
The wishing well: ancient sukani's return

The selfish and egoistic chester Luis, thinks of himself as the most unfortunate being on the face of earth. He is the one and only son to his destitute and ill-fated parents Mr and Mrs Luis. After the mysterious passing of his grandmother, Mr Luis buys a small home for his family in Red's field estate: the land for the affluent. This gives birth to a lot of controversy, as some suspect him of murdering his mother for inheritance. The new lifestyle and setting makes chester hate his life even more. He is constantly reminded of how poor his parents are, with everyone way above their social class. One faithful day, what chester refers to as his usual worst days. A family argument erupts causing chester to flee. He comes across what changes his life forever. He discovered a wishing well that grants five wishes. What at first seemed like a blessing turned out to be a curse instead Sadly that's not the end of his misfortunes, he had only witnessed a tip of the iceberg. As years go by, a new member is added into the family and chester does not take this lightly. Not too long after that, chester loses both parents in a fatal car accident due to his own negligence. Now all alone, and a baby sister to care for. Chester and his faithful wishing well must work together and go through trauma, adventures, love, hope and finally happiness.

_Axeemah_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs


I opened my eyes. To my surprise, I was in my room. I looked at my tilted clock on the wall.

7:30 am.

I rushed to the mirror. My handsome face was perfectly okay. No injuries nothing.

Was it all a dream?

Woah back to my miserable life. It was all too good to be true.

"Chester!" My mom perched herself at the edge of my bed.

She didn't give me that look. That look she always gives me after an argument.

"Yes, Mom." I croaked.

"Fiona is here. Get ready else you'll be late."

"Late to where?" I was so clueless. Why is Fiona here so early? What the heck is going on?

"You go to school together?" She replied slowly as if explaining something to a three-year-old.

"Which school?"

My mom held my face with her palms. "Baby, did you hit your head?"

"Yah! I did. I totally did. The thing is I can't find the injury anywhere." Now I realize I sound like a total psycho.

"Mhmm... okay you gotta stop watching all those creepy anime with Conor, it's getting to you." She ventured gently and went away.

Wait...what? CONOR?? THE BULLY CONOR??? When did we start watching anime together?

"Get ready!" Mom yelled from the kitchen.

I quickly took my bath and rushed to the living room. It was true! Fiona was tots waiting for me.

"Shall we?"

"Yeah...oh yes." I giggled.

Mom waved bye and gave me forehead kisses. LAME... I know right.

Jolly! Chester is going to school in Fiona's luxurious car with the Air-con and all. Definitely the best day of my life.

I'm not sleeping off this time.

If you think that was great, wait till I fill you in on what happened in school.

Everyone was chanting and hailing me from the gate. I was giving high five's here and there like a hot high school celeb.

It was all chester chester chester.

"Looking good Chester."

"What's up ches."

And I just winked along. I can't believe it! It WORKED!!

Literal chills...

The girls in the hallway did giggle. But it was not because they were teasing me, rather they were admiring and checking me out.

"He's so cute." They said.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

I went to class.

Ooh, it was Miss Denice again. I wish I could make her disappear. I despise the mere sight of her.

"Where's your project? She inquired.

All the issues got me preoccupied that I honestly forgot about it. Wait...I'm just lying I thought it was a complete waste of time.

"Uhmm... ma'am..." I stammered.

"It's in your bag." Oliver mouthed.

Oliver; the smartest rich nerd in class. He did my project? I like this wish thing.

I reached into my bag and handed her the sheet.

She looked impressed.

During lunchtime, Oliver invited me to sit at their lunch table. 'The super cool rich kids' table.'

"Hey! Do you wanna hang out after school?" Kimberly Hart asked.

Kimberly Hart THE KIMBERLY HART. Not the asking me out. No way!

She's a fucking icon. Not only is she pretty but her dad owns half the estate and has shares in Red's field junior high. She is the cutest and wealthiest girl in school.

Not to say I've been crushing on her since the day I was enrolled.

But who dares to ask Kimberly Hart out? No one especially not me.

She asked me to hang out. Totally crazy. Yes! I was drooling...

"Yeah, sure...sure I would love to." I managed to say. She gave me an intense stare indicating I wipe it off.

"You might wanna... wipe that off." She gestured with her index finger.

I was clearly losing control of my facial muscles.

It was time to go home.

We were all by the gate.

Fiona called out to me. I turned but Kimberly stopped me. "We are going together remember?"

I was staring at her ruby-red lips.

I mentally slapped myself and came back to reality.

"Oh! Yes sorry. Uhm... Fiona." I hooted. "Just go. I'm going with Kimberly."

Fiona seemed hurt by what I said. But I don't care. I'm going with Kimberly Hart. THE KIMBERLY HART.

As we waited for her driver, can you believe she had her own personal driver?

Creston passed by.

"Hey! Chesman ready for. It's our last game."

I totally forgot about it.

Kimberly wrinkled the skin on her forehead. "Chester! don't talk to him."

I looked clueless.

"He's a rag dog. Come on Chester, he's not in our social class. What you lack in riches, you make up for it in fame. And him... well he's nothing.

That hurt.

But I don't display emotions.

Creston was completely taken aback by Kimberly's hurtful words. "Sorry for disturbing you guys."

He left.

How could I do that to Creston? He's my best friend. His parents were poor just like mine. However, he didn't attend Red's Field junior high.

We just lived in the same estate.

I have to admit I did feel bad after that.

Kimberly's driver arrived and we went to her grand mansion.

Some of her friends come over as well.

We had tea in tiny cups like little princesses.

It was as boring as it was heart-wrenching.

Then we played golf. Yuck! Even worse, they addressed it as the rich man's game.

Her driver dropped me home at 6 pm but I didn't go in.

I had to make another wish. I carefully retraced my steps back to the wishing well. Good thing I had placed pebbles.

"Sukani! Wake up."

"Yes, young master."

I declared I wanted to make another wish at that very moment.


"I wish my parents were rich, filthy rich. Even wealthier than Kimberly Hart." I demanded.

I ignored all of Sukani's warnings and advice. I didn't realize the gravity of what I had done at that time.

"Just do it sukani."


I had the same weird feeling over again. The darkness, drowsiness, time-lapse, and all...