch. Just joking. I'm just the most unfortunate human on the planet.

"it's a new story. Join me and let's unravel Chester's life together..._"

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