

A PART OF SELFISH DESIRE Meet Robert, a charismatic individual with a sinister secret. Behind his charming exterior lies a cauldron of malevolent emotions, driven by a singular focus: to protect his family and best friend at any cost. He will stop at nothing to ensure their safety, even if it means destroying the universe. As Robert navigates the world, his cold logic and calculating gaze size up potential threats, hiding a seething hatred beneath his thin-lipped smile. Those who know him whisper about the darkness beneath, but dare not speak out against him, fearing his merciless wrath. Only his best friend, Jarvis, seems immune to Robert's toxic influence, but even he is unaware of the true depths of Robert's depravity. As Robert's malevolent energy grows in power, it's only a matter of time before he unleashes his full fury upon the world, leaving destruction in his wake. The gods themselves will soon tremble at the mention of Robert's name, for he is a force of nature, unstoppable and merciless. In the end, only one thing is certain: Robert will emerge victorious, his loved ones safe, and the universe in ruins. Genre: Dark Fantasy, Villainous Protagonist

Darkpath · Action
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9 Chs

The truth

As Robert drifted off to sleep, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. Just the day before, he had confided in Jarvis about absorbing the evil Robert. But now, as he slipped into a future vision, he found himself hurt and lost, kneeling down in rage and crying.

In this vision, Robert saw a figure he knew as the God of Existence, killing him. But as he watched in horror, a deer suddenly appeared, passing through him as if he were invisible. Robert's eyes widened in shock as he realized he was just a mere spectator, unseen by the God of Existence.

As he drew closer, Robert's eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. The God of Existence was none other than himself, killing another version of Robert. The shock was palpable, and Robert's mind reeled as he tried to process what he was witnessing.

Suddenly, a voice whispered in his ear, "God is not you." Robert spun around, but there was no one there. The voice had vanished, leaving him with more questions than answers.

As Robert approached the God of Existence, he heard their conversation. "Well, well, well," the God of Existence Robert said, "you are the only Robert through these many timelines to reach me. Future Robert, what are you? Why would you kill your own family?"

The God of Existence Robert chuckled, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, one correction, Robert. I didn't kill them, but you killed them with your own hands."

Future Robert's eyes widened in shock. "But I am not..."

The God of Existence Robert began to explain, "Well, I will tell you one thing. So many Roberts have come to kill me, but all of them failed. When I killed them, I absorbed their memories to check if each of them had different or same incidents. And I also saw that some had same incidents and some had different incidents. But the thing is, even I am a copy."

Future Robert's mind reeled as the God of Existence Robert showed him a space with many colored lines connected to a central white line. "In this line, which has color, are the copies of many timelines, and even you and me are also the same. But the white line, which is known as the main timeline, and we are just mere copies of that line. And I am so sick of it."

The God of Existence Robert's eyes flashed with anger. "So I began to move by stepping over the boundaries of fate. And as well, I am the first copy of the main timeline. I defeated every one to fight this God, who was a motherfucker who just used me and you and all of us just as pawns in his entertainment. But you know, I didn't kill him. I absorbed him."

Future Robert's eyes were glued to the God of Existence Robert as he continued, "As I was passing my days here, you guys did the same. But the thing was, the God was me, and I have the power to stop. But I couldn't because I was so lonely here for decades, just watching you all. It was so boring because same repeated incidents were making me so bored. So that I changed the setting. I just added a tough level to each of the copy lines."

The God of Existence Robert's eyes gleamed with malice. "And future Robert, you motherfucker, you played us. Yes, kinda, but the thing is, whatever I do, I couldn't involve with the main timeline, which is something that was not allowing even me, who got the entire powers of God of Existence. That let me touch, which I remember that old God did something before I absorbed him, and this was his work."

Future Robert's eyes narrowed as the God of Existence Robert continued, "But you see, I didn't kill my family. I just killed yours, because you're a different timeline. Doesn't mean that it was also my family. Well, to be straight, we are line strangers, but connected. I still didn't get all powers of God of Existence because I am a mere copy timeline. And to get all the power, I need to get to the main timeline."

The God of Existence Robert's eyes gleamed with determination. "But to do that, I need the main timeline Robert's body. As I will send many visions to them by you guys, and you are the only Robert who can have a touch with them. But the soon you touch the main time, there will be only limited time you can have, like 10 seconds or something. With that, I need to break his will, and I will need him to absorb me. But as the evil Robert, when he absorbs me, then I will be able to take over him and get all the power."

Future Robert's eyes widened in horror as the God of Existence Robertasked, "What is this all power? What you gonna do with it?"

The God of Existence Robert's smile was chilling. "Well, I will create... no, no, no. Before I answer your question, you know one thing that makes common for all the Roberts? That is the satisfaction he gets through his life. As all Roberts were rich and even can buy or travel or do whatever he wants, still that was not enough for Roberts because he didn't get a satisfaction. Which is why I will get that through the main timeline. And now I hope you got your answer."

Future Robert's eyes were filled with disgust as the God of Existence Robert continued, "Also, future Robert, for a just satisfaction, you have killed multiple universes, just not Robert, also their own timelines with many lives. Do I look like I care for it? I also lost my universe. Remember, back I tried to bring it back, but that old fucking God just did something I don't know that doesn't allow me to bring it back. Do you know how much I have suffered?"

The God of Existence Robert's eyes flashed with anger. "As future Robert, I can see it. You psycho, you talk with animals and you kill them for fun. Even this, even is covered in blood."

Future Robert's eyes narrowed as the God of Existence Robert continued, "But after so long, you're the only human I even have. So I won't kill you. So where was I? Oh yes, after I get into that main time, that's it. Everything will be normal, and I will live my life with a satisfaction. You see, as the Robert who was listening realized that he was the main timeline Robert, and now he got a grip of his shock, and knew what would happen."

As the vision started to fade, Robert was already okay with what he saw and heard, and no need to hear it anymore. He decided to act as if he was broken in his mind and tried to absorb the evil Robert. The one thing the God Robert didn't know was that the Robert who knew everything was aware, and before he absorbs him, Robert absorbs him and gets every memory, vision that he had collected from different universes.

As the evil Robert died, Robert put his hands on the evil Robert and crushed him, saying, "Thanks for the memories, God Robert. Tsk, tsk, no fake Robert."

The evil Robert's eyes widened in shock as he realized Robert knew everything. "How did you know?" he asked, but it was too late. Robert had already absorbed him, and with a greedy smile, said, "Yes, I will live a life with satisfaction. Whether to destroy universes or just to create a new one, I need the power of the God, which is I need to get stronger and get those powers. I will, I will, ha ha ha ha ha ha. Nobody can stop me. I am not a god."

With a maniacal laugh, Robert decided to live his life just for satisfaction, and he would do anything to get it, even if it meant killing his own family. Ha ha ha ha ha ha

As Robert delved into the mind realm, he sought out Jarvis, eager to uncover the truth about the God of Existence. With a newfound sense of confidence, Robert asked Jarvis, "Where is this God's universe?"

Jarvis's usual cheerful demeanor faltered, replaced by a serious expression. "Why are you asking it now, Robert?"

Robert's eyes gleamed with determination. "I need to know."

Jarvis hesitated before responding, "It's somewhere in space, but you can open a portal to go there if you want, with my power."

Robert raised an eyebrow. "Is that it? That simple?"

Jarvis nodded. "Yes, it's that simple. You thought it would be some complicated shit, like showing manhwas, you need to level up or you need this item."

Robert chuckled. "Kinda, but anyway, Jarvis, why are you going to go there?"

Jarvis's expression turned solemn. "Robert, my master, God of Existence is a good man. He is a very kind-hearted God who loves his creation, but he never uses someone for entertainment."

Robert's eyes narrowed. "I get it. Well, I'll find it out myself, Jarvis. That doesn't mean I trust your God, but that also means I don't hate him."

Jarvis's face lit up with a relieved smile, unaware that Robert was now a different person, armed with the memories of the God of Existence.

As Robert emerged from the mind realm, he pondered the God's downfall. How did a being with absolute power to create and destroy lose to a stupid copy like Robert? What drove him to leave Robert to absorb him? Robert's mind whirled with questions, but he knew he wouldn't find the answers by relying on Jarvis or the God's memories. He would have to find out for himself, and that would be more interesting.

Just then, Robert remembered the dark witch who had come to Earth. He decided to kill her before she caused more problems. As he thought about his next move, he sat on the rooftop of his house, munching on a sandwich. It was a pretty nice life, but he knew he had a lot to do. He would take his time, though, because it would be more entertaining that way.

As he gazed down at his family in the garden, his father, mother, and sister planting new plants, Robert's thoughts turned dark. Hmm, what a life. Ha, one day, maybe or maybe not, I'll kill them. But for now, I'll enjoy some time with them. So far, so good.